[Next Day]

As usual, things were good around the village. The new lands are blooming with new crops and vegetation. The enhanced plant wall was holding on better than I expected, plus all those carnivorous plants I have planted outside the walls to keep any unnecessary troubles away are doing their jobs well.

I was too busy the last few months with the turrets and all.

It looks like the girls have also been working hard. They even dug up a couple of wells for fresh water. And the water reservoirs are filled to the brim.

So we have proper defenses, weapons to go against air and land freaks, clean water, and food. The only thing missing was meat.


[Tsunade's office]

"Fred, what brings you here today?" Tsunade asked, her eyes filled with curiosity and a little blush around her cheeks.

"What do you think brought me today?" I said with a smirk as I went behind her and hugged her neck, and kissed her cheeks. She smells great and feels so soft.

"Mmumm... Are you going to take me here like the last time?" Tsunade muttered as she leaned back without any resistance.

"As much as I would like to ravish your sexy body..." I said as I grabbed her big boobs and gave them a light press, "I am here for another matter."

"Oh, can't we just have one quick round?" Tsunade moaned in disappointment.

"Humm... Why a quickie when we have the entire night ahead of ourselves? And I want to see you nice and wet, ready for me when I enter your room. Got it?" I whispered while continuing my assault of kissing up along her jawline until reaching her lips. We shared a passionate kiss before breaking apart and looking each other in the eye. "Now then, let's get down to business."

"I've been thinking about starting an animal farm to provide a sustainable source of food and resources for the village," I explained, my voice filled with determination. "But first, I need to locate uninfected animals in the nearby forest. Do you have a map or any information that can help me?"

Tsunade nodded and reached for a drawer, retrieving a detailed map of the surrounding areas. She spread it out on her desk, pointing out key locations and potential areas where we might find uninfected wildlife.

"The forest to the east of the village is your best bet," Tsunade said, tracing her finger along the map. "Our intel says this part has the least amount of zombies, so the chances to encounter uninfected animals might be more than the other parts. The forest can be treacherous, and there may be pockets of infected creatures lurking within. I think it will be better if you take Tsume with you."

I studied the map intently, committing the information to memory. The task ahead seemed challenging. Finding healthy uninfected animals on zombie-infested land... Well, I will know once I get there.

"Humm. Well, why now? It will be boring with just me alone, and she must be feeling lonely since we haven't had much time together due to all the work," I replied.



Tsume, her dog, and I left the village and made our way toward the marked position. Tsune was leading the way since she is familiar with the surroundings.

"Fast Track," I transformed. Now, I am more than capable enough to keep up with Tsume's speed.

As Tsume, her loyal dog companion, and I ventured deeper into the eastern forest, the atmosphere transformed around us. The air grew dense with the earthy scent of foliage, and a serene tranquility settled over the surroundings. The forest, cloaked in shades of green, seemed to hum with life and mystery.

Tsume, with her familiarity of the area, led the way confidently, her steps nimble and sure. I couldn't help but admire her grace and the way her presence commanded respect. The dappled sunlight filtered through the thick canopy overhead, casting enchanting patterns on the forest floor as we made our way forward.

With each step, the forest revealed its secrets. Majestic trees towered above us, their branches reaching towards the sky like guardians of nature. The undergrowth was a tapestry of vibrant hues, where delicate wildflowers mingled with lush ferns and moss-covered rocks.

The sounds of nature serenaded our journey. The melodic chorus of chirping birds resonated through the trees, accompanied by the occasional rustling of small creatures scurrying about. The gentle murmur of a nearby stream provided a soothing backdrop, offering respite from the bustling village life we had left behind.

"She was right. This place seems to be untouched by those zombies," I said while scanning my surroundings.

"Yeah, since this is far away from the village, people hardly venture here, but it's always better to be careful," Tsune replied. Her eyes were everywhere, reacting to every little sound and scribbling around us.

"Well, not to worry. I know a perfect guy for this situation," I activated the Omnitrix once again, this time transforming into Swampfire, "Swampfire. Now, let's see what this forest got."

The verdant alien form imbued me with the ability to manipulate plant life, and I used it to my advantage, scanning the area for signs of uninfected animals.

My eyes, now glowing with an otherworldly green hue, scanned the forest with keen observation. Through the heightened senses granted by Swampfire, I detected movement amidst the foliage. A group of graceful deer grazed in a small clearing, their delicate features untouched by the taint of the zombie plague. Nearby, a family of wild boars rooted in the underbrush, their snouts digging for sustenance. A group of rabbits, moving underground.

Excitement surged within me as I marked the locations of these uninfected animals on the map, envisioning the abundant possibilities they held for our animal farming project. These creatures represented a new beginning, a chance to create a sustainable source of food and resources for our village.

As we continued our exploration of the forest, a thought crossed my mind. With Swampfire's ability to manipulate plant life, I realized that I could utilize this power to create a protective barrier around the untouched portion of the forest. The infected creatures would be unable to breach the enhanced plant wall, ensuring the safety of the uninfected animals we had discovered. We will take some of them with us and leave the rest inside the barrier.

"Hey, what if we isolate this forest with a barrier? We can take a few animals with us and leave the rest here to grow in their natural habitat," I said to Tsune, who nodded enthusiastically at my proposal.

"That's a great idea! If we can protect the uninfected animals from the zombie menace, we can start raising livestock and produce a sustainable supply of food!" she exclaimed, excitement evident in her tone.

"Alright, then..." Channeling my abilities, I raised my hands and summoned vines, thickets, and foliage. The plants responded to my touch, intertwining and weaving together to form a formidable barrier that encircled the perimeter of the forest. The vibrant green wall stood tall and impenetrable, serving as a shield against the encroaching darkness that plagued our world.

"Fred," Tsume called me.

[Beep!] [Beep!] [Wooosh!] Omnitrix's timer ran out and so is my transformation with a flash of red light.

I ran toward Tsume and saw a natural spring.

Tsume, ever observant, discovered a natural spring nestled within the heart of the forest. Crystal-clear water bubbled forth from the ground, creating a small pool that shimmered under the dappled sunlight. It was a serene oasis, untouched by the horrors of the zombie-infested world beyond.

The sight of the spring sparked a mischievous glimmer in Tsume's eyes. She turned to me with a playful grin, her gaze filled with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

"You know, Fred, this natural spring seems inviting," Tsume suggested, her voice laced with a hint of adventure. "After all our hard work, perhaps we deserve a moment of relaxation. What do you say?"

Her words ignited a flicker of excitement within me. The romantic ambiance of the forest, combined with the allure of the sparkling spring, presented an opportunity for a private and intimate moment.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I replied, my voice tinged with a mix of playfulness and genuine interest, "You're absolutely right. Let's enjoy the beauty of nature and forget about everything else for awhile since it would be a crime to deny ourselves such a wonderful experience."


Support me: https://www.patr eon.com/XcaliburXc

[+3 chs up on pat reon] [Mass release will start from tomorrow on pat reon. My plan is to write approx 35 chs by the end of this month. I am planning to finally add the pregnancy tag.]