Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I looked at the eager dragon girl who stood before me, clutching the mini machine gun. Despite the grogginess that still lingered, I couldn't help but be intrigued by her enthusiasm. Over the last few months, her hostility toward me has decreased greatly. All thanks to Hinata and the other girls. She even made a lot of friends.

"Alright, alright," I said, mustering a smile. "I understand your eagerness, but let's find a more suitable time and place for this, shall we?"

The dragon girl's eyes widened with anticipation, and she nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes! Whenever you're ready, I'm all ears... I mean, eyes!"

Chuckling at her mix-up, I quickly got dressed, the events of the previous night's celebration still lingering in my mind. As I reached for my tools and prepared to head out with the dragon girl, I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility.

It was clear that she was fascinated by the weapons and technology we had created, and I wanted to ensure that her curiosity was nurtured in a safe and controlled environment.

Even though she is a dragon who has supposedly lived for thousands of years, her mentality is not mature enough, due to the fact that she was always alone in that dungeon as long as she could remember.

We made our way to a secluded area away from the village, where we wouldn't pose a risk to others. I set up a makeshift target range using barrels and wooden planks, providing a clear area for her to practice her aim. I explained the basic mechanics of the mini machine gun, emphasizing safety precautions and the importance of proper handling.

"You got it?" I asked.

"Yes. Leave it to this almighty dragon," She replied flexing her muscles.

Taking a deep breath, the dragon girl grasped the mini machine gun firmly, her eyes focused and determined. She fired a burst of rounds at the target, the sound echoing through the serene surroundings. The force of the recoil surprised her, but she quickly adjusted her stance and continued firing, "Aahahahaha!!! No one can escape my fury..." She yelled.

As she practiced, I observed her technique, offering gentle guidance and encouragement. It was evident that her raw talent and affinity for the weapon were emerging. With each round, her aim improved, and her control over the gun became more refined.

"Good job!" I exclaimed, a sense of pride filling me. "You're a natural! Just remember to keep your grip firm and your focus steady. Your determination will take you far."

The dragon girl beamed at the praise, her excitement palpable. "Thank you, Fred! I never thought shooting a gun could be so exhilarating. This mighty dragon will praise you."

I nodded, glad to see her enthusiasm and dedication. She still believes she is a mighty dragon. "Keep practicing, and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Remember, safety is paramount, so always be mindful of your surroundings and follow the protocols we discussed."

We spent the rest of the morning honing her skills, taking breaks in between to address any concerns and discuss different shooting techniques. With each passing moment, the dragon girl's confidence grew, and her shots became more precise.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting its warmth upon us, I couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. This interaction with the dragon girl reminded me of the power that knowledge and mentorship held. Through sharing my expertise and nurturing her curiosity, I was empowering her to protect herself and contribute to the safety of our village. She has come a long way from being a mischievous girl to being a good girl.

As the dragon girl took a break to catch her breath, I approached her with a smile. "You've made incredible progress today. Keep up the dedication, and I have no doubt you'll become a skilled marksman."

Her eyes sparkled with determination and gratitude. "Thank you, Fred. I never imagined I could learn so much in just a short time. As expected I really have a talent unlike anyone."

I patted her shoulder reassuringly. "I believe in you. Just remember, the skills you're developing come with great responsibility. Use them wisely, and always prioritize the safety of those around you."

With our training session complete, we made our way back to the village, the dragon girl carrying the mini machine gun on her shoulder as if it was weightless.

"Alright, girl, you seem quite skilled with the gun. But tell me, what is your name? And where do you come from?" I asked. I was so busy that I never had a chance to talk to her properly.

She straightened her posture, puffing out her chest proudly. "I am Saphira, the mighty dragon! I come from a realm beyond your comprehension, where I once ruled as a formidable force. But circumstances led me here, to this world, where I find myself aligned with your cause."

Her confident demeanor and grandiose self-description intrigued me. There was more to Saphira than met the eye, and I was eager to uncover the depths of her past. I continued probing, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"Tell me, Saphira, what happened to your realm? How did you end up in this world?" I inquired with a curious look.

Saphira's eyes flickered with a mixture of pride and sadness as she recounted her story. "My realm was once a place of magic and wonder, but it fell victim to dark forces. As the last remaining dragon, I fought valiantly to protect my people, but I was ultimately overwhelmed."

She paused for a moment, a hint of vulnerability shining through her confident facade. "In a desperate attempt to survive, my people used their remaining power and transported me through a powerful spell to this world and found myself trapped in that unbreakable dungeon."

I listened intently, empathizing with Saphira's plight. Her past, filled with power, loss and loneliness, had shaped her into what she is right now. I see... So this is why she always tries to hide behind that fake mask she always shows us.

As our conversation reached a poignant moment, a wave of empathy washed over me. I understood that beneath Saphira's tough exterior, there lay a vulnerable soul. And so, without hesitation, I opened my arms and pulled her into a warm, reassuring embrace.

"Saphira," I whispered softly, my voice filled with sincerity. "I apologize for my rough behavior earlier. I realize now that there's more to you than meets the eye, and I didn't give you the understanding you deserved. I'm sorry."

Saphira tensed up initially, taken aback by the unexpected display of affection. But slowly, she relaxed into the embrace, her fiery demeanor softening. I felt a hint of vulnerability in her response.

"Hmph! Apology accepted, Fred," she muttered, her voice laced with a mixture of pride and bashfulness. "But don't think this changes anything. I'm still a mighty dragon, and I won't be sawyed by some emotional talk."

I chuckled and said, "I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Saphira."

She tried to maintain her tough façade, but a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Well, don't get used to it. I'm not one for sentimental moments."

I released her from the embrace, but our eyes locked in a shared understanding. There was a newfound connection between us, built on respect, forgiveness, and the recognition of each other's vulnerabilities.

As we made our way back to the village, the tantalizing aroma of food filled the air, awakening my hunger. In the midst of my interactions with Saphira, I had completely forgotten to eat.

Tsume spotted us as we entered. She greeted us with a warm smile, her eyes twinkling with a mix of mischief and hospitality.

"Well, well, look who's back! Fred, Saphira, you both look famished. Come on, food is getting cold," Tsume exclaimed, ushering us towards the dining area.

My stomach growled in agreement, betraying my hunger. I couldn't help but chuckle at the timing. "You're right, Tsume. We could use a good meal after all the action we've been through."

We settled down at a large wooden table, surrounded by villagers who had gathered to share in the meal. Platters of steaming hot food were brought out, the tantalizing array of colors and flavors making my mouth water.

Tsume served us with a generous portion of her signature dishes, from flavorful ramen. The scent alone was enough to make my senses come alive.


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