As Jetray, I took to the skies, leaving Sakura, Hinata, and Kushina to deal with the incapacitated rogue ninjas. Their bodies were still alive due to their mutation, but without their chakra points functioning properly, they posed no immediate threat. I had faith that the ninja girls could handle the situation and ensure their capture while I headed back to the village.

Flying at high speeds, I made my way towards the village, my mind filled with a sense of urgency. The vision I had seen earlier, the impending zombie invasion, weighed heavily on my thoughts. I needed to reach the village quickly and alert the others to prepare for the attack.

Although I was confident before, now after knowing these rogues have the zombified-tailed beasts under their control and the fact that they have mutated themselves to gain more power, I am having second thoughts. I still have no information about how much they can utilize that mutation or if they can use the same power as the mutated zombies. Besides what if they have Edo-Tensei lined up for summon.

Moreover, if they really did have that much planned out then I don't even want to think what kind of ninja they will reanimate.

I flew down and transformed back into my human form. I can't waste Omnitrix's energy like this. I took out my wand.

With a swift flick of my wand, I cast the Apparition spell and disappeared from the sky, instantly reappearing near the entrance of the village.

As I arrived at the village entrance, the scene before me was chaotic and filled with tension. The ground was littered with the remains of defeated zombies, evidence of the village's battle against the undead.

Luckily, they weren't able to cross the reinforced plant wall that I have created using Swampfire's abilities. Right now, things look calm. Almost too calm for comfort.

Tsunade jumped down from the wall.

"It has begun," I said.

Tsunade's eyes narrowed as she took in my words. She was known for her keen intuition and ability to sense danger, and she immediately understood the gravity of the situation.

"The zombie invasion..." Tsunade murmured, her voice laced with concern. "I knew it was only a matter of time. This was the first horde, then?"

"Yeah. And I have two bad news," I said, my voice grave, "First, the rogue ninjas have zombified-tailed beasts under their control..."

Tsunade's expression hardened as she absorbed the information, "But... that's impossible. The tailed beasts disappeared that day when that unknown entity vanished. We need bigger guns."

"And second," I continued, my voice slightly strained, "The enemies have mutated themselves, assimilating zombie body parts to enhance their own abilities and blend in with the infected."

Tsunade's brows furrowed as she processed the second piece of information. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on her, as she understood the implications of the enemy's mutation.

"Mutated rogue ninjas... that adds a whole new level of danger," Tsunade said, her voice tinged with concern. "Their ability to blend in with the infected and enhance their own powers makes them formidable adversaries. We'll need to adjust our strategies accordingly."

She glanced around at the village defenses, assessing the current situation. The reinforced plant wall stood strong, keeping the zombies at bay for now. But she knew that this was only the beginning, and the village would need to prepare for the onslaught to come.

"First and foremost, we need to fortify our defenses," Tsunade declared with a determined tone. "The plant wall is holding for now, but we can't rely on it alone. We must strengthen our barriers and establish multiple layers of defense to ensure the safety of the village."

"I have a better idea. The sun will go down in a few hours. Those Day Lurkers are annoying to deal with and if we spread further, it will be bad. Let's hold them here till night. Send out the girls and use all the mines and traps we made. And tell them to set up UV lamps throughout the forest. And once the night falls, we will surround them with UV rays from all sides," I continued to explain my plan.

I continued, "They think they are in control here, let's show them how wrong they are. Under the UV rays, they won't be able to do a thing and we will light them up with bullet showers... No matter how powerful they are, or how many mutated ninjas there are... They are zombies in the end, with the same weakness."

"Just like fish in a barrel!" Tsunade nodded, a determined look in her eyes. "I like your plan. We'll use the advantage of daylight to hold them off and maximize our defenses. The UV lamps will ensure that they're trapped within the forest, unable to escape our onslaught. And once night falls, we'll rain down bullets and UV rays upon them, giving them a taste of their own medicine."

She turned to the nearby shinobi, issuing orders with a commanding voice. "Prepare for battle! Deploy all available traps, mines, and UV lamps throughout the forest. We'll create a deadly maze for our enemies."

The ninja girls left in a hurry.

"What about Sakura and Hinata?" Tsunade asked.

"They should arrive before night fall," I replied, "But, even with this plan, things might go wrong if we encounter a zombified Edo Tensei."

"Is that even possible?" Tsunade asked.

"Yes, it's a possibility," I responded. "Given the rogue ninjas' proficiency in twisted experiments, it wouldn't be surprising if they've killed some of their own who have mutated and then brought them back to life. We must be prepared for any scenario."

Tsunade's expression turned grim as she absorbed the information. She understood the gravity of the situation and the potential threat posed by a zombified Edo Tensei.

"Leave them to me," Saphira flew down from the sky, "I have scouted the surroundings, hundreds and thousands of zombies are approaching our border. And there are some of those things you call reanimated corpses with intelligence. They are the ones controlling the hoard."

"So, destroying them will stop the invasion?" Tsunade nodded, her expression determined. "If we can eliminate the ones controlling the horde, it will likely disrupt their coordination and weaken their overall force. We'll need to identify their leaders and prioritize taking them down."

"As I said, leave them to me. With my power restored to 100%, I can finally transform into my real form. Extinguishing insects like those would be a piece of cake. Let's kill them all and clear the entire land of fire from zombies," Saphira said with a smirk.

I have no doubt in her abilities and given that she is a dragon djinn, her power would indeed be formidable against the zombies and their leaders. Saphira's confidence and determination were reassuring, and I knew she would be a valuable asset in this battle.

"Very well, Saphira," Tsunade said, a hint of relief in her voice. "Your assistance will be crucial in neutralizing the leaders and turning the tide of this invasion. We'll coordinate our efforts and provide support where needed."

"I need no support humans, I just want to eat that big wild boar after the battle," Saphira said as she flew in the sky, "I need some time to properly transform, until then do your best to survive."

I chuckled at Saphira's remark. Despite her intimidating appearance and powerful abilities, she had a playful side to her. It was good to see her in high spirits, as it lifted the morale of everyone around.

"Sounds like a plan," I said with a grin. "After we've dealt with the invasion, we can all celebrate with a feast. But let's focus on the task at hand for now. We need to ensure the safety of the village and eliminate the threat."

We started making preparations in haste. Soon, the invasion will begin.

Thousands of zombies, well, fuck!


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[3 chapters on Pat reon]