As the meteors hurtled towards the Otsutsuki, he was momentarily caught off guard by the unexpected attack. With his attention diverted, the barrage of bullets and explosives from the rest of the group bombarded him, creating a continuous onslaught of firepower.

The air was filled with the deafening sound of gunfire and explosions as everyone unleashed their ammunition, determined to weaken the enemy and keep him occupied. The Otsutsuki's barrier of swirling purple energy strained under the relentless assault, cracks appearing on its surface.

The Otsutsuki unleashed a powerful shockwave emanated from his body, repelling the incoming meteors and dispersing the barrage of bullets and explosives. The force of the attack sent everyone flying backward, their bodies crashing into the surrounding landscape.

He just used the All Mighty Push just like that.

"Annoying bugs!" The Otsutsuki's voice boomed with frustration as he effortlessly deflected the attacks, his barrier remaining intact despite the onslaught. He glared at the group with burning intensity, his eyes filled with contempt.

Realizing that our initial assault had not been enough to bring down the enemy, I quickly assessed the situation. The Otsutsuki's power was formidable, he can use his powers just with a flick of his finger. But for whatever reason, might be his injuries, he hasn't moved a single step from his position.

"Sakura, Tsunade, fall back and regroup!" I shouted, "Leave that bastard to me." I wonder if Way Big's Cosmic Rays would be effective against him?

As Sakura and Tsunade regrouped, falling back to a safe distance, I focused on my next move. With the power of Way Big at my disposal, I had an advantage in terms of size and strength. I knew that I needed to find a way to exploit the Otsutsuki's vulnerabilities and push the limits of my own abilities.

Gathering my strength, I raised my colossal arms and channeled Way Big's energy into a beam of intense cosmic rays. The beam surged forward, streaking through the air towards the Otsutsuki. The cosmic rays crackled with immense power, capable of disintegrating anything in their path.

However, as the cosmic ray beam neared the Otsutsuki, he swiftly raised his hand and created a barrier of swirling purple energy to intercept the attack. The barrier absorbed the impact of the cosmic rays, causing them to disperse harmlessly around him.

The Otsutsuki let out a mocking laugh. "Is that the extent of your power, human? No matter what form you take, inferior species will always remain inferior before God. Your feeble attempts won't even scratch me."

Damn, that freak. He absorbed my cosmic rays with his Rinnegan. But what if there's no energy involved, like shockwaves? I slammed my giant palm together, a shockwave rippled through the air, creating a powerful burst of force that surged towards the Otsutsuki. The shockwave expanded rapidly, its impact sweeping across the battlefield, threatening to engulf the enemy.

The Otsutsuki's barrier flickered as it struggled to withstand the force of the shockwave. For a moment, it seemed like my attack had caught him off guard, disrupting his concentration and weakening his defenses. The cracks on his barrier widened, hinting at its imminent collapse.

However, just as it seemed like victory was within reach, the Otsutsuki regained his composure. He let out a deep growl and unleashed a surge of energy from his body, countering the shockwave with his own power. The clash between the forces created a violent explosion, shaking the ground and sending debris flying in all directions.

As the dust settled, the Otsutsuki stood tall, his barrier now fully restored. He sneered at me, his eyes gleaming with a mix of arrogance and malice. "What else have you got?"

With a roar of determination, I swung my colossal fist towards the Otsutsuki, aiming to deliver a devastating blow. The sheer force behind the punch caused the air to crackle, and the ground trembled beneath my immense strength.

But to my surprise, the Otsutsuki swiftly evaded my attack with an agility that defied his imposing stature. He moved with an almost supernatural grace, effortlessly sidestepping my punch and leaving me momentarily off balance.

Before I could recover, the Otsutsuki retaliated with a swift counterattack. His movements were a blur as he unleashed a flurry of strikes, each one infused with his immense power. His fists collided with my colossal form, causing shockwaves to ripple through the air.

Despite my size and strength, the force of his blows pushed me back, my massive frame stumbling under the impact. The ground shook with each collision, and the surroundings were filled with the sound of the Otsutsuki's relentless assault.

