AN: I have been so busy with the multiverse fic that I barely got any time. Anyway. Here you go.


There I was waiting in anticipation of enjoying the new hot spring with Hanabi, and the emergency siren began to ring. I rushed to Tsunade's office and learned that two mutated flying zombies have appeared on the northern border. They are rapidly approaching the village. We have protection against the ground zombies, but the ones in the sky are a totally different matter.

I have installed large UV tower lights around the village's wall, but... Oh, well. I just have to build some turrets later.

I told them I will take care of those zombies, so they should continue the hot spring opening as planned.


Well, and here I am...

As I walked through the vast open wilderness, I suddenly heard a loud roar. Turning around, I saw two giant flying mutated zombies, each the size of a small plane, approaching me rapidly. I instinctively activated my Omnitrix, turning into Diamondhead.

The first zombie was a grotesque amalgamation of different animals. It had the wings of a bat, the head of a lion, and the claws of a grizzly bear. Its body was covered in thick, matted fur, and it reeked of rot and decay.

The second zombie was even more terrifying. It was a fusion of different insects and arachnids, with multiple legs, wings, and antennae. Its body was covered in chitinous armor, and its eyes glowed with an unearthly green light.

It's as if multiple zombies fucked and gave birth to those abominations.

I raised my arms and fired a volley of crystal shards at the monsters. They dodged my attack easily, and the first zombie lunged at me with its claws. I dodged its attack and punched it in the face, but my fist bounced off its thick fur without doing any damage.

That's new! Time to up the power...

The second zombie swooped down from above, aiming to crush me under its massive bulk. I rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding its attack, and transformed into Armodrillo. My body became covered in thick armor, and my arms turned into powerful digging claws.

Now we are talking.


The first zombie roared in anger and charged at me again, but I dug into the ground and tunneled beneath its feet. The zombie stumbled and fell to the ground, and I emerged from the earth and landed a powerful blow on its back.

The second zombie tried to grab me with its multiple limbs, but I dug deeper into the earth, evading its grasp. I could sense its movements above me, so I sprang out of the ground and tackled it in mid-air.

We tumbled through the air, crashing into trees and boulders, and I could feel the zombie's chitinous armor cracking under my blows. The first zombie had recovered by now and was attacking me from behind, but I swatted it away with my powerful jackhammer shockwaves. Oh, yeah. Now this is fun...

I could hear the zombies' roars growing weaker as I pounded them with all my might. Finally, with a final burst of strength, I landed a finishing blow on each of them, shattering their bodies with shockwaves and they fell to the ground, motionless.

I reverted back to my human form, panting and covered in sweat. "Phew, that was intense," I muttered to myself.

I took out my wand, "Incendio." A ball of flames emerged from my wand. The dead bodies of the zombies turned to ashes before my eyes.

Seesh! Creepy bastards. I don't even want to imagine what else is hiding out there.

I pressed the buttons, and the dial popped up. I smashed it after selecting Jetray. A flash of green light and my body, turning me into Jetray. I flew around the area to check for any other threats. I couldn't help but wonder where they had come from and what had caused them to mutate so drastically.

Surprisingly, I don't see any zombies around the area. Weird... Did those two freaks scare them away? Well, lucky me, I guess.

For now, I was just glad that I had emerged victorious and that I can enjoy the hot spring.

Wah!!! My transformation ran out. The world turned upside down then... darkness... I can't move my body, but I can feel that eerie coldness from the ground. Shit! Did I get caught in a genjutsu?

"Don't resist. Remember what you see. Focus..." Some woman's voice came to my ears. And with that a flash of vision. It's as if I am watching something from fish-eye lenses.


In a hidden base deep within the forests, a group of rogue ninjas gathered around a large, circular table. Their faces were obscured by masks and hoods, their identities kept hidden from one another. The only light in the room came from a single flickering torch, casting eerie shadows on the walls.

One of the ninjas, a tall and muscular man with a scarred face, stood up from his chair and addressed the group. "Brothers and sisters," he began, his voice low and gravelly. "We have a great opportunity before us. With the power of this forbidden ninjutsu, we can control the zombies for a limited time. We can use them to strike at our enemies, to take down the very villages that have betrayed us."


A way to control the zombies!?


A murmur of approval rose from the group, and the scarred ninja continued. "Our first target will be the Hidden Leaf Village. They have long been our enemies, and it is time for us to strike back. We will gather our forces and unleash the zombies upon them. With Evans dead, they will be powerless to stop us."

[Bastards think they can survive after entering my territory?]

As the ninjas began to discuss their plans in earnest, one of them spoke up. She was a small and nimble woman, her eyes flashing with intelligence. "But how will we control the zombies? Even with the forbidden ninjutsu, it will be difficult to keep them under our command."

[A good question.]

The scarred ninja nodded, his face serious. "It is true that the zombies are unpredictable creatures. But we have studied them, and we know their weaknesses. With our combined knowledge and skill, we have developed a special gas that can make them render useless for a few hours. We will take that chance to use the jutsu on them and just redirect them toward the hidden leaf."

[These bastards...]

The group fell silent as they contemplated their next move. They knew that the stakes were high - if they failed in their mission, they would be hunted down by the very villages they sought to destroy. But the lure of power and revenge was too strong to resist.

After hours of planning, the group of rogue ninjas set out into the forest, their faces hidden beneath their masks. They moved quickly and silently, their movements betraying years of training and experience. They spread out across the forest like a spider web, searching for their prey. The dark silhouettes cast by the glowing torches soon disappeared into the depths of the forest.


Hufff!!! I sat up and looked around. This is Tsume's room. Fuck! My head feels like exploding. Damn, I must've hit it hard when I hit the ground last night.

What was that vision?

"Are you alright?" Tsume came running to me with a worried look on his face. She was carrying a bowl of water and a towel.

"Nope. My head... Damn!" I slumped back on the bed.

"You were out for two days with a burning fever. Our medicines don't seem to work on you," Tsume said as she placed the soaked towel on my forehead.

"Two days?" I asked, looking at her puzzled. "We have no time to waste." I tried to get up, but only if it was that easy.

"Please, don't push yourself," Tsume said.

"Bring that red vial," I pointed at the table near the bed. I remember keeping my healing and poison portions there. That should do the trick.

Tsume picked the vial up and gave it to me.

I drank the contents and felt a sudden wave of relief wash over me. "Much better," I said.

All the pain disappeared! This is dope. If we can create these healing portions, then we can remove the death rate. This thing can even bring back someone from the verge of death.

"Bring that little dragon to Tsunade's office and call the elites. We got a fucking big mess at our hands," I said.

Tsume left immediately. I then made my way to Tsunade's office.


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