As we approached Outpost 2, a distressing scene unfolded before our eyes. Instead of the expected onslaught of zombies, the outpost was under attack by a group of rogue ninjas. The familiar faces of Kushina and several other female ninjas could be seen valiantly defending the fort.

Without hesitation, we rushed forward to join the defense of the outpost. The element of surprise was on our side as the rogue ninjas were focused on their assault, unaware of our presence.

Sakura puts the gun in the hostler and the knife in the holder strapped on her thigh. then she jumped into the sky and landed in the middle of the outpost with a loud crashing bang, gathering everyone's attention toward her.

The ground cracked and a big crater formed where she landed.

As Sakura made her dramatic entrance, the rogue ninjas turned their attention towards her, momentarily distracted by her display of power. It was the perfect opportunity for us to engage them in battle and turn the tide in favor of the outpost's defenders.

Hinata swiftly moved in, her Byakugan activated, enabling her to perceive the enemy's movements with unparalleled clarity. She engaged a group of rogue ninjas, her short swords glinting in the fading light as she utilized her exceptional agility and precision.

With each strike, Hinata unleashed a flurry of swift and calculated attacks, exploiting the weaknesses in her opponents' defenses. She weaved through their strikes, her gentle yet powerful style of combat overwhelming her adversaries. She employed the "Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven" technique, unleashing a series of precise strikes that sent her opponents flying backward.

Sakura, in the center of the outpost, faced off against the rogue ninjas with her immense strength and formidable combat skills. Her fists crackled with chakra as she unleashed devastating blows, using her "Cherry Blossom Impact" technique. Each punch created shockwaves that shattered the ground beneath her adversaries, sending them flying in all directions.

Kushina, seeing Sakura's arrival, joined the fray with a fierce determination. She unleashed her unruly mane of red hair, imbuing it with chakra as she engaged the rogue ninjas. With a swift spin, she utilized her "Adamantine Sealing Chains" technique, creating powerful chains that bound her opponents and restricted their movements.

Meanwhile, I positioned myself strategically, assessing the situation and preparing to support my allies. I invoked the spell "Fulgur Ignis," summoning bolts of lightning that crackled across the battlefield. The lightning struck the rogue ninjas with precision, disorienting them and allowing Sakura, Hinata, and Kushina to gain the upper hand.

As the battle between the defenders of Outpost 2 and the rogue ninjas unfolded, a flurry of Jutsus and spells filled the air, creating a spectacle of raw power and skill.

One of the rogue ninjas, a master of fire-based Jutsus, unleashed a blazing inferno with the technique "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu." The flames roared toward Sakura, but she punched her fist into the ground and pulled up the ground with her raw strength, creating a wall to counter the fireball.

The clash of fire and earth sent sparks flying, illuminating the battlefield with a vibrant glow. Sakura stood resolute behind her makeshift shield, protecting herself and the defenders of Outpost 2 from the scorching flames. The wall of earth trembled under the intensity of the fireball, but Sakura's determination held firm.

Seizing the opportunity, Hinata threw one of her short swords at the rogue ninja.

The short sword whirled through the air with lethal accuracy, heading straight for the rogue ninja. He tried to evade, but Hinata's precision left no room for escape. The sword struck its mark, piercing the rogue ninja's throat.

The rogue ninja choked on his own blood, collapsing to the ground in a final act of defeat.

The rogue ninjas, despite facing the overwhelming strength and skill of Sakura, Hinata, and Kushina, fought with a tenacity that spoke of their unwavering dedication to their cause.

One of the rogue ninjas, a tall and muscular woman with a scar across her face, unleashed a powerful wind-based Jutsu. "Wind Style: Divine Gale!" she shouted, conjuring a tornado that swept through the battlefield, threatening to engulf everyone.

Another rogue ninja, a swift and agile man with a katana strapped to his back, moved with lightning speed, utilizing the "Shadow Shuriken Technique." He hurled a barrage of shurikens enhanced with his chakra, aiming to strike at Sakura and Hinata from multiple angles.