Realizing that I needed to adapt my strategy, I activated one of Way Big's special abilities. With a surge of energy, I generated a powerful force field around my colossal form. The force field crackled with cosmic energy, providing an additional layer of defense against the Otsutsuki's onslaught.

As the Otsutsuki continued his barrage of attacks, his strikes now met with resistance as they collided with the force field. The impact of each blow sent shockwaves reverberating through the barrier, but it held strong, shielding me from the full force of his assaults.

While the force field provided temporary protection, it was clear that I needed to find a way to turn the tide of the battle. I assessed the situation, searching for any potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities in his defenses.

As the Otsutsuki pressed his attacks, I noticed a brief moment of hesitation in his movements, a split-second where his guard seemed to lower. It was a small opening, but it was enough for me to exploit.

Seizing the opportunity, I gathered my strength and unleashed a powerful surge of cosmic energy. It manifested as a concentrated beam of light that shot forth from my palm, aiming directly at the Otsutsuki.

The beam of cosmic energy cut through the air with blinding speed, closing in on its target. The Otsutsuki's eyes widened in realization, but it was too late to evade the attack. The beam struck him with tremendous force, enveloping him in a brilliant explosion of light and energy.

As the dust settled, I looked upon the aftermath of my attack, hoping that it had been enough to bring down the formidable adversary. But as the smoke cleared, my heart sank. The Otsutsuki emerged from the blast, seemingly unscathed, his barrier of swirling purple energy still intact.

He stood tall, his expression unfazed by the assault he had just endured. A wicked smile crept across his face, revealing his unwavering confidence in his own power.

"This is getting interesting," he chuckled darkly. "But I'm afraid you'll have to try harder if you want to defeat me."

"So, that's your special ability?" I stood up and transformed back to my human form. I get it now, like all Otsutsuki, he also has an annoying special ability, that's almost scary if someone faces him without knowing it. It's so simple that, it's very easy to overlook.

"You are bluffing!"

I smirked at the Otsutsuki's taunting words. "Bluffing? Far from it. I've only just begun to show you what I'm capable of."

So far, he didn't move from his place while facing the bullets or projectile attack. Moreover, he only moved when I attacked him physically. Why did he do that?

As I pondered the Otsutsuki's peculiar behavior, a realization struck me. It seemed that he had a specific ability or condition that restricted his movement or limited his response to certain types of attacks.

Analyzing the battle thus far, I noticed that the Otsutsuki had only reacted when faced with physical attacks, such as my colossal punches. He seemed unfazed by projectiles, bullets, or energy-based attacks until they directly targeted him.

"It seems your power has a condition," I remarked, narrowing my eyes at the Otsutsuki. "You can only move or react when directly threatened physically."

The Otsutsuki's expression twitched, a brief moment of surprise flickering across his face before he masked it with a smirk. "Oh, perceptive, aren't we? But what are you going to do about it?"

"Nothing," I replied with a calm expression. "I am just going to stand here and wait for you to attack." I took out my wand.

The Otsutsuki's smirk faltered for a moment, a hint of uncertainty flickering in his eyes. It seemed that my revelation had caught him off guard, potentially exposing a weakness in his defenses. Sensing an opportunity, I maintained my calm demeanor and continued to hold my wand, ready to respond to any move he made.

"Waiting for me to attack, huh? You think you've figured me out," he scoffed, attempting to regain his composure. "Well, let's see how you fare..." He summoned four truth seeker orbs and threw them at me with blinding speed. But the orbs ignored me and stuck on the ground, "Huh?!"

"WAS IT BLOODLUST?" I yelled with a large smile.

The Otsutsuki's eyes widened in realization as he saw the truth seeker orbs embedded in the ground, unable to harm me. His confident demeanor wavered, and a sense of unease washed over him.

"Bingo," I said, my smile growing wider. "You absorb the kinetic energy from the physical attack and redirect it with double force, you are almost immune to projectile attack, but you can't harm someone who doesn't pose a threat to you, can you?"

As a former mercenary and trained spy, I have learned to control my bloodlust and conceal my true intentions. By suppressing my aggressive energy and projecting a calm and non-threatening demeanor, I had effectively neutralized the Otsutsuki's ability to react or counterattack.

