"You are saying that I can see visions of the upcoming future?" I asked the little dragon girl, hiding behind Hinata's back. She looks bigger than before, way bigger... She is like a 12-year-old girl. A dragon girl with a human look.

Her body is mostly covered with shiny black scales, she has two small red wings on her back, two tiny horns on her head, and her eyes have a weird gleam of yellow tint. She was wearing dark green clothing, which matched her dark purple hair, which was tied in a messy ponytail. Her dragon ears had some silver accents and one of her eyebrows had been permanently drawn in by something sharp. She looked just like any other 12-year-old girl with an anime character tattooed under her left eye.

"Well, duh!" The girl said rolling her eyes. "I told you this dragon is the almighty hell dragon. Thanks to me you can peek into the future." The girl crossed her arms over her chest.

"And what are the side effects of using such power?" I asked, still looking at the little dragon girl with a stern expression.

If she knew about it why didn't she say so before? And I still haven't forgiven her for trying to kill me. She got a lot to answer. But first, I must know the side effects because I don't believe that such power comes without any consequences.

"Well, nothing much other than high fever, and..." Her voice drifted as she looked away from my stare. "Uhm... Well, sometimes it might have bad hallucinations too."

"Hallucinations?" I blinked. "Ok, what else?"

She seemed to blush a bit but answered nevertheless. "Oh well, you see-"

"Out with it, you brat," I ordered her. My patience with this kid has grown thinner.

"Well, you can't control this power or how far in the future you could peek. It's like an auto skill that activates once every month, but knowing the future doesn't mean you can change it," The dragon girl said.

"Are you sure you can't change the future?" I asked.

"I am here, ain't I?" The dragon girl replied.

"Ah, I see," I said, nodding slowly. "So it's like a double-edged sword. It could potentially help me survive a dangerous situation, but at the same time, it could also harm me with the side effects and the inability to change the future."

The little dragon girl nodded, her expression turning serious. "That's right. You have to be careful when using this power, and you can't rely on it too much. It's not a guaranteed solution, and it's not foolproof."

I sighed, feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the information. "Well, thank you for telling me. I appreciate your honesty."

"So, what now?" Tsunade asked with a grim expression. I have already told them about my vision where a group of ninjas are planning to unleash the zombies on the leaf village.

"Our first job is to create artilleries for aerial combat. We can somehow fight those on the grounds, but after facing those two freaks, I think it's time to build some advanced weapons. I will do that with my team. In the meantime, you ladies should focus on cleaning the new lands and start cultivating. Start from the northern part for now, and send those boys to clean up the nearby zombies. They can't expect us to work and do all the shits for them," I said.

I mean, I haven't heard anything about the men of the village doing any kind of work. All I hear is that they are defending the border from zombies and bandits. Yet those fuckers are swarming around. Tsunade even provided them with UV lights and weapons and when those two flying freaks appeared two days ago, they never tried to fight instead they send a message to Tsunade for help. Did they lose their fucking balls with their potency or what?

Or, is there something these girls are hiding from me? I was so busy that I didn't have enough time to think. But right now, judging from their expression, I am sure there is more than just that impotent thing. I mean, where is Nine Tails? Where are those legendary ninjas?

"Well, that would be a bit of a problem," Tsunade mumbled.

"Yeah, I figured. Now here is what we are gonna do. You come clean with me right now or I will do what I have to do... Three fucking months and you all have been lying to me. Did you all think I am a dumb fuck? So, what's wrong with the men?" I asked.

The room fell silent, and I could feel the tension building up. Tsunade was the first one to break the silence. "Fred, we never meant to deceive you. It's a sensitive topic, and we were hoping to find a solution before telling you."

"Solution? What kind of solution? Don't tell me they are dead or something," I asked. I hate when people lie.

"No, not dying," Tsunade said, shaking her head. "But they are aging three times faster than regular humans, and they have lost their chakras and are losing their memories after becoming impotent. Some even turned to zombies after their 40s..."

"What?" I asked, feeling my head spinning with all the information. Wtf? I mean, dang! Poor bastards. This situation is fucking mess.

"And when they found out about this fact, some went rogue, some tried to rebel and rape us. They wanted to indulge themselves in their desires before dying. But not everyone was like that. Those sane ones drove the rogues out of the village and wanted to leave the village for good. We had to take a drastic step to protect ourselves after that incident. We couldn't take another chance. So, we imprisoned the rest of the men on the outskirts of the village and took care of them till their last days... we still are..." Tsunade explained the situation.

She took a deep breath and continued, "It's still not easy to watch them die slowly in front of our eyes. And it's not easy to watch them becoming zombies..."

"So, you have been killing those above 40s before they become a threat?" I asked with a grim expression.

"No, we isolate them into single cells and take care of them till their last breath before... It's inhumane, but what could we do? We didn't have any choice. In all the thousands of years of ninja's history, we haven't faced such a threat," Sakura said while clenching her fists, "We have to see our friends... families die and suffer... Damn it!" Tears streamed down her cheeks and fell to the floor.

Fuck! That's some grimdark shit.

"You should have said the truth from the beginning. Because from my point of view, it's hard to trust your words. Who knows what else you all are hiding from me? You all have been keeping me in the dark while I am busting my ass, trying to find a way to save everyone..." I said.

"It's my fault. They wanted to tell you the truth, but I feared that you will leave us after learning the way we treat the men," Tsunade said as she stood up and bowed her head, "Please, don't blame them for my mistake."

"What the fuck are you girls still standing here for?" I yelled, "Go and make sure the land is ready for farming."

The girls left after one last apology. The dragon girl ran behind Hinata.

"Now, what shall I do with you," I walked over to Tsunade and grabbed her huge boobs. She flinched and her body stiffened. But surprisingly, I can feel her hard nipples from over the fabrics of her clothes. I pinched her nipples hard.

"Hnggg!..." A moan leaves Tsunade's mouth.

"I hate liars, Tsunade," I said while twisting her nipples.

"Wha...What are you going to do about it?" Tsunade mumbled with a naughty smile.


AN: Tsunade is a masochist.

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