14. Questions Answered

After her long inner initiatory path in the Mystical Caves, Ayana was now able to ask many questions about living as a High Priestess. She felt completely connected within this sacred circle of Luminous Guardians, and she was grateful to be with them.

"What makes a High Priestess different?" Ayana asked, feeling grateful and humbled in the presence of such great consciousness shared together. "The amount of love we give?" It seemed almost silly to her. "There must be more to that, no?"

One of the guardians answered, but the words seemed to come from all of them. "We also give a lot, yes, of course. The differences in qualities and special gifts that we can share with others can be subtle or enormous, but it is not necessarily this what makes a priestess of Sanuela a High Priestess.

Becoming clean in our innermost being and feelings is not easy for us because in the lower energetic centres, we carry a human ego within us. We need it for remaining in our body, yet it also hinders us at times. Are we prepared to discover the greatest traps of our ego? For we no longer wish to make silly mistakes, but instead, choose to live each moment with deliberation. Will we continue to question ourselves repeatedly and strive to become more conscious of our lives like a loving goddess or a god would do, which we are on a path of evolution towards?

We attract into our lives what we need to grow further and create the best so that we can share our love and our special gifts with others in the best possible way. Only when we go through our fears and let go completely, will we be able to be truly pure and light. We become conscious variants of Marys or Christ on Sanuela. We become the purity and the love that best connects us with Mother Goddess Sanuela and our own goddess or god consciousness. This is what makes us High Priestesses and High Priests of Sanuela different.

After a period of silence and appreciation, Ayana posed another question: "How can we better attune ourselves to the universal love of Mother Sanuela?"

This time, another guardian responded, a radiant woman with long white hair, but it seemed to Ayana like it was coming from the same consciousness. The Luminous Guardians were speaking from an inner collective unity that she hadn't experienced among a group before.

"We can access this expansive and powerfully loving consciousness by focusing on our inner selves and recognising that we are all connected to one another. We can set aside time each day meditating, focusing on our breathing, and connecting with the oneness of all living beings. We can also practise acts of love, kindness and compassion, helping and serving others, and living with an attitude of gratitude. In doing so, we become vessels of Universal Love, spreading loving energy to others and becoming beacons of light in a sometimes shadowy world. Then, we can most easily remember that we are children of Mother Sanuela."

"How can we create something beautiful in each moment?"

The third guardian answered, "Living each moment as though it were the only one is about being fully present in the here and now, recognising yourself as who you are in this lifetime: a High Priestess, a source of pure light and love. It's about being mindful of all our thoughts, feelings, and actions and knowing that each moment is an opportunity to create a new reality and to give and radiate more love into our world as we take. In any moment, we must ask ourselves and choose: do we contract, close down, or give in to our inner fears, thus creating a world of disaster? Or do we open more and walk towards love, creating something beautiful and good?"

Ayana thanked the Luminous Guardians for their answers and then asked how she could begin offering her loving and caring astral healing energies. "How do I attract the right souls into my life?"

"Your love will heal Sanuela and the collective of all, regardless of what you do or whom you meet. The souls of Sanuela will feel it. Some will be naturally drawn to your love. Others may not see you at all. Focus on those who feel your love and see if you can open their hearts further, always giving them the trust and safety anchor that you will be there – not necessarily in a romantic relationship. It is of course possible to experience that, but at the same time, your love must remain free, caring and expanding, not narrowing or clinging."

"Doesn't that always have a shallow kind of colour­ing to it? Because I may experience love with more than one soul in the same moon?" Ayana asked.

"It all depends on how much you can trust and surrender, Ayana, and how deep you can go. Go as deep as you can allow yourself to feel. Of all fears, the fear of our deepest love and light is the most intimidating. So, take your time, step by step, but always keep going, further and further; do not stay still too long in any one place on your inner growth path to the deepest love. Otherwise, you may appear to be open outwardly but inwardly remain completely closed. Instead, open yourself inwardly more and more with each new soul you meet."

"Will my holding and being held not arouse sensual desires in men?"

"It may take some time for a man to understand that you will only accept him as a healing partner if he remains perfectly still, regardless of his physical reaction to you. Then, you can sense everything in thankful acceptance. He offers you his astral loving energies, and you can learn how to sense, accept, and rotate them energetically.

Keep it your way, never let the other soul take the lead too much. Most of the time, there is not much to do, just to embrace and hold or be held by the other, as you are ready to offer and accept the healing love of Goddess Sanuela. Do it with your full heart, and all your love and attention and your utmost inner feelings. Only then can you activate the deep inner love that will help us to heal the wounds and hurts of our past and become ever more loving, pure, and inwardly beautiful each day."

"And if someone tries to entice me?"

"Be clear and strong, but give them a little something. Don't close everything down because someone has a longing to be with you. Give them a first little taste of closeness, something soothing. Give to the other soul, or let them give to you. Many would be more than happy to awaken your best and deepest feelings. They could hold you when you want to experience your inner tingling. It is always your free choice how you wish to share, High Priestess. This is one way of starting to become a goddess, creating your world exactly at the speed and in the direction you wish for. When you honestly and lovingly express how you want the healing to happen, the other soul will accept."

"I was told I would only become very close to a soul for the span of one or two moons before we take a break from another. I understand that this is a way of maintaining the necessary distance to not start a relationship with everyone we encounter."

"Yes, it makes your life easier, and mostly the life of those you give love to, as they might otherwise become addicted to your love. They may believe they need you close to feel their love within themselves. The resting time in between the times when you see each other helps them to fully integrate their self-love and not just project it out onto you."

"How do I find the right pace when opening to another?"

"The Way of the Runes can be helpful with this. As a High Priestess, you will be able to sense what is right and good, and you can take responsibility for your path and your pace. This means allowing yourself to trust your inner voice, to express your truth and wishes in moments of love and connection, and to surrender to the powerful experience and joy.

First, create a space of trust, love, and acceptance within yourself. Set an intention to be open and accepting of who you are. Explore, show, communicate, and express the unique love you have to give. With vulnerability in the face of the unknown, find your deepest trust in Goddess Sanuela and your inner heart centre. Closely observe the signs Sanuela gives to decide how much trust and love should be given to another soul; this will protect you as you allow yourself to let go freely after accepting yourself fully. It will be easy then."

"How do I find a deep connection with another soul?"

"To find the deepest connection, both of you need to open up to the most sublime experience of love and joy. It is to become one with the divine energies and to be completely open and present in the moment. To experience the loving bliss of the eternal now means connecting deeply with both yourself and the other soul, in a space that is free of judgement and expectation. Being open to connection means feeling yourself and living and loving without fear of rejection.

If you both open in this way, the other souls will return to their life with a newfound sense of love. Their auras will be cleansed by your pure love and light, blessed by Mother Goddess Sanuela herself. The blessings will continue to influence the other souls, as they carry your love inside and keep their hearts brightly open and connected. They will be more joyful, more at peace, more loving than before.

Then, learn to extend this space. Live in this light and this love. Be this love."

Ayana was more than grateful for these and many other answers received.