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[+3 advance chapter on Pat reon]


With the Dreadbrute temporarily immobilized, we continued our assault, seizing the opportunity to deal as much damage as possible. The sound of gunshots reverberated through the clearing as Sakura and Hinata unleashed a relentless barrage of bullets, targeting the Dreadbrute's vulnerable spots.

Sakura's bullets tore into the creature's knees, shattering its joints and hindering its movement even further. Each well-placed shot caused the Dreadbrute to wince in agony, its roars of pain echoing through the forest. Meanwhile, Hinata's precision was unmatched as she aimed for the creature's neck and abdomen, exploiting weak points with lethal accuracy.

I took advantage of the temporary paralysis inflicted by my spell and channeled my magic into another incantation. With a resolute focus, I invoked the power of the elements, casting the spell "Incendio Infernum!" A stream of intense, green flames erupted from my wand, engulfing the Dreadbrute in a searing inferno.

The flames licked at the creature's decaying flesh, sizzling and charring its twisted form. The Dreadbrute howled in agony, its previously menacing presence now reduced to a writhing, charred mass. But it still fought back.

The Dreadbrute summoned its last reserves of strength, breaking free from the temporary petrification. It swung its massive fists in a wild frenzy, aiming to strike us down. We swiftly dodged and evaded its attacks, relying on our agility and reflexes to stay one step ahead.

As the creature lunged toward me, its clawed hand inches away from my face, I called upon the winds to aid me. With a forceful command, I invoked the spell "Ventus Tempestas!" A powerful gust of wind surged forward, striking the Dreadbrute with hurricane force. The gust lifted the creature off its feet, hurling it backward and sending it crashing into a nearby tree with a bone-crunching impact.

Sakura and Hinata continued their relentless assault, their weapons a symphony of gunfire. Sakura switched to her explosive rounds, firing at the Dreadbrute's weakened joints and causing even more damage. Hinata's bullets punctured vital organs, further sapping the creature's strength.

Sensing its imminent defeat, the Dreadbrute let out one final, thunderous roar of rage. It charged forward with a burst of adrenaline-fueled power, aiming to crush us under its massive weight. But I was ready.

Channeling my energy into my wand, I cast the spell "Vinetum Supplicium!" Vines erupted from the ground, snaking their way around the Dreadbrute's legs, entangling and constricting its movements. The vines tightened their grip, restraining the creature and rendering it helpless.

With the Dreadbrute immobilized once again, we unleashed our final onslaught. Sakura and Hinata concentrated their fire on its head, aiming to deliver the finishing blow. Sakura's bullets tore through the creature's skull, while Hinata's precision shots struck vital points with lethal accuracy.

As the Dreadbrute's body convulsed in its final moments, a profound silence descended upon the clearing. The towering creature collapsed to the ground, lifeless and defeated. We stood there, panting heavily, our bodies covered in sweat and dirt, victorious but exhausted.

However, I have seen it in movies and games. Freaks like this always come back to life. So, better splatter it before that happens.

"Let's not take any chances," As I touched the lifeless body of the Dreadbrute with my wand, I channeled my magic once again, this time invoking the spell "Mors Mortis." A surge of dark energy flowed from my wand, engulfing the creature's remains in an ethereal glow. The spell was meant to ensure that the Dreadbrute would never rise again, permanently ending its monstrous existence.

The air crackled as the spell took hold. The Dreadbrute's decaying flesh disintegrated, reduced to a fine, ashen powder that scattered in the breeze. It was a final and definitive end to the formidable foe we had faced.

Relieved and satisfied that the threat had been eradicated, we took a moment to catch our breath and regroup. The clearing, once dominated by the menacing presence of the Dreadbrute, now returned to a serene calmness.

Sakura wiped the sweat from her brow and holstered her handguns, a mix of exhaustion and triumph evident on her face. Hinata's Byakugan receded, her pale eyes returning to their natural color as she surveyed the aftermath of the battle. I released a deep breath, feeling a surge of relief that our combined efforts had prevailed.

"Nice, we took down another freak," I said as I sat on the ground, exhausted. Using those big spells took the gas out of me. Damn! My heart is beating like someone smashing their fists on a drum.

"Did we just take down a Dreadbrute with just three people?" Sakura said, looking at the scattered ashes of the creature, "This... This isn't a dream, is it, Hinata?" Tears flowed from the corner of her eyes as she fell to her knees.

"This isn't a dream. We did it, Sakura. We killed a freaking Dreadbrute," Hinata walked over to her and grabbed her shoulders, "Your mom would be proud of you."

Hinata's mom died in the hands of a Dreadbrute during the second month of the apocalypse when she was out with the other ninjas to gather clean water, just a few km away from the village.

Hinata's words resonated deeply with Sakura. She wiped away her tears and nodded, a mixture of emotions visible on her face. "You're right, Hinata. Mom would be proud," Sakura said, her voice filled with determination. "We can't afford to falter now. We have a mission to protect the outpost and all those who rely on us."

As the adrenaline began to subside, a sense of urgency returned to us. The outpost was still in jeopardy, and we needed to reach it as quickly as possible. We gathered our wits and stood, ready to resume our journey.

With renewed determination, we pushed forward, navigating through the dense forest with caution. The encounter with the Dreadbrute had only reinforced the gravity of the situation. We couldn't afford to underestimate the dangers that lay ahead.

The forest path led us deeper into the heart of the wilderness, each step becoming more treacherous as the terrain grew increasingly rugged. The air hung heavy with an eerie stillness, broken only by the occasional rustling of leaves and the distant groans of the undead.

Silently, we pressed on, our senses attuned to any signs of danger. Sakura maintained her grip on her handguns, her eyes scanning the surroundings with unwavering vigilance. Hinata activated her Byakugan, her pale eyes piercing through the foliage, scanning for any hidden threats.


After the last battle, we have used up more bullets than expected.

Realizing that our ammunition was running low after the intense battle with the Dreadbrute, we knew we had to be more resourceful and conservative with our remaining bullets. The apocalyptic world we lived in made it difficult to find supplies, especially specialized ammunition for Sakura's handguns.

"We need to be careful with our shots," I said, my voice filled with concern. "We can't afford to waste any more ammunition. Let's focus on conserving what we have and using our skills strategically."

Sakura nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. She holstered one of her handguns and took out a metal knife. Hinata did the same. She hung her submachine gun on her back and took out her two short swords from her backpack.

As for me, I haven't used any bullets till now. But considering the exhaustion from using spells, I think it's time for me to use my guns. As for Omnitrix, I will save it for a critical moment.

With our weapons adjusted and ready, we continued our journey through the treacherous forest. The path grew narrower, and the dense foliage made it difficult to see what lay ahead. Every step had to be taken with caution, as we couldn't afford to stumble into an ambush.

Hinata's Byakugan granted her enhanced vision, allowing her to detect any hidden threats lurking in the vicinity. She kept a keen eye on our surroundings, alerting us to any potential danger ahead. Sakura and I followed closely behind, our senses heightened and ready to react at a moment's notice.

As we ventured deeper into the forest, the presence of the undead became more prominent. Groans and shuffling sounds echoed through the trees, reminding us of the constant danger that surrounded us. We moved as silently as possible, minimizing our presence and avoiding unnecessary encounters.

Hours passed, and the day gradually gave way to dusk. The fading light cast eerie shadows among the trees, intensifying the ominous atmosphere.

"There it is!" Hinata pointed her finger toward Outpost 2.

*****[Need Powerstones]*****