The muscular woman with the scarred face smirked as she observed the chaos caused by her Divine Gale. "You can't escape my Jutsu! Prepare to be blown away!"

The swift rogue ninja with the katana grinned, his eyes glinting with confidence. "Your little tricks won't save you from my Shadow Shurikens."

Hinata, recognizing the imminent danger, activated her "Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven" technique, creating a protective barrier around herself. The swirling force of her rotation deflected the incoming shurikens, causing them to veer off course.

Sakura, not one to be outdone, called upon her chakra and focused her strength. She lunged forward, her fists glowing with a vibrant green aura. "Divine Wind Strike!" she exclaimed, unleashing a powerful punch that cut through the raging tornado, dispersing it with a gust of energy.

The muscular woman's eyes widened in disbelief as her Divine Gale was disrupted. "Impossible! How did you break through my Jutsu?"

The swift rogue ninja, undeterred, leaped into the air, flipping and twirling with acrobatic grace. He hurled a barrage of shadow-infused shurikens towards Sakura and Hinata once again. "You can't dodge forever! These shurikens will find their mark!"

But Hinata remained calm and focused. She continued her rotation, her chakra-infused barriers deflecting the shurikens with precision. "Cheap tricks like this is useless against my eyes."

Invoking the ancient words of power, I cast the spell "Tempestas Fulminis." Dark clouds gathered overhead, crackling with electricity as bolts of lightning danced across the sky. With a sweeping motion of my wand, I directed the lightning towards the muscular woman with the scarred face.

The lightning descended upon her with unrelenting fury, striking her with searing bolts of energy.

"ARRRGGGGG!!!!!" The woman cried out in pain as the electricity coursed through her body, her muscles convulsing uncontrollably. The Divine Gale surrounding her dissipated, leaving her vulnerable and disoriented.

Seizing the opportunity, Sakura launched herself forward with blinding speed. Her fists glowed with a radiant green aura as she unleashed a devastating barrage of punches, striking the muscular woman with unparalleled force. Each blow landed with bone-shattering impact, overwhelming the rogue ninja's defenses and leaving her defenseless.

Meanwhile, the swift rogue ninja with the katana continued his assault, his shurikens propelled by shadows. I knew I had to act swiftly to counter his relentless attacks. I chanted the incantation for the spell "Lux Veritas" and summoned orbs of brilliant light that surrounded me.

With a flick of my wand, I sent the orbs hurtling towards the swift rogue ninja. The orbs exploded upon impact, engulfing him in a blinding radiance that disoriented his senses. His precise strikes faltered as he struggled to adapt to the sudden burst of light, creating an opening for Hinata to strike.

Hinata, capitalizing on the opening created by the blinding light, swiftly closed in on the swift rogue ninja. Her Byakugan granted her unparalleled vision, allowing her to anticipate his movements with pinpoint accuracy. She activated her "Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists" technique, infusing her strikes with chakra and delivering a rapid onslaught of blows.

Her strikes landed with surgical precision, each one debilitating the rogue ninja further. The swift rogue ninja struggled to defend against Hinata's relentless assault, his movements growing sluggish and uncoordinated.

As Hinata's attacks continued, the swift rogue ninja's defenses crumbled. Sensing his imminent defeat, he made one last desperate attempt to retaliate, unsheathing his katana with lightning speed. But before he could execute his attack, Sakura intercepted.

Sakura grabbed his neck from behind.

Sakura's immense strength and unyielding determination proved to be too much for the swift rogue ninja. With a swift and powerful grip, she squeezed his neck, cutting off his air supply and crushing his windpipe. The swift rogue ninja choked, his eyes widening in disbelief as his life force drained away. In his final moments, he dropped his katana, unable to muster any resistance against Sakura's overwhelming strength.

With the defeat of the muscular woman with the scarred face and the swift rogue ninja, the other rogue ninjas scattered and surrounded us from all directions.

"Fucking bastards, we will bury you here," All the rogue ninjas began to weave an intricate hand signs together.

********[pOWER sTONES]********

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