As the tendrils of dark energy reached out towards me, I quickly realized the gravity of the situation. It was as if the Otsutsuki's power had awakened something sinister lurking within the earth itself. I had to act swiftly to protect myself and my allies from this new threat.

"Everyone, be on guard!" I yelled; my voice filled with urgency. "He summoned something dangerous!"

The tendrils continued to extend, their cold touch inching closer to me. With a wave of my wand, I conjured a powerful shield of energy, forming a protective barrier around myself and the others. The dark tendrils collided with the barrier, recoiling from the impact but persisting in their relentless assault.

But as I focused on defending against the tendrils, a chilling realization washed over me. The dark energy emanating from the earth was not just an attack—it was a transformation. The ground around us began to shake violently, and a horrifying sight emerged from the depths of the chasms.

I quickly apparate out of the danger and created a distance between us.

Rising from the cracks in the earth, a massive, zombified creature emerged—a grotesque fusion of countless undead forms. It was the Ten-Tails, the primordial beast that symbolized ultimate destruction and despair.

The Zombified Ten-Tails towered over the battlefield, its skeletal form covered in decaying flesh and oozing with dark energy. Its hollow eyes glowed with an eerie light, filled with a hunger for destruction.

As I observed the Zombified Ten-Tails, it became apparent that the creature was merging with the remains of the defeated Otsutsuki. The dark tendrils that had previously extended from the earth now coalesced around the Ten-Tails, intertwining with its decaying form. The Otsutsuki's essence was being absorbed into the beast, enhancing its already immense power and giving it a sinister aura.

"Hahahaha! You bastards. Injuring me to the point beyond healing not once but twice. You annoying bugs of inferior species. Let's all die together, shall we? It would be your honor to die along with a God," The Otsutsuki's voice bellowed, his voice a mix of malevolence and madness.

Ah, crap! I remember the power of a ten-tailed beast. And now it's a zombified and fused with a fucking Otsutsuki. What more could go wrong. If I somehow don't stop this freak, it's the end. Can my spells even scratch this humongous freak? It would be like throwing a pebble at a huge tower.

Well, I just have to rely on my Omnitrix until Saphira arrives. I activated my Omnitrix and turned into Atomix, a being capable of harnessing atomic and nuclear energy.

Radiating a green aura of power, I took to the skies, hovering above the battlefield. The immense size and strength of the Zombified Ten-Tails were intimidating, but I had faced formidable adversaries before. I focused my energy, channeling atomic power into my hands, ready to unleash a devastating attack.

With a forceful thrust of my hands, I released a concentrated blast of nuclear energy towards the Zombified Ten-Tails. The blast collided with the creature, causing a massive explosion that sent shockwaves rippling through the area. The force of the explosion rocked the battlefield, and debris flew in every direction.

However, as the smoke cleared, I realized that my attack had only scratched the surface of the Zombified Ten-Tails' immense power. It stood there, largely unaffected by the blast, its decaying flesh slowly regenerating from the damage.

I needed to come up with a more potent strategy to weaken this monstrous fusion. Drawing upon my abilities, I channeled my nucleokinesis and chemokinesis to destabilize the atomic structure within the creature's body. By disrupting its molecular integrity, I aimed to weaken its regenerative capabilities and expose its vulnerabilities.

With precise control over atomic energy, I unleashed a barrage of focused attacks, targeting specific areas of the Zombified Ten-Tails. Each strike disrupted its cellular structure, causing it to decay at an accelerated rate. The creature roared in agony as chunks of its flesh fell away, revealing the skeletal framework beneath.

But even as I continued my assault, the Zombified Ten-Tails refused to yield. Its dark energy surged, counteracting my attacks and gradually restoring its decaying form. I realized that I needed a more decisive approach—one that could deliver a fatal blow to this abomination.

Summoning all the energy at my disposal, I activated my ultimate ability, "Nuclear Winner." Green energy crackled around me as I channeled an unprecedented amount of atomic power into a single devastating attack. With a resounding cry, I unleashed a colossal beam of nuclear energy directly at the Zombified Ten-Tails.

The beam pierced through the creature's defenses, tearing through its decaying body with an unstoppable force. The Zombified Ten-Tails shrieked in agony as the blast consumed it, obliterating its form and dispersing the dark energy that fueled it.

However, to my horror, a concentrated ball of red energy is forming before ten tail's mouth. It's a tail beast bomb.


As the concentrated ball of red energy started to form before the mouth of the Zombified Ten-Tails, I quickly realized that this was no ordinary attack. It was a devastating beam of destructive power that threatened to annihilate everything in its path.

If I don't stop it, it will destroy the village along with everyone. I can not allow that to happen.

[Danger Detected]

[Activating Evolution Mode]

Suddenly, I heard a voice coming from the Omnitrix. It forced me out of the Atomix transformation back to human form. It's glowing with a blue hue.

[Form 2: Ultimatrix]

[Welcome, Fredrick Evans]

"Wait! It was an Ultimatrix, not Omnitrix?" I asked.


[Ultimatrix code was set to activate only during a life-threatening situation.]

Great! You bastard of ten tails... You are so fucked. I activated my new watch and selected Chromastone. I will absorb every ounce of your bomb and send it back to you. All I need to do is transform into the Ultimate Chromastone.

