Chapter 135 In the Name of Xinghe (3/4 subscription required)_1

One, two, three.

Faced with the encirclement and interception of eight imperial mechas, Ji Xinghe managed to seize every opportunity, single-handedly defeating three imperial mechas before his opportunities ran out.

There were originally five mechas chasing him, and the distance between them was still enough for him to single-handedly defeat them. However, the empire mechas in the canyon that could threaten him were more than just these five. While Ji Xinghe was uncertain how long it would take to completely destroy the diamond-shaped metal body, considering the preparation of the imperial mechas against him, its defensive power hadn't yet reached the point where it could completely ignore his attacks.

The six imperial mechas responsible for destroying the diamond-shaped metal body could appear in his pursuit team at any time. If he waited for their appearance before making a decision, he would lose the chance to escape.