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[4 advance chapters on Pat reon]


As the time passed and the sun began to set, the atmosphere in the village grew tense. Hinata, Sakura, and Kushina had returned safely, evading the hordes of zombies along the way. They joined Tsunade and me, prepared for the upcoming battle.

We stood at the front lines, overlooking the forest where the zombies would soon emerge. The village was fortified with an array of defenses, ready to unleash a barrage of firepower upon the enemy. Snipers took their positions, machine gunners readied their weapons, shotgun vanguards stood at the ready, RPG launchers aimed at strategic points, and turrets were armed to the teeth. The forest was dotted with UV lamps, that would hinder the zombies' movements on activation.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what was to come. My priority was to conserve the energy of the Omnitrix, saving it for the potential encounter with the zombified-tailed beasts. I had to rely on the others and the prepared defenses to hold the line while I remained ready to face the colossal threats.

"Remember, our goal is to eliminate the leaders controlling the horde," I reminded everyone, my voice firm. "Take down the zombies, but keep an eye out for any that show signs of intelligence or coordination. Those are the ones we need to prioritize."

Tsunade nodded, her eyes scanning the area as she stood tall and resolute. "We'll focus our efforts on disrupting their organization. If we can disrupt their chain of command, we can weaken their overall force."

Hinata stepped forward, her Byakugan activated, scanning the forest with her heightened vision. "I'll keep an eye out for any anomalies. I can see through the darkness and detect any signs of chakra. If there are any ninja among the zombies, I'll spot them."

Sakura clenched her fists, her determination evident. "Don't get bitten girls. Even medical ninjutsu will be useless against a bite. Aim for their heads."

The team nodded in agreement, understanding the severity of the situation. With the plan in place and everyone prepared, we waited for the approaching darkness and the onslaught of the zombie horde.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the forest became shrouded in darkness. The eerie silence was broken only by the rustling of leaves and the distant groans of the approaching zombies.

Everyone's on their edges and I can see a mix of fear and determination in their eyes. Tsume and her team were ready with their giant dogs. Tenten and her squad of vanguards were ready with their shotguns and handguns, ready to splatter some freaks.

Kurenai, Anko, and a couple of familiar girls were standing ready near the turret.

Some of them were standing on the watchtowers, ready to face any flying zombies with the anti-air artillery.

On the wall, Kushina, along with her team were standing ready with their sniper rifles.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the air, followed by a piercing screech. The first wave of zombies emerged from the forest, their decaying bodies moving with an unnatural hunger.

"Steady, now. Let them come a bit closer. After all, we have to make sure they like the surprise we have prepared for them. And no matter what, don't use any jutsus. You all know what happens when you use a jutsu against these bastards," I cautioned, my voice steady but filled with urgency.

Come on, fuckers. We have worked sweat and blood to make those mines. Just step on them and die again.

The team members nodded, fully aware of the risks involved in using jutsus against the zombies. The energy emitted by jutsus seemed to attract them, making it dangerous to unleash powerful techniques and some even use jutsus without any limits. We had to rely on conventional weapons and tactics to maintain the upper hand.

As the zombies approached, inching closer to the village, the tension in the air grew palpable. The snipers held their positions, fingers on triggers, ready to pick off the approaching undead. The vanguards maintained a defensive formation, shotguns at the ready, prepared to engage the zombies at close range. The turrets hummed with anticipation, awaiting the command to unleash a storm of bullets upon the horde.

The zombies continued their relentless advance, stumbling and groaning as they closed in on the village. With each step they took, they triggered the hidden mines and traps strategically placed in their path. Explosions ripped through the air, tearing apart the bodies of the undead and temporarily halting their progress.

The mines did their job, dismembering the zombies and slowing down their advance. But it wasn't enough to completely stop them. They were resilient, their hunger driving them forward, even with limbs blown off and bodies torn apart.

"Snipers, take down the stunned ones," Tsunade yelled.

The snipers reacted swiftly to Tsunade's command. Their scopes zeroed in on the immobilized zombies, and one by one, shots rang out, piercing through the undead's heads with deadly accuracy. The snipers' precision was unmatched, and their shots proved to be fatal for the immobilized zombies, putting them down for good.

"Vanguards, slaughter them," I yelled.

As the snipers eliminated the stunned zombies, the vanguards moved in, unleashing a barrage of shotgun blasts upon the horde. The close-quarters combat expertise of the vanguards allowed them to quickly dispatch multiple zombies with each blast, sending them flying backward and disintegrating their decaying bodies.


Flying mutated zombies!

The piercing screech filled the air as the mutated zombies launched themselves into the sky, their grotesque wings flapping violently. It was a sight to behold, as the creatures defied logic and took flight, aiming to attack from above.

"Anti-air artillery! Take them down!" I shouted, my voice cutting through the chaos.

The anti-air artillery crew sprang into action, their weapons trained on the flying mutated zombies. With calculated precision, they unleashed a storm of bullets, peppering the sky and intercepting the airborne threats. The powerful ammunition tore through the mutated zombies' bodies, causing them to plummet back to the ground, lifeless.

However, more zombies continued to emerge from the forest, their numbers seemingly endless. The initial waves were just the tip of the iceberg, and the real challenge lay ahead. The village's defenses held for now, but the true test of their strength and strategy was yet to come.

"Keep up the onslaught! Don't let them break through!" Tsunade commanded, her voice resolute and unwavering.

The team maintained their positions, the snipers picking off individual targets, the vanguards engaging the zombies in close combat, and the turrets unleashing a continuous hail of bullets. The forest became a battleground, the air thick with the stench of decay and the sounds of gunfire.

Hinata's Byakugan allowed her to identify the zombies with signs of intelligence and coordination. She relayed the information to Tsunade, who quickly disseminated the details to the team.

"We've spotted several zombies showing higher intelligence and directing the others," Tsunade informed. "Focus your efforts on taking them down. They are the ones we need to eliminate."

The team adjusted their tactics accordingly, prioritizing the targets identified by Hinata. Working together seamlessly, they coordinated their attacks to disrupt the zombies' organization and weaken their overall force.

Bullets flying in every direction. The zombies were falling like flies under the power of modern weaponry.

The combined efforts of the snipers, vanguards, and turrets proved to be effective as the zombies fell one by one, their bodies torn apart by the relentless hail of bullets. The village's defenses held strong, and the initial waves of zombies were successfully repelled.

However, the battle was far from over. The true challenge lay ahead as more waves of zombies continued to emerge from the forest. The team remained vigilant, their focus unwavering, as they fought with determination and skill.

"Shall we join in?" I looked toward Tsunade and Sakura.