The green light washed over me, transforming me into not Chromastone!

"Upchuck!" Ah, crap! What am I gonna do with this small tiny thing of an alien? Wait! Let's calm down. In this form, I can swallow anything and spit out green volatile vomit. Maybe, if I just use my ultimate form...

I turned the dial once and pressed it again. A surge of energy coursed through my body. I transformed into Ultimate Upchuck, an enhanced version of the alien with increased abilities and power.

With the power of Ultimate Upchuck, I opened my mouth wide and prepared to swallow the concentrated ball of red energy. As the blast was about to be unleashed, I positioned myself for the impact. This is the first time I am using this alien after all, hope nothing goes wrong.

The blast was unleashed with an ear-splitting roar, hurtling towards me at an incredible speed. Just as it was about to reach me, I activated my ability to consume and absorb matter. I extended my tongurs and wrapped the bomb and pulled it into my mouth. My mouth expanded to an enormous size, and with a mighty inhale, I devoured the entire blast into my stomach-like interior.

Oh! God! My stomach!

As the blast was absorbed into my stomach-like interior, I could feel the intense power of the tail beast bomb coursing through me. My body strained to contain the overwhelming energy, and I knew I had to act quickly before it overwhelmed me.

Focusing all my energy, I activated my ultimate ability as Ultimate Upchuck. Green energy surged within me as I prepared to unleash a devastating counterattack. With a mighty heave, I expelled the absorbed energy back towards the Zombified Ten-Tails.

The blast erupted from my mouth with incredible force, hurtling towards the creature. The concentrated ball of the unleashed green energy, resulting in a cataclysmic explosion that shook the very foundation of the battlefield.

Debris flew in every direction as the explosion engulfed the Zombified Ten-Tails, tearing through its decaying form.

Breathing heavily, I watched as the smoke cleared, revealing the aftermath of the battle. The Zombified Ten-Tails was slowly regenerating. I can't let it regenerate. Humm... What if I eat this fucking zombie?

If I could eat the Zombified Ten-Tails, perhaps I could neutralize its regenerative abilities from within. After all, my Ultimate Upchuck form had the power to consume and assimilate matter.

With determination in my eyes, I lunged towards the Zombified Ten-Tails, extending my elongated tongues to wrap around its decaying form. The taste of rot and decay filled my mouth as I began to consume the creature, drawing it into my stomach-like interior.

As I devoured the Zombified Ten-Tails, I could feel its struggles and resistance. The dark energy that fueled its existence clashed against my own powers, but I pressed on, determined to rid the world of this abomination.

Inside my stomach, the Zombified Ten-Tails continued to disintegrate, its decaying flesh breaking down into nothingness. I could feel its regenerative capabilities being overwhelmed by my assimilation process.

Ugg! The taste is horrible. Fuck! I even swallowed the remaining body of the Otsutsuki. I ate an alien freak. I don't feel so good. My body is expanding rapidly like a giant balloon. I guess the chakra of the ten-tails and the alien freak is too much even for the Ultimate Upchuck. If I don't spit out the excess energy, I might explode.

I can't launch such powerful blast on land. So, the only safe place is the sky.

Summoning all my willpower, I directed the energy towards my mouth, allowing it to build up and gather within. The pressure inside me was intense, but I knew I had to remain focused and careful.

Once I felt I had absorbed enough energy, I opened my mouth wide and expelled a powerful stream of green volatile vomit into the sky. The energy erupted from me, forming a massive, swirling vortex of green energy that spiraled upwards.

As the energy vortex ascended into the sky, it released a brilliant display of light, illuminating the surroundings. The force of the release caused a shockwave that rippled through the air, but I ensured it was directed away from the village and any inhabited areas.

With the excess energy expelled, my body began to shrink back to its normal size, and the intense pressure within me subsided. I felt a sense of relief, knowing that I had managed to safely discharge the overwhelming power.

[Beep!] [Beep!] [Wooosh!] I transformed back to my human form after the timer ran out.

Saphira flew down beside me, "So, you took care of it on your own, huh? Or should I say you ate a giant zombie?"

I chuckled weakly, still recovering from the intense ordeal. "Yeah, you could say that. I had to improvise a bit, but it seems like it worked. That thing won't be causing any more trouble."

Saphira's eyes glimmered with a mix of awe and amusement. "Well, I can always count on you to find unconventional solutions. But next time, maybe try not to eat anything too... unsavory."

I nodded, a sheepish grin on my face. "Agreed. Let's hope there won't be a next time, though. Dealing with a zombified Ten-Tails and an Otsutsuki fusion was more than enough excitement for one day."

*******[I don't have any more chs on Pat reon]******[Enjoy, released it all today]*****

A quick question: Who has thought of using this alien to end the final battle?

2 more chs before the end of the first volume. I will end with a little bit time skip and Hinata pregnant. Then I will start Shots of Lust. It's been a while. Need to re read it from the beginning.

Public Poll:-

1) Hinata Pregnant sex, breast-milk

2) Normal sex, no pregnancy, no milk

Any support is helpful lol: https://www.patr eon.com/XcaliburXc