Beast King Palace of Gallia Nation

While Lin Zhendong was on the train to the provincial capital, somewhere in Gallia Nation, hundreds of miles away.

In the magnificent palace, a tightly shut metal door slowly opened.

Then, a man with hair that looked like a lion, a mighty expression, and a muscular body walked out leisurely.

"Welcome, Lion King!" The two men who were standing guard at the door, dressed in the gorgeous costumes of the Gallia Nation, smiled and nodded.

At the same time, dozens of men and women outside who were not dressed so luxuriously and did not have so many accessories knelt in unison and shouted, "Welcome, Your Highness the Lion King!"

"Hahaha, Tiger King, Bear King, there's no need for the two of you to be so polite. Isn't it just a period of closed-door cultivation? Why did the two of you come to welcome me?" The man called Lion King laughed as he grabbed the arms of the two men.

As for the dozens of people kneeling on the ground, they were completely ignored by him.

"Lion King, you are our brother. What's the big deal if we welcome you as brothers?" Tiger King on the left laughed.

The Bear King on the right laughed as well. "Lion King, you're the symbol of our Beast King Palace's combat strength. Every time you go into seclusion, the palace's strength will rise a little. It's a shame that only the two of us came personally to welcome you. We think the kings of our Beast King Palace should come."

"Haha, there's no need for that. For the sake of the Beast King Palace, our brothers need to control all the places. Moreover, I've grown every time I go into seclusion, and it's always like this. It's too tiring for all of you, brothers. It's better to wait until I break through and gather all of you to celebrate." Lion King laughed loudly.

Tiger King and Bear King had a strange look in their eyes, and then they laughed out loud.

The three of them chatted for a while. The dozens of people continued to kneel, and no one paid attention to them.

"Brothers, let's go take a bath together. Then, we can enjoy fine wine, delicious food, and beautiful women together. I've been in closed-door cultivation for so long!" Lion King laughed arrogantly.

 "Haha, let's go together!" Tiger King and Bear King laughed.

Then, Tiger King said to the kneeling crowd, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and prepare!"

"Understood!" Everyone stood up. The men quickly bowed and retreated while the women smiled and surrounded Lion King with light footsteps.

Just as these beauties were about to leave with the three of them, Lion King suddenly stopped and swept his gaze across the men who had retreated. He frowned and said, "Where's my brother?"

Tiger King and Bear King were stunned for a moment. It was no wonder they felt that something was amiss today. It turned out that Lion King's younger brother, who had been the first to congratulate Lion King was not around.

Tiger King and Bear King did not care about the younger brother of Lion King, who had been accepted into the organization because of Lion King. Their gazes were on the beautiful women surrounding them.

Tiger King and Bear King were the higher-ups. Hence, it was naturally impossible for them to know where the younger brother of Lion King, who was only a low-level member of the organization, had gone.

On the contrary, these beauties knew better because they needed to curry favor with Lion King's younger brother.

The beauties looked at each other. No one knew.

Seeing that Lion King was displeased, Tiger King smiled and said, "I think your brother must be busy with something. Don't worry. I'll get someone to look for him. I'll call him over in a while."

"Haha, I'm just not used to him not welcoming me," Lion King said with a smile. Then, he hugged the two beauties and left flirtatiously.

Tiger King and Bear King also left with beauties in their arms. In any case, with their status, there would naturally be someone to deal with what they said.

Ample wine, delicious food, and beautiful women allowed the three of them to have a good time. Lion King was so happy that he had forgotten about his younger brother.

On the contrary, Tiger King, who had sent someone to call for help earlier, frowned.

It wasn't because Lion King hadn't called his younger brother over, but because he felt his subordinates weren't efficient in their work and damaged his dignity.

Just as he was about to give an accurate order, a subordinate came forward and whispered.

Lion King and Bear King naturally saw this scene but did not mind. They each laughed and drank with the beauties.

However, Tiger King's expression suddenly changed. He stood up and shouted, "Retreat!"

They could not help but stop in shock and let the beauties in their arms leave. After all, they knew that something must have happened.

Only the four of them were left in the place where they had been fooling around.

Yes, the subordinate who secretly reported the matter also stayed behind.

Lion King grabbed the wine cup and drank it in one gulp. Then, he stared at Tiger King and asked, "Tiger King, what happened?"

"Report to Lion King." Tiger King said to his subordinates.

The subordinate bowed to Lion King and said, "Your brother received an assassination bounty of 100,000 Vulture dollars from the dark web while you were in seclusion. He went to Zhongyun, and there has been no news of him since then."

Lion King and Bear King could not help but be stunned. Tiger King sighed to himself. When he heard the news, he could not help but be stunned.

Lion King's younger brother might not be able to do whatever he wanted in the entire Gallia Nation, but he could do whatever he wanted in the territory of the Beast King Palace. After all, the kings of the Beast King Palace had to give Lion King a face.

With the influence and wealth that Lion King had built up over the years, it would not be a problem for Lion King's younger brother to take out a million Vulture dollars.

Even if he had to spend millions, he could ask for it from Lion King's subordinates.

Lionking's younger brother could even ask for a hundred million Vulture dollars. With Lion King's status, he could even borrow it from the Temple Lords!

In the end, he accepted an assassination bounty of 100,000 Vulture dollars from the dark web and ran to Zhongyun without saying a word. It was not the way to look for excitement!

Bear King lowered his head to hide his gaze. Lion King's veins were bulging from anger.

"Leave. Send the information about Lion King's bother on the dark web and his whereabouts to Lion King." Tiger King waved his hand and let his subordinates leave.

As Lion King's aura was getting stronger and stronger, Tiger King was afraid that Lion King would lose control and crush his capable subordinate to death. Therefore, Tiger King hurriedly asked his subordinate to leave.

Tiger King's subordinate was naturally a clever person. He retreated quickly. After retreating to a certain extent, he turned around and ran away.

Without any servants present, Lion King's vigorous aura dissipated. He covered his face and wailed, "How could I have such a stupid brother!"

Bear King raised his head. One could see that he forcefully restrained his smile, then put on a solemn expression and said, "Lion King, there's no need to be anxious. Your brother can't go to Zhongyun alone. There's still no news of his entourage returning. Perhaps he's been delayed for some reason."

"These damn fellows! I asked them to protect my brother, and this is how they protect him. I want to execute them!" Lion King stood up and roared with bloodshot eyes.

"We have to be careful about this. We must contact the Special Protection Department of Zhongyun or send someone to infiltrate. King-level existences like us cannot enter Zhongyun, or else it will be war." Tiger King said hurriedly.

"I understand. I'm not feeling well. We'll discuss it later. I'll leave first." Lion King said in a heavy voice before stumbling away.