From what I learned after hearing Tsuande's explanations about the present situation of this world is that this world is fucked up, and I am not the first person from earth who got reincarnated in this alternate earth. Apart from that, a zombie/undead apocalypse and impotent males.

If I play my cards right, I will be able to turn this world into my personal heaven. I might just be able to live a life I never got to live in the past. Kill zombies and Otsutsukis to save humanity from extinction. Hummm... A noble mission...

But I am 100% certain the other Evans must have thought what I am thinking right now.

Moreover, what concerns me is that the Saiyan virus just happened to pop up at a crucial moment, and Evans said the System betrayed him. So this thing blinking before my eyes must be the System. It brought me to this apocalyptic world. A being with power over life and death. Well, this doesn't feel so good...

If he is from the same earth and timeline and in the same position as me, then he must have known about the virus. But something must have gone wrong.

Wait a minute!!! This world is different from the Dbz world. There are no modern medical facilities or technologies here like Capsule corp. Other than that, no one knows how to make an antidote. I don't think the Dbz series revealed how or what ingredients are required to make the antidote.

In short, even if he knew about it, he couldn't have done anything other than wait because how can one find a cure without knowing the strain of the virus? So when the virus attacked, he depended on Tsunade and the other ninjas to whip out an antidote.

Even if that was the case... This doesn't make much sense...

This is hard for me to digest that Saiyan Virus killed a Saiyan who reached the godly transformation and even touched the Ultra Instinct level.

No, no, no... No matter how I think about it, this is way too suspicious. The System must have snuffed his life for some reason because why would it bring him here if its plan was to eventually dispose of him?

It's just like my situation. My superiors took advantage of me, and I worked for them till the end. Yet they disposed of me.

For a moment- Let's think of this System as a human or an AI... Then Evans must have done something like refusing to do missions, or maybe he was growing strong too fast that posed a threat to the System. Or maybe... the System tried to control him like a slave and failed... So, the System decided to dispose of him.

Whatever it was, the thing is, I can't trust this System. I have to somehow get rid of it, or I will eventually end up like the previous Evans, and then the System will bring in another Evans in my place as a replacement.

I have to know more before my System gets any funny ideas...

The previous Evans might have left some clues to help other reincarnator like me in case of his untimely death. I refuse to believe a hero like him, who fought to his last breath, just died without a fight against the System.

Maybe, he left some clues or items in case of his untimely death... I will find that infos to dig deeper and save my ass. I have already died once... I ain't planning on dying twice.


"The death rate has increased far beyond the birth rate. The undeads are evolving with every passing second. Even if we hold them back by some miracle... Within 50 to 100 years, life will go extinct on earth," Tsunade said grimly. She is clenching her fist so hard that her nails have dug into her skin. I can see blood trickling from her fist on the ground.

"You are still blaming yourself for his death, aren't you?" I asked.

"He was there when we needed help, but when he needed help, we failed... I failed. If only I was a minute faster, I could have saved him," Tsunade replied.

Back in my past life, failure meant death. There was no room for errors. And a slight slip-up, and that's it. The best shortcut to get away from all troubles and desires. Death.

Although Tsunade has seen deaths and war more than anyone, and she is used to it by now, a few people left a mark of guilt on her soul. And with Evan's death, that burden became much heavier than before.

Right now... with all the zombies and deaths, she is fighting a losing battle and barely clinging to hope. She is living yet dying every day with the guilt of failing to save their savior. She is suffering from a punishment worse than death.

"I came from the same reality as Evans. The power that brought him to this world also brought me here. I was waiting for my death, but when I opened my eyes, I was just here... Then I met those bandits, and let's just say they ended up killing each other, but I killed that bitch. You know the rest. It may be hard to believe my words, but it's the truth. And after all this time, don't tell me you all didn't suspect Evans' origin," I said.

Tsunade stood up and said, "Follow me... We will know in a moment if you are telling the truth or not."


I followed her through the dark hallways. Sunrays are peeking inside through the cracks in the wall and roof. They closed the windows with wooden planks, preventing sunlight from entering.

It must have rained yesterday. I can see the water seeping through the mossy wall and trickling down from the dark ceiling. We walked past a familiar room. I have seen that door in the anime. It's Hokage's office.

Dang! I can't believe things are this bad. There were no guards in there. This was supposed to be one of the most important places, but everything is falling apart. If the condition of this building is like this, then what about the rest of the village? I got a bad feeling about this.

Finally, we came to a stop in front of a metal wall. Two lanterns were hanging on both sides of that metal wall.

Tsunade let out a loud scream and punched the wall hard, but surprisingly there was no vibration or sound of the impact.

[Crrrekk!!!] The metal wall split in half, like a hidden room with a hidden trap door. We walked inside that room.

Wtf?! I can see led bars glowing on the walls. It's a large room, alright. The interior was dusty and dirty. Spider webs were all over the place. There was not a single peck of sunlight. It seems like no one has cleaned this dusty hole in a long time. On the walls, small led bars were illuminating the place.

Where in the world did he find the latest led lights? Did he somehow have access to modern equipment?

In the middle of the room was a massive metal container. The ones you see on the seaports.

"Evans predicted something like this might happen. So he put his legacy in there and sealed the safe. He said that only someone from his homeland would know how to open the seal. If what you said was true, then you should be able to open the container, and everything in there will belong to you," explained Tsunade.

I walked over to the container's door.

The door was locked with an advanced electronic lock. I have seen this type of nifty annoying lock before. There is a complicated mechanism embedded inside the container. If someone tries to open it forcefully, everything inside it will be destroyed, and the container will explode.

There are only three chances to open this lock. On the third failure, it will activate the self-destruction mechanism unless one enters the correct password within 10 seconds.

Damn! Wtf was he thinking? No, how did he get his hands on it?

Anyway, let's give it a try.


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The next 2 chapters will be a bit slow but after that will begin the real story...