
As the remaining rogue ninjas surrounded us, their hands weaving intricate hand signs in unison, a chilling realization dawned upon me. They weren't just preparing for a coordinated attack; they were invoking a powerful summoning jutsu.

The air crackled with an eerie energy as their summoning jutsu took shape. Suddenly, a dark vortex materialized in the center of their formation, emanating a malevolent aura. From within the depths of the vortex emerged a colossal creature, its massive form shrouded in darkness.

It was the zombie four-tailed beast, a nightmarish entity known for its destructive power and insatiable hunger for chaos. The air grew heavy with tension as the rogue ninjas grinned with sadistic delight, reveling in the unleashing of this formidable force against us.

Sakura, Hinata, Kushina, and the other five ninja girls exchanged determined glances, their expressions filled with unwavering resolve. We knew we had to confront this monstrous threat head-on, or Outpost 2 would fall into ruin.

So this is what happened to the tailed beast. Fuck!

The four-tailed beast emerged from the dark vortex with a bone-chilling presence. Its massive form stood tall, towering over us with an imposing stature. Its body was covered in mottled, decaying flesh, giving it a grotesque and eerie appearance.

The beast's four tails writhed behind it, resembling twisted vines with sharp thorns. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent crimson hue, emanating an aura of pure malice. Long, jagged fangs protruded from its snarling mouth, dripping with drool that seemed to sizzle upon contact with the ground.

As the beast's gaze fell upon us, a deep, guttural growl escaped its throat, reverberating through the air. Its voice was a haunting mixture of rage and hunger, sending shivers down our spines.

"Die! You leaf village bitches!" One of the rogue ninjas spat.

How the fuck are these bastards controlling it? Wait! Don't tell me they are a part of that group of ninjas I saw in my vision who controls zombies with their twisted experimental Jutsus!

As the rogue ninja's words echoed in the air, it became apparent that they were indeed part of the group responsible for the twisted experiments with zombie control. Their ability to manipulate the four-tailed beast indicated a dangerous level of power and knowledge.

"We will see about that," Kushina, never one to back down from a fight, called forth the full power of her "Adamantine Sealing Chains." With a swift spin, she unleashed her chains, the metallic links extending with incredible speed. The chains snaked through the air, wrapping around the four-tailed beast's limbs, restraining its movements and restricting its attacks.

As the situation grew more dire, Sakura's determination burned brightly in her eyes. She knew it was time to unleash her ultimate jutsu, the "Hundred Seal Jutsu." With a surge of chakra coursing through her veins, intricate seals spread across her body, glowing with an intense green light.

Sakura's strength multiplied exponentially as the seals activated, empowering her with unrivaled might. She charged forward, her fists wreathed in a vibrant green aura, ready to face the four-tailed beast head-on.

Hinata, fueled by her unwavering resolve, activated her "Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists" technique once again. Her Byakugan eyes honed in on the beast's weak points, guiding her strikes with unerring accuracy. With her chakra-infused blows, she aimed to disable the beast's limbs and disrupt its movements.

As the battle raged on, I made a quick decision to activate the Omnitrix, "Hey, girls, leave that freak to me. You all take care of those ninjas. Make sure to keep three of them alive. Kill the rest of the,"

Hinata, Sakura, Kushina, and the others nodded and scattered. I selected Humungousaur and slammed the dial down.

As the dial of the Omnitrix was slammed down, a brilliant flash of green light enveloped me, and I transformed into something else. It's not Humungousaur. The Omnitrix as usual malfunctioned and turned me into Rath of all fucking aliens.

"Hey you big giant mutt, Rath will smash you up like a... like a... ARGGG!!!" Rath's primal instincts took over as I let out a mighty roar, channeling my fury and determination into my newfound form. With lightning speed, I pounced towards the beast, my claws extended and ready to tear through its decaying flesh.

The clash between Rath and the four-tailed beast was a whirlwind of raw power and brute force. I lunged and slashed, delivering a flurry of strikes aimed at weakening the beast's defenses. Each blow landed with a resounding impact, sending shockwaves through the air.

However, before that huge ass giant, Rath is like a puny bug.

"I will beat you up to a puny size. You think you are bigger than Rath? Let me tell you, Rath is bigger and stronger and..." The tailed beast slapped Rath 'Me' away like a fly with its tail.

As Rath's attacks landed on the four-tailed beast, it became apparent that his formidable strength alone wouldn't be enough to bring down the colossal creature. The beast thrashed and retaliated, swiping its massive limbs and unleashing a barrage of devastating blows.

Ah! Fuck!

As Rath was flung away by the four-tailed beast, I quickly slammed down the dial of the Omnitrix once more. "Give me something good." In a flash of light, I transformed into Way Big, a towering and immensely powerful alien.

With newfound size and strength, I rose to my full height, dwarfing the four-tailed beast. The ground shook beneath my colossal form as I unleashed a mighty roar, the sound echoing through the battlefield.

"Enough games," I bellowed, my voice resonating with authority. "It's time to end this!"

I have to be careful. There are allies around me. One wrong step and that's it.

"OOOHH! What the fuck is that?" As the rogue ninjas witnessed my transformation into Way Big, their expressions turned to sheer terror. The immense size and power of my alien form sent shockwaves through their ranks, shattering their confidence and resolve.

Everyone was stunned and paused in their places.

"Undo the summon. Hurry! We can not lose the tailed beast," One of the ninjas yelled frantically.

With the rogue ninjas panicking and realizing the imminent danger to their summoned four-tailed beast, they desperately scrambled to undo the summoning jutsu.

I lifted my feet and squashed the puny zombified four tails. Splattering its remnants under my feet. Then I turned my attention to the rogue ninjas.

"Gather around and don't even think of escaping," I yelled.

As the rogue ninjas saw their prized four-tailed beast reduced to nothing more than a splatter under Way Big's colossal feet, fear gripped their hearts. They hesitantly obeyed my command and gathered together, unable to escape the overwhelming power and presence of the alien.

With their backs against the wall, the rogue ninjas glanced at each other, their faces etched with anxiety and uncertainty. They had underestimated the strength and determination of the Leaf Village and their unexpected ally, and now they found themselves at the mercy of our combined forces.

I descended closer to the group of rogue ninjas, my towering form casting a shadow over them. "Now decide which three of you will live. I swear I will let them go. Now choose."

The rogue ninjas exchanged anxious glances, realizing that their lives were now in their own hands. After a tense moment of deliberation, one of them stepped forward, his voice filled with apprehension.

"We...we will choose. But you have to promise to let them go unharmed," he stammered, pointing towards his two companions.

I nodded, my voice carrying a sense of authority and finality. "If you make the right choice, I will keep my word."

The rogue ninja hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting between his comrades. Finally, he made his decision. "Let... let her go. She's not involved in these twisted experiments. And... and him too," he pointed to another ninja.

"Oh, no, that's not how it works," I said with a threatening tone, "You bastards must have killed many innocents for your enjoyment or whatever twisted experiments you do. So, take out your weapons and kill each other. The last three standing, I promise to let them live."

The rogue ninjas looked at each other in shock and disbelief, realizing the gravity of the situation they were in. Reluctantly, they unsheathed their weapons, their hands trembling with fear and uncertainty.

"Y-you can't expect us to..." one of them started to protest, but the cold determination in my eyes silenced him.

*****[Power Stones]*****

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[2 chapters on Pat reon]