The Amazing Li Zhi

Lin Zhendong flipped through the documents. After reading a few, he asked curiously, "Captain Li, why are these the resumes of the Special Protection Department? Why am I looking at this?"

"I'll explain while you read through them," said Li Zhi.

"Yes." Lin Zhendong continued to flip through the information.

Li Zhi pondered for a second, picked up the hot tea Xiao Bin had just brewed, and took a sip. He sighed and said, "This mission was originally a scandal in the provincial department. Logically speaking, I shouldn't bring you guys along."

Lin Zhendong subconsciously raised his head and exchanged glances with Xiao Bin. Neither of them said a word, but their ears perked up.

Li Zhi said, "Let's put it this way. Seven days ago, the head of the provincial department personally broke a fourth-class fire lair and obtained a level 4 skill crystal. He was going to give it to his granddaughter as a gift. In the end, this skill crystal disappeared without a trace during the transmission process."

"Head of the provincial department?!" Xiao Bin was shocked.

"Skill crystal of forth-class fire lair?!" Lin Zhendong was also shocked.

The two of them recovered from their shock. Xiao Bin frowned and said, "Boss, that's impossible, right? The skill crystal was gone? Did it disappear in the hands of the provincial head? Or was it in the hands of the escorts? However, no matter who it was, this had never happened!"

What kind of strength did a department head have? How strong were those guards? Who could steal something from under their noses?

Lin Zhendong put down the documents and said helplessly, "Captain Li, you've caused me trouble this time. I don't know if the skill crystal is considered a treasure. I've never come into contact with it before, so I can't guarantee that I can find the skill crystal like how I find other treasures."

Li Zhi did not answer Xiao Bin's question. Instead, he said, "I have no other choice. After all, the skill crystal is also a product of the lair. Maybe you can find it after you come into contact with it."

"Perhaps it's important to know how to consume a treasure. The skill crystal can be used up by sticking it on your forehead. At that time, even if we find the target, it won't be of much use." Lin Zhendong continued to frown.

"In this mission, it doesn't matter if the skill crystal is found or not. The main thing is to find the person who stole the skill crystal. Or perhaps, it was to find out if there was a mole among the guards. If there was a mole, who was the mole? If there was no mole, then who was the thief?" Li Zhi said seriously.

Xiao Bin suddenly realized that the skill crystal was lost in the hands of a guard, and this mission was actually to find a thief or a mole.

Lin Zhendong clicked his tongue. A level 4 skill crystal was not important! They only wanted to find this thief or mole, as expected of the provincial department's big shots.

"So this is the information of the guards escorted the skill crystal?" Lin Zhendong asked as he tapped on the stack of information.

Li Zhi nodded. "Yes, because the leader of the team is my friend. After receiving the news, I thought of you. Hence, I took responsibility for this matter. You won't disappoint me, right?"

"Captain Li, I should contact these people who have come into contact with the skill crystal. Only then can I trigger my sixth sense. Reading this information is useless to me." Lin Zhendong said helplessly.

"My bad. Then let's go to the provincial capital now." Li Zhi immediately slapped his forehead and stood up.

Naturally, Xiao Bin didn't need to say anything. He immediately took out his phone to book the train tickets. Li Zhi also started to pack up his documents while Lin Zhendong watched from the side.

Although Lin Zhendong looked calm now, his thoughts were complicated.

The worry of not being able to find the skill crystal floated in his mind.

Since the chip had been able to display the traces of the White Jade Lotus's movements last time, it should be able to display the traces of the skill crystal this time too.

After all, as Li Zhi had said, the skill crystal was also a product of the lair. The treasure of the lair couldn't have any reaction when the chip reacted, right?

Lin Zhendong didn't care if the mission would succeed or not. What he cared about was that Li Zhi's background was much stronger than he had imagined.

The mission was only about a stolen gift from the provincial department head to his granddaughter.

Skill crystals were the least important thing here.

Lin Zhendong was even sure that when the provincial department head found out that his granddaughter's gift had been stolen, he would only be a little unhappy. He might even comfort the guards, order them to catch the thief, and ask them not to make the mistake again. Then, he would go and prepare a new gift.

But to the guards, this was a big deal.

They had failed in their duties. Moreover, they left a poor impression on the head of the provincial department. They probably would not have the chance to succeed for the rest of their lives.

If the skill crystal were stolen by an outsider, there was still a possibility of catching the thief and restoring their reputation.

However, if the skill crystal were stolen by one of their own, their team would be thrown into the abyss!

Therefore, if they could resolve this matter by themselves, they would not rely on outsiders.

Even if they were forced to borrow power, would they not borrow the power of the provincial department?

Instead, they came to ask Li Zhi's help, the captain of the intelligence department of Riverside City.

Not to mention how Li Zhi got this news, just the fact that he could directly take responsibility for this matter was beyond imagination.

Did he think he would take responsibility for the guards just because he said so?


Moreover, would the guards decide to let Li Zhi handle the matter without reporting it to the provincial department head?

Even brothers wouldn't do this, let alone friends.

It was definitely because Li Zhi had a reputation and status in the provincial department. He was very close to them.

Those guards were the personal guards of the provincial department head. Usually, department heads would hide their subordinates' mistakes. Others would be disrespectful to ask about it, let alone interfere. Therefore, without a close relationship that wasn't afraid of exposing the scandal, one couldn't intervene and help.

As Lin Zhendong thought about this, he secretly glanced at Li Zhi and sighed in his heart.

Since Li Zhi had such a close relationship with the provincial department head, his backer must be at the level of the provincial leader or even higher.

With such ability, Li Zhi went to Riverside City's intelligence department to be a lousy captain. He wasn't even the deputy chief of the intelligence department. He was ambitious!

Li Zhi wanted to rely on his flawless qualifications to climb step by step.

No wonder the rewards came quickly, and he could get such a mission.

Needless to say, if Li Zhi completed this mission, it would be a small matter to be promoted to a Grade 1 Official!

Moreover, Lin Zhendong's dream of surpassing Uncle Chen's official rank was no longer a dream, but a real possibility if he followed Li Zhi!

"Boss, the tickets are booked. It'll take half an hour!" Xiao Bin said.

Lin Zhendong was stunned when he heard that. You didn't even ask for my ID number and helped me book a ticket?

However, when he remembered this was the city intelligence department, he was afraid that his information had leaked to them before the first time they came looking for him, so he became indifferent.

However, he secretly admired Xiao Bin's memory. He didn't ask or look it up. He just pressed the button on his phone to book the tickets. It meant that he remembered the three people's ID numbers.

Lin Zhendong had the chip, which was why he had a photographic memory. He was just an ordinary person, but he had such an ability.

Therefore, the Special Protection Department was full of crouching tigers and hidden dragons! There was nothing that could be overlooked.

"Let's go!" Li Zhi immediately went out first, followed by Lin Zhendong and Xiao Bin.