As the battle raged on and more waves of zombies emerged from the forest, I held off on using UV rays against the current horde. It would be more effective to conserve that strategy for the larger threats that were yet to come. I turned to Tsunade and Sakura, considering our next move.

"Using UV rays on these weaklings would be a waste," I said, assessing the situation. "Let's wait for the bigger ones to get within range. Our priority should be taking down the leaders controlling the horde."

Tsunade nodded in agreement. "You're right. It's important to prioritize our resources and tactics strategically. We need to conserve our strength for the most significant threats."

Sakura tightened her grip on her weapon, her eyes scanning the battlefield. "We should focus on clearing a path towards the leaders. If we can disrupt their control, it will weaken the entire horde."

I looked around at the team, observing their dedication and determination. "Alright, shall we join in the fun?"

It's been a while since I used a gun.

With a nod of agreement, Tsunade and Sakura joined me as we leaped into the battlefield, guns in hand. The three of us moved swiftly, weaving through the chaos, targeting the zombies with signs of higher intelligence and coordination.

The battlefield was a maelstrom of gunfire and undead limbs, the air thick with the scent of gunpowder and decay. We fought side by side, each of us unleashing precise shots upon our targets. Our aim was focused, aiming for the heads of the zombies to ensure a swift and permanent end.

As we moved through the battlefield, our shots rang out with deadly accuracy. The combined expertise of Tsunade, Sakura, and myself allowed us to swiftly dispatch the zombies showing signs of intelligence and coordination. With each fallen leader, the horde's organization weakened, and their overall force diminished.

The other members of the team continued to hold the line, their efforts synchronized with ours. The snipers picked off targets from a distance, their shots precise and lethal. The vanguards engaged in close combat, their shotguns delivering devastating blows to the undead. The turrets unleashed a relentless storm of bullets, shredding through the approaching zombies.

"Split up!" I yelled.

As I yelled for the team to split up, we quickly dispersed, each of us targeting different areas of the battlefield. The goal was simple, kill whatever is not human.

The deafening sound of gunfire fills my ears as I dash through the sea of undead. Gripping my handguns tightly, I unleash a flurry of bullets upon the approaching zombies, each shot finding its mark with deadly precision. Their decaying bodies crumble to the ground as I swiftly move from one target to another.

I twist and turn, my movements fluid and calculated, dodging the grasping hands and gnashing teeth of the undead. The scent of decay lingers in the air, but I push past it, focused solely on eliminating the threats that surround me.

Bullets rip through the air, cutting through the darkness as I unload round after round into the horde. With each shot, a zombie falls, its existence snuffed out by my relentless assault. But they keep coming, an unending tide of rotting flesh and relentless hunger.

I switch tactics, holstering my handguns and unsheathing my knives. Swift and precise, I slice through the undead, severing limbs and severing their connection to life. The metallic scent of blood fills my nostrils as I dance through the chaos, my blades finding their mark with lethal accuracy.

A group of zombies lunges toward me, their arms outstretched. I sidestep their grasp, ducking under their reach, and retaliate with a swift slash of my knives. Their bodies crumble, collapsing in a heap, and I push forward, never relenting.

The battle is fierce, but I remain focused, my senses heightened. I anticipate the movements of the undead, their sluggishness no match for my agility and training. With every swing of my blades, I create a path through the horde, clearing the way for our team's advancement.

The cries of the undead mix with the shouts of my comrades, forming a cacophony of chaos. But amidst the chaos, we fight with a shared purpose, united in our determination to protect the village and eradicate the zombie menace.

Time seems to blur as I continue my relentless assault. Zombies fall, their bodies piling up around me. Yet, more keep coming, a seemingly endless onslaught. But I won't waver. I won't give in.

I press on, my knives moving in a deadly dance, cutting through the air and carving a path of destruction. Each strike is fueled by a mix of adrenaline, skill, and the unwavering will to survive.

"Die!" A giant claw! I jumped back. It nearly missed my throat by an inch.

A mutated human!

As I narrowly avoid the giant claw aimed at my throat, I quickly assess the situation. The mutated human before me. Its monstrous form and the sheer strength it possesses pose a significant threat.

"Another freak!" I stood up.

With my knife in my right hand and handgun in my left, I dash toward the mutated human, determined to take it down. I focus my thoughts, assessing its movements and searching for any weaknesses I can exploit.

"Brave for a puny human," The freak stood there arrogantly, waiting for me to step in its range.

As I close the distance between us, the mutated human swings its massive claw once again, aiming to strike me down. I quickly dodge to the side, narrowly evading its attack. Taking advantage of its momentarily exposed flank, I swiftly slash at its side with my knife, aiming at the exposed flesh.

The blade cuts through its flesh, eliciting a pained roar from the mutated human. It staggers back, giving me an opportunity to follow up with a barrage of bullets from my handgun. I aim for its head, firing round after round with deadly accuracy.

The bullets find their mark, tearing through the mutated human's skull and causing it to stumble backward. However, it remains standing, its resilience surprising even me. The fight is far from over.

"Is that all?" The freak spoke. The flesh and bones on its body are healing rapidly. "I can regenerate infinitely. You are dead meat."

I took out my wand and pointed at its head.

"You are alive, right?" I asked.

"More than you will ever be," The freak replied with an arrogant grin.

"That's all I need to know. Avada Kedavra!" A flash of green energy emerged from my wand and struck the freak.

Did it work?

The freak fell on its knees, dead. But, always double tap. "Confringo!"

The force of the Confringo spell hits the fallen mutated human, causing a powerful explosion. The shockwave ripples through the air, engulfing the surrounding area in flames and debris. The lifeless body of the mutated human is further damaged, disintegrating under the impact of the spell.

I take a moment to catch my breath, surveying the aftermath of the explosion. The threat has been neutralized, at least for now. But the battle rages on around me, and I can't afford to lose focus.

[Wooosh!] "Fall back, everyone. Let this majestic dragon slaughter these bugs," As Saphira's majestic form emerges overhead, her wings spread wide, casting a shadow over the dark battlefield. The remaining zombies below pause for a moment, seemingly frozen in awe at the sight of the mighty dragon.

"Fall back!" I shout, signaling the team to retreat and regroup. We quickly disengage from the ongoing skirmishes and gather together, finding cover behind the village's fortifications.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

[Rawrrraaarrr!!!!] The loud roar of the zombified-tailed beasts swept over the battlefield. Finally, those bastards summoned those freaks.

"Activate the UV lights!" I ordered.

********[6 MORE Chs left before the vol-1 ends with Hinata pregnant.]********

Any support is welcome: https://www.patr

[4 advance chapters on Pat reon]

I don't plan to continue this one for a long time due to a lack of support/power stones. Except for some readers who seem to like it.