The Otsutsuki gritted his teeth, realizing that he had underestimated my understanding of his powers. He had been relying on his ability to absorb and redirect kinetic energy to nullify any threats, but now he found himself facing a situation where his powers were rendered useless.

"Tell me something, are you alive?" I pointed my wand at the freak.

The Otsutsuki's eyes narrowed, his expression growing more guarded. "What does that matter to you? I am beyond the concept of life and death. I am an immortal being, a god."

I chuckled at his response. "Immortality, huh? But, in a sense you are alive, right?"

The Otsutsuki's gaze hardened as he regarded me with caution. "What are you trying to imply?"

I maintained my calm demeanor as I continued to probe his vulnerabilities. "Being alive means you can experience pain, suffering, and fear. Have you ever experienced pain beyond your comprehension?"

The Otsutsuki's arrogance faltered for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. He had been so confident in his immortality and godlike powers that he had overlooked the potential disadvantages that came with being alive.

"You talk too much," he growled, his voice laced with frustration. "Your words won't change anything. I am still far more powerful than you could ever comprehend. Even in my weakest form, you can not harm me."

"Crucio!" As I uttered the incantation, the curse shot forth from my wand, aimed directly at the Otsutsuki. The red light of the Unforgivable Curse filled the air as it approached its target.

"ARGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!" The Otsutsuki let out a guttural scream of pain as the Cruciatus Curse took effect. The intense agony of the curse overwhelmed him, causing his body to convulse uncontrollably. His barrier of swirling purple energy flickered and wavered under the strain, threatening to collapse.

I maintained my focus, channeling the curse's power with precision and intent. The Otsutsuki's screams echoed through the battlefield, a stark contrast to his previous confident demeanor. It was clear that he was experiencing pain beyond anything he had ever encountered.

But just as it seemed like the curse would bring him down, the Otsutsuki's eyes blazed with a newfound determination. He gritted his teeth and channeled his own power, pushing back against the effects of the curse.

I swiftly apparated before the Otsutsuki. I could see the desperation in his eyes as he struggled to resist the Cruciatus Curse. Taking advantage of his momentary vulnerability, I unleashed a powerful Confringo spell at point-blank range, aiming directly at his face.

The explosion from the Confringo spell engulfed the Otsutsuki, engulfing his eyes in a blaze of destructive energy. The force of the blast sent him staggering backward, his hand instinctively covering his face as he let out a roar of pain and anger.

As the smoke cleared, I could see the extent of the damage I had caused. The Otsutsuki's once-piercing eyes were now nothing but smoldering craters, leaving him blind and vulnerable. He stumbled, disoriented, and unable to perceive his surroundings.

"So prideful and arrogant, yet so easily brought down," I taunted, my voice dripping with satisfaction. "You may be wondering, *Why did projectile attack hurt me?*"

The Otsutsuki growled in frustration, his blind eyes darting around as he tried to locate my position. He knew that he was at a severe disadvantage now, deprived of his sight and the ability to react to my movements.

"You think this will stop me? I am still more powerful than you can comprehend!" he bellowed, his voice laced with anger and defiance.

I chuckled, stepping forward confidently. "Perhaps. But right now, you're at my mercy. And I have a feeling you're about to learn what it truly means to suffer."

Raising my wand once again, I prepared to deliver another devastating blow. But before I could cast the spell, a sudden disturbance caught my attention. The ground beneath us rumbled, and a surge of energy emanated from the Otsutsuki.

"I wonder if you can still smile after seeing what I have prepared specially for you remaining bugs..."


As the Otsutsuki's words hung in the air, I felt a sense of unease. The surge of energy he emitted hinted at a powerful counterattack, one that could potentially turn the tide of the battle in his favor. I quickly scanned my surroundings, searching for any signs of the impending danger.

Suddenly, the ground beneath us began to crack and split, as if responding to the Otsutsuki's power. Fissures snaked their way across the battlefield, and the earth trembled under the strain.

From the depths of the newly formed chasms, tendrils of dark energy erupted, reaching out towards me with malicious intent. The tendrils writhed and twisted, their touch radiating an icy coldness that sent shivers down my spine.