While spending some time with Hinata on the watchtower, something caught my eye. On the far horizon, where a white round ball of light had materialized out of nowhere. Its brilliance stood out against the darkened sky, capturing my curiosity and intrigue.

"Hinata, do you see that?" I asked, pointing toward the strange phenomenon.

Hinata followed my gaze and gasped softly. "Yes, I see it," She used her Byakugan. "What the hell?! This chakra signature!!!" A veil of fear covered her face. I can tell from her expression that the white ball of light is something far more dangerous than what we faced a few hours ago.

The ball of light seemed to be growing larger and brighter with each passing moment. It emitted a soft, ethereal glow that illuminated the surrounding area. As it expanded, wisps of energy danced around its core, giving it an otherworldly appearance.

"Hinata! What's that thing?" I asked.

Hinata's eyes widened in realization, her voice filled with concern. "It's Otsutsuki's chakra. The one who brought the zombie apocalypse to this world and caused the accelerated aging and infertility in men."

The gravity of the situation sank in. If the source of the white ball of light was indeed Otsutsuki, we were facing an incredibly formidable opponent. We had to prepare ourselves for the worst. Previously Evans did some serious numbers on that freak before his death. Did he really heal completely?

We hurriedly climbed down the tower.

Everyone was looking at the source of light with fear. The smile on their faces after the victory disappeared.

"That's him..." Tsunade stuttered.

Sakura and the others were looking at the chakra source with blank expressions.

As the white ball of light continued to expand, its brilliance reaching its peak, a figure emerged from within. He stepped forward, his presence exuding an overwhelming aura of power and malevolence.

The enemy revealed himself to be a tall and imposing figure, standing at around six feet tall. He had long, flowing silver hair that cascaded down his back, contrasting starkly against his pale complexion. His eyes glowed with a vibrant shade of yellow rinnegan, radiating an eerie intensity.

Adorned in elaborate black and silver robes that billowed around him, he exuded an air of regality and authority. His physique was lean yet muscular, a testament to his formidable strength. Every movement he made exuded a sense of grace and control.

But what caught everyone's attention was the third eye on his forehead, just above his eyebrows. It was a striking feature that further accentuated his otherworldly appearance. The eye had a vivid purple iris with three tomoe spinning within it, a symbol of immense power and mastery.

The enemy's presence alone sent shivers down the spines of those who witnessed him. It was clear that we were facing a force far greater than anything we had encountered before. As he turned his gaze toward us, a wicked smile formed on his lips, revealing a hint of his malicious intent.

Despite his imposing presence, it became apparent that the injuries inflicted on the enemy by Evans had not fully healed. His left arm was missing, replaced by a blackened stump that ended just below the shoulder. The remnants of his ear were charred and misshapen, a testament to the fire that had consumed it.

Burned patches of skin marred his once flawless complexion, indicating that the wounds inflicted upon him were still present, albeit in a partially healed state. The sight of these injuries gave us a glimmer of hope amidst the overwhelming power he possessed.

His gaze locked onto us, and his wicked smile widened, revealing a set of sharp, predatory teeth. It was a chilling sight that sent a shiver down my spine.

Humm. Considering, Evans was an Earthling just like me, he chose to become a Saiyan. And judging by the injuries on that freak's body, he must have arrogantly taken the full power of Kamehameha,

"I see you've managed to put up quite a fight," he spoke, his voice resonating with an otherworldly echo. "But it ends here. Filthy humans!"

The enemy's voice echoed through the air, filled with contempt and superiority. His words dripped with disdain, clearly viewing us as insignificant beings.

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon us. We were up against an incredibly powerful adversary, one who had caused immense destruction and suffering. But isn't this the chance to take that bastard down for good?

As everyone cowered before the powerful enemy, I made a quick decision. Determined to test the limits of modern weaponry against the chakra of an Otsutsuki, I grabbed an RPG launcher and took aim. With a steady hand and a heart filled with resolve, I squeezed the trigger.

The rocket-propelled grenade soared through the air, leaving a trail of smoke behind it. It closed in on the enemy with incredible speed, exploding upon impact. The blast engulfed the area, creating a massive shockwave that shook the surroundings.

As the smoke cleared, revealing the aftermath of the explosion, we stared in disbelief. The enemy stood unaffected by the blast, his body surrounded by a barrier of swirling purple energy. The Truth-Seeking Orbs, the manifestation of his chakra, had protected him from the explosion.

The enemy chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Is that the best you can do? Such feeble attempts won't even scratch me."

"Oh, why don't you take a look at your body?" I said with a smirk as I reloaded the RPG launcher.

"Impossible!" He yelled.

Although he is strong, and those orbs will kill anything in their way, it has a certain range. Plus, the fact that even he couldn't block the burn from a white phosphorus explosion, is telling me that, modern weaponry is working on him.

"What the fuck are you girls standing there for? Grab the guns and rocket launchers and blow that bastard away. Unleash every last ammunition we had. Don't let that fucker recover," I yelled, rallying the girls.

"Die! Bugs!" With a flick of his finger, the Otsutsuki summoned five giant meteors from the sky, "PLANETARY DEVASTATION!"

The sky darkened as five massive meteors, hurtling towards us with devastating force.

I turned toward Spahira.

"Buy me 10 minutes at all costs. I need to gather enough energy for a Djinn Equipt," Saphira sat on the ground, "And, Fred, don't die. I am the one who is going to kill you, you get it?"

"Haha!" I chuckled, "You think those puny things will kill me? Don't even dream about it."

I turned my Omnitrix's dial.

"Hey, leave those meteors to Tsunade, Sakura, and me. Rest of you open fire," I selected Waybig and pressed the dial down, "Time to go big."

With a flash of green light, I transformed.

"Get on my palm. I will throw you two up," I said laying my huge palm on the ground. Tsunade and Sakura got on. They are using their Hundred Healing Jutsu. Black tattoo-like seals cover their bodies.

"Let's go," Sakura cracked her fingers.


With a powerful heave, I threw them skyward, watching as they soared towards the meteors with incredible speed. Their chakra flared, and they positioned themselves in strategic locations to intercept the celestial threats.

Tsunade's palms glowed with a vibrant green light as she channeled her chakra. She shouted, "Heavenly Destruction Jutsu: Palm Sage Art - Great Sudden Sky!"

Concentrated bursts of green chakra shot forth from her hands, colliding with the first meteor. The impact created a violent explosion, scattering fragments across the sky. Tsunade's technique not only destroyed the meteor but also disrupted its trajectory, ensuring it posed no further threat.

Meanwhile, Sakura focused her chakra into her fists, activating her own unique jutsu. "Strength of a Hundred: Cherry Blossom Impact!"

Her fists blazed with a vibrant pink glow as she launched herself towards the second meteor. With a powerful punch, she shattered the celestial rock into countless fragments, sending them dispersing harmlessly into the atmosphere. Sakura's incredible strength and precision made short work of the threat.

As for the remaining meteors, I extended my colossal arms, ready to intercept them myself. Wait! I got a nice idea.

I caught those remaining three meteors one after another and threw them at the Otsutsuki. I wonder, whose power is stronger, your control over them or my pure strength, besides, can you even afford to look away from the barrages of bullets, and explosives?


AN: Nice idea, right? [Definitely, not my idea. True.] Catch them and throw them back at enemy like base ball.