15. Becoming a Star and Other Worlds

The Luminant Guardians spoke with Ayana for an entire day. She learned many details about her upcoming mission as a High Priestess, defined by a blend of her inner prophecy and her wishes. In between their lengthy sitting circles, Ayana took pauses to appreciate the majestic atmosphere within the large complex of the golden caves. One guardian took her around, pointing out the symbolic wall paintings, and even some sculptures, carved into the hard stones. She marvelled at the intricate details of everything she saw, and the many flying animals in these caves, each in different shape and glow.

The guardian then brought her to a small cave chamber. A small pool of clear water shimmered in its centre, fed by a gently flowing brook that bubbled softly. A breathtaking sculpture of a beautiful woman, carved from white alabaster and towering well above Ayana's head, stood behind the pond pool. The statue was an exquisite piece of ancient art. Ayana didn't need to ask who this was, she had seen this beauty countless times before, though only in pictures.

"Goddess Sanuela in her human beauty," the guardian explained. "In her time, she was a gorgeous woman and an awakening goddess on Celestria. Legend has it, the statue was crafted by a group of twelve Luminous Guardians after 333 hours of silent contemplation to commune with the goddess Sanuela. Connecting with her spirit, one of them was gifted with a vision of her full beauty and grace.

He began sculpting her, with the circle of guardians staying with him, offering him any assistance required, until the intricate work was finally completed. This was said to be after 333 days. The statue was placed here in this small chamber with a small pool of blessed water because this was how the artist had seen it in his vision. Here we find her not in her role and figure as a mother, but rather as the goddess she once was on Celestria.

Soon after, guardians, light-bearers, messengers, and guides from around the world visited this holy place to paint or draw the original visage of the goddess. We are fond of our statue, and since there are only a few replicas on Sanuela, all prominent souls of our world come to view it during their annual pilgrimage. It allows us to stay in contact with them even when they must travel far away."

Ayana had a sense that as a High Priestess, she wanted to build more sacred temples and shrines for the creator of their world, and, of course, these shrines would need statues of the goddess. She imagined a long line of artists, waiting their turn to view the original statue, so they could begin their work on variations in many postures and scenes. Ayana's connection with her mother goddess was now so strong that she wanted her to shine her beauty even more brightly into the world.

The guardian informed Ayana that this sacred pool was intended to purify her mind and spirit, so she could fulfil her mission as an untainted being without disguises. Ayana followed his instructions, laid down her clothes and knelt by the pool, allowing her hands and face to gently touch the cool, wet surface of the water. With closed eyes, she felt the moving, holy water on her palms and over her face, eyes, nose, and mouth. A feeling of wonderful peace and tranquillity overcame her.

As she raised her head and opened her eyes again, the warmth of the golden walls around her seemed to embrace her even more, and the guardian's singing voice now rang in her heart with more intensity. She was purified in the sacred shrine of gold, at the feet of Goddess Sanuela. Ayana laughed and wept with joy, embracing the guardian, the statue, before settling on the floor in front of the pool, feeling deeply grateful. The golden, dancing reflections of the shimmering lights on the walls filled her heart with inner warmth.

After some time, the other guardians came, one by one, to share time in closeness and embrace with her in this special place. With some of them, she made love; others caressed and worshipped her. With some, she spent long times in the various embraces that the High Priestesses practised. They also talked, for Ayana had many more questions. It must have been several days, until she had connected with all the guardians.

It was then time to say goodbye. Ayana and Ignisia started on their way home. She gave each guardian a final sweet embrace, knowing that one day she would return to receive even more and deeper teachings. Now it was time for reflection on all that had passed, sorting through the many-layered knowledge received, tuning into the meanings. She remained amazed by the wonderful sculpture of Goddess Sanuela, still seeing her form and beautiful face in her own inner vision.

"One day, we may all become a goddess or god and even a star …" Ignisia had fetched her thoughts and began feeding new soul food on their way back through the caves.

"When will that be?" Ayana asked.

"When there is no fear any more. When you are only pure and full light and full love. When all what you are is love."

"How does the experience feel? Can you tell me? I'm curious; they didn't teach us much about this in our learning circles."

"Well, it will be different for every soul. But think of it like becoming pure white light with every cell of your body. Then, let this light become whole and complete, as you enter the realms of non-duality and bliss. Become whole and holy in this moment, and you will naturally find the new shape of a perfectly round sphere for your vastly expanded consciousness. It will feel like everything will happen swiftly and automatically once you find your true inner balance in the eternal now. It is your light and your love that will naturally birth the seed of starlight it was given from its home planet. It's a great moment, more intense than anything experienced before – and probably quite a sight in the skies. Unfortunately, I haven't seen a star birthing process yet, just heard stories."

"Will we know when it happens before it happens, like a mother would?"

"You will likely feel when the time comes to give birth, yes. If everything follows your main timeline that is most connected with your heart and your will, then you should be able to sort some things out before you may forever leave your mother planet Sanuela."

"Once a star, always a star?"

"You may always return for a visit, like Christ, Babaji, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna and other great light-bearers have done on Gaia and Sanuela."

As Ignisia mentioned Gaia, Ayana made a face, showing her thoughts openly. "Why would anyone go to Gaia?" she wondered, as she had last heard it was still one of the most controlled and restrictive planets in the galaxy. She wasn't sure if she would feel enough love in herself to take on such a burden.

"With a celestial body and consciousness, there is complete freedom in what you want to create, after all, you are a goddess then. Make sure to always find your way back to the firmament after a visit, especially from some of the planets where they hurt or hunt down incarnated star gods because they don't fit into their rigid worldview."

