AN: Took care of all typos more or less and did some slight changes.

Huff! I opened my eyes, but everything was blurry, and my body was aching crazily. I tried to move my hand to rub my eyes. Huh? What the...? I can't move. Someone tied me up. Let's calm down. I am sure that bitch poisoned me, but it looks like someone rescued me. I am alive. But it seems my rescue tied me up tight.

I concentrate. Even without my eyes, I can still learn things that are around me. I still have my ears and nose intact. I focus on every single little sound and every wisp of scent around me.

Metal clink... Footsteps, soft shoes... Two people. The smell of herbs. Plant-based medicines. Humm. A medical center. Wind on my face, coming from the left. An open window or a door... But we are somewhere high. Although my body is tied up, I can still move my fingers and feel. I can say that I am lying on a soft bed. But it's not that long... I can feel the cold metal at the end of the bed with my toes.

I am tied up in a medical room with two people. They are fiddling with something metallic. I don't know their purpose or what they want. This pain... Fuck! Even if I get out of this binding, I am not sure if I would be able to run more than a few steps. This situation isn't favorable to me.

Yes! Metalic objects. I can use that to take a hostage... Ok. Time to move...

I move my body, "What the...? This pain!" I grumble.

"Lady Tsunade, he is awake," A woman's voice came to my ears.

Tsunade! Fifth Hokage! If I remember correctly, she is the god of medical ninjutsu. She maintains her youthful look with her Jutstu and got two jumbo-size boobs. If it's Tsunade, then the voice I heard just now is either Shizune or Sakura.

So, I am a hostage in the Hidden Leaf Village... As far as I am aware, this village attracts a shit ton of trouble and enemies from around the world. Everyone wants to destroy this village. But the girls of this village are beautiful... Well, at least that's a plus point.

"Uumm. Hello! Where am I? I think there is something wrong with my eyes. I can't see... And why am I tied up?" I inquire while trying to move my arms. Let's take it slow, get my act straight and figure out my situation.

"Huh? How is he speaking? Didn't you press his chakra points?" Another woman. From her tone, I can guess that she is Tsunade.

Huh? Footsteps. Someone is running. The sound is getting closer.

"Lady Tsunade, we got his blood reports," A man's voice came to my ears this time. My blood reports?! But for what?

"He is clean. Looks like he isn't a carrier. That's good news," Tsunade said.

Carrier! A pandemic?! But I don't remember any pandemic occurring in Naruto world.

"What about the other one? Since he is tied up, I can just..." Shizune asked.

"We don't know who he is or where he came from, and you want to do that test on him? You want to do it here? Even I haven't... Che! Are you out of your mind? Hold your horses for now. Untie him, then we will see," Tsunade said. She sounds flustered. Something smells fishy.

A warm hand touched my forehead, and my vision came back. Before my eyes, standing is a real human version of Shizune, and on my right is Tsuande. Shizune untied me.

Phew! Finally, I can move. And the pain I was feeling seemed to have disappeared. I got down from the bed and stretched my hands and legs. Ooff! My body is too stiff... Just how long was I out. I cracked my knuckles with a large yawn. I don't know what she did when she touched my forehead, but right now, I feel great... It's like I just got up after a good sleep.

It's kinda weird. You know, to see characters from cartoons and manga in front of your eyes... Just they ain't cartoony, but humans like us. And let me tell you all, even though you all know... Tsunade's boobs...

I don't care about her age, but she looks no more than 30 years old woman. Her milky white skin, blonde hair, and her beautiful face are something to behold. I can say her image in the anime or manga doesn't do her stunning beauty justice. I just want to bury my face in them and play all day long. And then again at night.

A spy like me who is taught to control his emotions, I can't help but praise her.

"Thank you for saving me," I said after taking a small bow before them. I would be dead by now if not for them.

"In tough times like this, every life is precious, but some don't cherish that life... You have already met them. You were lucky when we found you. A second late, and you would be dead by now," Tsunade said as she sat on the chair near the bed with a sigh.

"What about that girl, Kara?" I inquired. I am 99% sure she is dead, but I want to be sure.

"She is dead. You bit her neck, don't you remember?" answered Tsuande. She continued after a little pause, "Who are you? And what were you doing in that area, alone? Are you from one of those independent survivor camps?" She asked with a curious expression.

Survivor camps?! Ok. I am confused. Is this a zombie apocalypse or armageddon? Hahaha! There is no way- Right? I mean, I can't be that unlucky...

"Uumm... I am Fred Evans, and what's this about survivor camp? Earlier, you checked my blood and said something called carrier. If you don't mind me asking. What's going on here?" I asked. I have to know the entire situation before deciding my next step.

"Evans!!! Fredrick Evans?" Shizune asked as an angry expression dawned over her calm face.

"Yeah. That's my full name. How did you know?" I inquired.

Tsunade blinked before me, grabbed my throat, and slammed me on the wall, "You think we are fools. Fredrick Evans died six months ago, trying to stop this... this destruction... Tell me. Who sent you?"


"Who are you? Who sent you?" Tsunade yells angrily.

Tsunade's grip is too strong. She is choking me hard. I can hear my bones creaking under pressure. Damn! This inhumane strength. I will pass out at this rate. Can't let them capture me. Kuggg! Where is my wand?

