Chapter 134: Kill the Ape, Save Ji (2/4 subscription needed)_1

Six Federation Mecha gathered together, already in full-power mode, quickly rushing towards the depths of the canyon in an assault formation. The previously bustling communication channel had quieted down, with only the faint sounds of their individual breaths audible.

From the reconnaissance mode to rapid movement mode, their speed had already been elevated once since their entry into the Canyon. However, as the glow from the signal flare pierced through the dark canyon and bloomed in the night sky, their speed reached their maximum possible.

If they wanted to go faster, they would have to initiate a charge, but clearly now was not the time for a charge.

"We are about to enter the communication jamming area, all units please be advised, if the number of enemies is too high, Bull Horse and Heavy Cannon, retreat immediately to maintain communication. In a critical situation, retreat at full speed."