"Why are humans so afraid of souls coming for support and guidance?"

"Those who lack the courage to confront their inner demons often seek comfort in pointing fingers. To give their fears a face, they even invented a story about a figure they called the devil. On Gaia, this kept everyone in a state of fear and control for many centuries."

"I've heard of that…"

"Truth is, the real devil is their own word, thought, or feeling of someone being the devil. It is cruel to call someone that, as it would be to call yourself that. Blaming in a mirrored holographic universe attracts opposites. So, if any blaming soul projects their fear outward, they would only draw it back to themselves. It would be a better choice to believe in light and love, rather than fear. That is the so-called Last Judgement, as people on Gaia call it."

"The Last Judgement is a choice?"

"A choice deep within you, yes. Fear or love? How do you view yourself? Do you always and truly hold love for yourself? Do you consistently follow what your inner heart tells you, or do you confuse it with the voice of fear? Are you becoming more and more pure in your light and love each day and each moon?

Then, don't let the devil fool you. Simply be that pure love and pure light, and everything else will follow. Nothing else matters. Becoming a star is never easy, yet it is possible – simply gaze upon the night sky the next time you find yourself beneath its twinkling firmament…"

"Can I become one from Sanuela one day?"

"The path of the High Priestess can be a very swift way to give birth to a celestial body. When you envelop and immerse yourself with more and more pure light and love, you will grow faster and stronger in your own light and love. You follow and cultivate your greatest wish, pleasure, and treasure by giving the greatest wish, pleasure, and treasure. It is a sacred path, although in some mirror worlds like Gaia it was downgraded, denounced and distorted into its opposite. Don't be deceived; experience love yourself. It is the most profound experience you can have, so savour it! Choose only love. Become love itself."

After taking in these new perspectives that sounded familiar and true to Ayana, she needed time to pause and reflect. She sat down and took her time for self-care, savouring the delicious fruits the guardians had given her for the journey back.

But then, curiosity won out, and she had more questions for Ignisia. "When we were on our way into the caves, you said something about access to other worlds from within here?"

"In many ways, you have already travelled throughout many worlds from here, my light and my love. All your inner journeys; in your dreams, meditations, and in your quiet sitting and gazing time, were all voyages into higher-dimensional worlds."

Ayana nodded. "So, you didn't mean I could physically travel from here to another planet?"

"Well… there is said to be a portal, close to the statue, actually, but it is well-hidden and guarded. It is not to be trifled with, for whoever passes through these gates will come out somewhere else."

"Real wormhole travelling? So, it exists? I didn't know that. Where can you travel, what kind of portal is it?" Ayana was intrigued; something inside told her she would be using it one day.

"From here, within these holy caves, you will be able to travel to 666, a shadow mirror planet. Some call it by other names."

"A shadow planet, mirroring back what I feel?"

"Yes, there you can explore all your fears and all your shadow aspects. You will be mirroring your shadow self to everyone."

"Like souls on Gaia do."

"Precisely." Ignisia replied.

"Gaia, the planet with the fallen angel."

"Yes. Lucifer was cast out when he forgot the love and instead built up fear within. His celestial body fell like lightning from Heaven down to Earth and became a symbol of the intense fear he had felt when he descended. Fear was his sin, as humans began to call it. All humans on Gaia carry shared collective memories of this fall, and all need to walk through their fears and shadows, retracing the same road, towards an overflowing, overabundant love, to become light-bearing angels, stars, planets, and suns with full Christ Consciousness once again. The Last Judgement is happening collectively within all people on Earth, deep inside. Do we follow the fear? Or love?"

"Wow… I remember feeling lost and alone so often on Gaia. People are not that nice to each other, like on Sanuela. Yes, mostly due to fear. It is sad to see how many treat themselves with so little self-respect and kindness, in terms of healthy nutrition, at their work, or in their expression of love. As a reflection of their own lack of self-love and their low self-worth, they often don't show much better towards the surrounding others. Consciously or unconsciously, they fight or punish each other or judge one another badly."

"Someone would have to change their old, encrusted systems so they could develop new healthy habits. Would you ever go back to Gaia if your help was needed?" Ignisia asked.

"If there was a strong inner calling, I would go, of course. But if the humans there are good at mirroring themselves, they could probably also work it all out for themselves, no…? Or is that cruel to say?"

"In the end, that's why they decided to incarnate on such a harsh training planet; to work their way through somehow. If an awakening goddess like you were to go there, depending on the century, they would nail you to the cross, burn you, expose you in a bad light, or bring other troubles upon you. They must first overcome their fears and find their love within themselves, then they would meet you differently."

"And where else could I travel to from here?"

"You could visit 888 Celestria, a celestial planet with many angelic beings, an all-overflowing group consciousness and collective love feeling: when one has pleasure, all enjoy. It's a great experience; you'll love it. And you would see from where Goddess Sanuela gave birth to the world you are standing on today."

Ayana smiled, "That seems like a place where I could learn a lot for my life here on Sanuela. Maybe I'll go there, after sorting out my life with Amun and Kofi."

"You can do it when you truly feel an inner calling for a new initiatory journey, my light and my love. And yes, I was going to ask you about Amun and Kofi. Have you decided about how you want to live your life relationship-wise? You know it could be a safe and balanced grounding for your doing and sharing."

Ayana had thought about it a lot in the last few days, feeling a possible answer within her, yet uncertain if this was something she could propose or if it had to happen naturally. She wanted to be in a triad relationship with Amun and Kofi, even though others might find that weird; for her, it felt right. She loved them both deeply and with all her heart. Why then make a choice, when as a goddess-to-be she was supposed to create the world anew with all the self-love she could find within herself?