There it is. My wand is on the other end of the room, along with eight small tubes of red and black potions. I don't think I can make it that far with this monster here.

"How... am... Kuuggg!... I supposed... to speak...? Kkk! You are killing me..." I utter those words painfully.

Tsunade raised her hand in the air. A shimmering green hue was glowing on her palm. She slammed her palm on my stomach, nearly knocking the air out of me, and then let me go. I fell on my butt with a thud. *Cough!* *Cough!*

Fuck! I can't feel my body. She blocked my chakra points. Looks like I have chakra like all other ninjas. This is good. I don't always have to depend on that wand and spells. First thing first... Let's clear up the misunderstanding.

"Damn! You brought me here on your own accord, and now you tried to kill me. Are you crazy? I am Fred Evans. You believing or not won't change it," I yelled angrily. I thought that magic spells would give me an edge in the ninja world, but I now feel so powerless. I feel like a chicken waiting for slaughter.

"Then tell me, where did you come from?" Tsunade asked with a cold stare.

"Hahaha! Now you are interrogating me. Do you think I will say anything to someone who just tried to kill me?" I said with a chuckle.

[Booom!] Tsunade threw a punch at the wall behind me, blowing it away from existence, "You think this is funny?"

"Yeah. Pretty much. Aren't you the Fifth Hokage? Act like one. Calm your anger. Let's sit and talk without any violence," I said.

There is no way I can fight her. I can't let them use genjutsu on me and find out about my world. The only way out is to make her remember the title she holds, and hopefully, she will calm down. Whoever that Evans was, he left a strong mark in their hearts. This fucking mission system, fuck!

"Phew! Very well. Let's talk," Tsunade said as she touched my forehead with her glowing finger, releasing the paralysis effect.



Two chairs. I am sitting on one, and Tsunade on the other. We are sitting face to face. Shizune jumped down the broken wall, probably to tell the other ninjas not to worry. Or maybe to tell others to strengthen the guard. Who knows?

"The name Fred Evans is the reason you attacked me- Correct? So, why don't we start with him? Tell me about this person with the same name as me," I inquired.

Fred Evans was a hero of the Ninja World. He protected all the villages from destruction from the shadows. According to what Evans told everyone, he came from the future to save the world from destruction, and he did exactly that. He made a team of elite Ninjas called Akatsuki and fought the enemies while maintaining a neutral ground.

Thanks to Evans' knowledge of the future, he stopped the Uchiha massacre. He saved Shisui Uchiha and revealed Danzo's inhumane acts of stealing the eyes of the dead Uchihas' after the Third Great Ninja War and the taboo of stealing the First Hokage's cells with Orochimaru's help.

Evans personally executed Danzo. He even brought Obito, Nagato, and the others back from the dark path and gave them a chance to repent by revealing the truth about the Uchiha clan's tablet and the real plan of those Zetsu abominations.

After saving the Leaf Village, Evans went to the other villages and foiled the enemy's plan of stealing the Jinchurikis. He stopped the resurrection of the ten tails, Otsutsuki Kagyua, and brought all the Villages together as allies. He did a feat that's nearly impossible to achieve.

However, with his interference with the future, new variables started to appear. So, Evans helped Naruto to gain the power of the Sage of Six Paths and helped Sasuke awaken his Rinnegan.

The Otsutsukis, who were supposed to arrive years later, started to invade. Evans helped Naruto and the others to defeat Toneri Otsutsuki, who perfected his Tenseigan. After that, he defeated another Otsutsuki with Sasuke in the other dimension.

The war Evans wanted to stop gave birth to another war with the Otsutsuki clan. But he was there to defeat them with his unusual power. The enemies didn't stand a chance against him.

When things were about to turn around for good, someone arrived from the outer dimension. A god-like being that even Evans didn't know about. He challenged Evans to a battle to the death. As long as Evans can defeat or kill him, the Otsutsuki clan will never return for another invasion. And as usual, Evans accepted his challenge.

The battle was beyond anyone's imagination. Evans was getting pushed back, but he evolved during the battle. His spiky blue hair and energy turned white. After that, no one could see or read his movements. He countered the attack that the god-like being threw at him with ease.

Eventually, Evans managed to mortally injure that god-like being and just when he was about to deliver the final blow, something unexpected happened. Evans grabbed his heart and fell to the ground. The power he displayed disappeared.

That's when the real disaster began. The god-like being unleashed some curses on this world before escaping. And Evans' condition worsened over time. He said he was suffering from something called the Saiyan heart virus and how the ones called System who brought him into this world betrayed his trust by hiding the fact about the virus.

Tsunade and his medical Ninja team tried their best to create an antidote, and they succeeded, but Evans died at the exact moment when the antidote was created.

One month after Evans' death, things started to change...

The fertility rate started to decrease rapidly. Around 89% of males became impotent.

Dead started to rise from the graves. Anyone who was injured by them turned into an undead. The undead can use Jutsus like humans. They mutated over time and gained immense strength and other unknown abilities.



"Right now, the death rate has increased way beyond the birth rate. The undeads are evolving with every passing second. Even if we hold them back through some miracle... Within 50 to 100 years, life will go extinct," Tsunade finished her explanation.

She is clenching her fist so hard that her nails have dug into her skin. I can see blood trickling from her fist on the ground.


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