
As the rogue ninjas hesitated, their weapons wavering in their hands, Sakura, Hinata, and Kushina exchanged glances filled with unease. They had witnessed enough bloodshed and violence, and now they questioned the necessity of further carnage. Their compassionate nature urged them to find a peaceful resolution, but I knew that sometimes the harsh reality needed to be unveiled.

"You... You can't tell them to kill each other?" Kushina protested, "If you do that, how are we different than them?"

"I think it will be better to capture them and bring them to the village for interrogation," Sakura joined in.

"I agree with Fred, they can summon zombies and who knows what kind of freaky Jutsus they are hiding? We must not let them inside the village and compromise everyone's lives," Hinata said after thinking for a bit.

"Listen," I began, my voice firm and resolute. "I understand that this may seem harsh, but we're dealing with a dangerous enemy here. These rogue ninjas are part of a group that has been conducting twisted experiments, using zombies and tailed beasts as weapons. They have caused immense suffering and destruction. If we let them go, they will continue their atrocities."

Sakura, Hinata, and Kushina looked at me, their eyes reflecting a mix of concern and doubt. They had always believed in the power of compassion and second chances, but I needed to show them the harsh truth.

"Look around you," I gestured towards the desolate Outpost 2, the wreckage of what was once a thriving community. "This place was overrun by zombies, but it was the work of these rogue ninjas that brought them here. They manipulated forces they couldn't control, and innocent lives were lost because of it."

The ninja girls glanced around, their expressions turning somber as they took in the devastation that surrounded them. The reality of the situation began to sink in.

"These zombies, as dangerous as they are, are still mindless creatures driven by instinct. But these rogue ninjas, with their twisted experiments and lust for power, pose an even greater threat. They have the knowledge, they have free will, and they willingly chose to unleash chaos upon innocent people."

I paused, giving them a moment to absorb the gravity of the situation. The air hung heavy with silence, broken only by the faint sounds of distant groans from the remaining zombies.

"If we let them go, how many more lives will be lost? How many more communities will be destroyed? Sometimes, harsh decisions need to be made to protect the greater good. It's a sad reality, but it's the reality we face."

"Sometimes, in order to kill the devil, you need to become the devil... Which, I will gladly become. These trash of humanity must learn what it feels like to be the other end of the knife before their death."

Sakura, Hinata, and Kushina remained quiet, their expressions shifting from hesitation to a newfound understanding. They knew that the path of mercy and forgiveness wasn't always the right choice in the face of such darkness.

"And if that doesn't convince you, then will you take the responsibility if something goes wrong? Who will take responsibility if they summon another tailed beast or worse, an Edo-Tensei? Besides, did your senses went that dull after not fighting humans for a long time?" I said as I transformed back to my human form.

"What do you mean?" Kushina asked.

"What I meant is... How could you girls not smell the rotting smell coming from their bodies?" I said as I pointed my wand toward the rogue ninjas, "Revelio."

The rogue ninjas, as the Revelio spell took effect, revealed the horrifying truth. Their bodies were intertwined with mutated zombie body parts, a grotesque fusion of flesh and decay. The stench of rotting flesh permeated the air, intensifying the already grim atmosphere.

Sakura, Hinata, and Kushina recoiled in shock and disgust, their expressions contorting with a mix of horror and revulsion. The revelation struck them with a harsh reminder of the depths to which these rogue ninjas had sunk.

"Their bodies... What the hell!?" Sakura whispered, her voice filled with disbelief.

"What in the fucking world are they?" Hinata spoke in disbelief, "How did they avoid my Byakugan?"

The rogue ninjas' bodies, intertwined with mutated zombie parts, perplexed and disturbed the ninja girls. The grotesque amalgamation of flesh and decay defied their expectations and even evaded Hinata's Byakugan, leaving them bewildered.

"They have merged themselves with the zombies," I explained, my voice filled with grim certainty. "It seems they have developed a technique to assimilate zombie body parts, enhancing their own abilities while maintaining control over their actions. Remember the abomination we killed on our way here?"

"Now that you mentioned it... Isn't this the only way in and out of this place? If so, then..." Sakura's eyes widened at the realization of the truth.

"Yeah, zombies don't attack other zombies unless they are on the verge of evolution, which is a very rare occurrence," Hinata explained.

"Exactly," I nodded, confirming their suspicions. "These rogue ninjas have been using their twisted experiments to blend in with the zombies, disguising themselves as one of them. It allowed them to move freely within the infected areas, undetected by both humans and other zombies. However, their mentality is still that of a human... Capturing three of you will give me enough data to develop a cure. Yes, since you were able to maintain your sanity after being merged with zombie parts..."

"A cure! You mean... You... You can do that?" Kushina stuttered in disbelief.

However, now being caught by us the rogue ninjas went berserk.

"YOU... DAMN, YOU! YOU SHOULD HAVE TAKEN US TO YOUR VILLAGE. ISN'T THAT WHAT YOU LEAF, NINJAS, DO?" One of the rogue ninjas yelled and stood up. Her body is pulsating with a yellow glow. Her skin is turning yellow.


As the rogue ninja's body pulsated with a yellow glow and her skin turned yellow, signaling a dangerous transformation, I quickly assessed the situation. It was clear that she intended to unleash some form of devastating attack, likely intending to take us down with her. We had to act swiftly to neutralize the threat. Besides, with the new weapons and defenses around the village, they won't be able to put a scratch much less destroy, but the tailed beasts are another matter.

We have to hurry.

I activated the Omnitrix and selected Brainstorm, a highly intelligent alien species known as a Cerebrocrustacean.

In an instant, my body morphed, and I transformed into Brainstorm, the alien with a crab-like appearance, a big brain-shaped head, and tentacle-like appendages. Brainstorm possessed incredible intelligence and mental abilities, making him the perfect choice to quickly analyze the situation and devise a plan.

"Target... Analyzing..."

As Brainstorm, I quickly analyzed the situation, focusing my mental abilities on the rogue ninja who was undergoing a dangerous transformation. I gathered information about her abilities, weaknesses, and the potential devastating attack she was preparing.

"Mutation detected. Enhanced physical strength, energy manipulation, and the ability to release a powerful explosive wave," I reported to Sakura, Hinata, and Kushina, who were still in shock from the revelation.

"It seems she intends to unleash a devastating attack on us. We need to act quickly to neutralize the threat," I continued, my voice calm and focused, "Let's see a well-placed electric attack on her central nerves will do the trick..."

I extended my tentacle-like appendages, generating an electric charge as I carefully aimed at the rogue ninja's central nervous system. With precision and speed, I unleashed a powerful surge of electricity, targeting the vulnerable points in her body to disrupt her transformation and render her incapacitated.

The electric surge hit its mark, causing the rogue ninja to convulse in pain and lose control over her transformation. The yellow glow subsided, and her body returned to its normal state. She fell to the ground, weakened and unable to carry out her devastating attack.

I disabled the rest of the rogue ninjas, destroying their chakra points. Well, due to their mutation, they were still alive.

I transformed back into human form and gave them my weapons, in case they might need them. Then I transformed into Jetray.

"I have already gathered enough data, kill them, burn their bodies to ashes, and hast back to the village... The vision that I saw has already started. The zombie invasion. I will be heading first. And girls, be careful," I said.

As Jetray, I swiftly took to the skies, leaving Sakura, Hinata, and Kushina behind to deal with the incapacitated rogue ninjas.


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[2 chapters on Pat reon]