One month had passed since the intense battle against the Zombified Ten-Tails and the fused Otsutsuki threat. In the aftermath of the battle, life in the village had gradually returned to a state of relative normalcy. Thanks to our combined efforts, the destruction that seemed imminent had been averted, and the village had been saved.

To celebrate our victory and the return of peace, the village organized a grand party, a feast of gratitude and commemoration. The entire village came together, villagers and shinobi alike, to express their appreciation and revel in the newfound safety.

The party was a vibrant and joyous affair. Colorful decorations adorned the streets, and the air was filled with laughter and music. People wore their finest clothes, and the aroma of delicious food wafted through the air, enticing everyone's senses.

As the hero of the battle, I was honored during the festivities. The villagers expressed their gratitude for my role in saving them from the destructive forces that threatened their lives. They cheered and clapped, their smiles conveying genuine appreciation and relief.

Amidst the celebration, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of fulfillment. It was a reminder of why I chose this path, to protect and bring hope to those in need. The camaraderie and unity displayed by the villagers reinforced the importance of our collective efforts in ensuring the safety and well-being of the community.

During the feast, I sat among friends and allies, sharing stories and laughter. Saphira, my loyal companion, basked in the attention and treats offered by the villagers. We were surrounded by warmth and a renewed sense of hope for the future.

The village had witnessed a significant decrease in zombie activities since the battle. The defeat of the Zombified Ten-Tails and the severed connection with the Otsutsuki entity had disrupted the source of their creation. The villagers now felt safer, knowing that the threat of being overrun by the undead had diminished.

As the night sky filled with stars, we continued to celebrate, dancing and singing to the music that echoed through the streets. It was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the ability to overcome even the most daunting challenges and emerge stronger than before.

The aftermath of the battle served as a turning point for the village, a reminder of their collective strength and the importance of preparedness. The shinobi and the villagers worked hand in hand to fortify the village's defenses and develop strategies to combat any future threats.

In the days that followed, I dedicated myself to developing a cure with the help of Grey Matter.

With the threat of the Zombified Ten-Tails and the Otsutsuki entity eliminated, I focused my attention on finding a cure for the zombification process that plagued the village. I knew that I couldn't let the villagers live in fear of such a fate, and it became my mission to restore them to their normal selves.

Grey Matter, one of the intelligent aliens within the Ultimatrix, proved to be an invaluable ally in this endeavor. Together, we tirelessly researched and experimented, studying the effects of the zombification process and searching for a solution.

Through our efforts, we discovered that the zombification was caused by a combination of dark energy and a mysterious virus. The virus would infect individuals, weakening their life force and making them susceptible to the dark energy's control. To develop a cure, we needed to find a way to neutralize both the virus and the dark energy.

After weeks of trial and error, we finally made a breakthrough. Grey Matter devised a formula that combined his scientific expertise with my magical knowledge. The concoction had the potential to counteract the virus and cleanse the dark energy from an infected individual.

Although it can't bring back those who have already transformed into a zombie, it can save someone who is bitten or infected recently, this potion can get rid of that virus.

With the cure in hand, we wasted no time in administering it to those who had recently been bitten or showed signs of infection. The potion worked as intended, purging the virus from their bodies and restoring them to their normal state. It was a relief to see the villagers recover, their gratitude palpable as they regained their lives and their loved ones.

Later, we discovered that with a slight adjustment in the formula, we can make everyone immune to the virus.

With the newfound knowledge, we worked tirelessly to refine the formula and develop a vaccine that could grant immunity to the zombification virus. Through extensive testing and help from Tsunade and Sakura, we succeeded in creating a potent antidote that could safeguard the villagers from future outbreaks.

The vaccine was administered to every individual in the village, ensuring their protection against the virus. The relief and gratitude that filled the air were overwhelming, as the villagers no longer had to live in constant fear of being turned into mindless zombies.

The success of the vaccine marked a significant milestone for the village. We decided to develop enough vaccines and deliver them to the other villages and outposts.


With the knowledge and experience gained from our own village's battle against the zombification threat, we took it upon ourselves to share the vaccine and help other villages fortify their defenses against the zombie menace. Our village became a hub of research and production, working tirelessly to manufacture and distribute the vaccines to neighboring villages and outposts.

Teams of medical ninja, including Tsunade and Sakura, were dispatched to various locations to administer the vaccine and provide training on its usage. We collaborated with other villages' shinobi to share our knowledge and expertise, fostering a sense of unity and collective effort in the face of a shared threat.

The process was not without its challenges, as the logistics of manufacturing and transporting the vaccines were complex. However, the combined efforts of the shinobi, medical personnel, and civilians ensured that the vaccines reached their destinations in a timely manner.

As the vaccines were distributed, villages that had once lived in fear now gained a renewed sense of hope and security. The threat of zombification was significantly reduced, allowing the inhabitants to focus on rebuilding their lives and strengthening their communities.

Our village also took the opportunity to establish a network of communication and cooperation with neighboring villages. We recognized that by working together and sharing resources, we could better prepare ourselves for any future threats that may arise.

In addition to distributing the vaccines, we organized training programs and workshops to educate the villagers on self-defense techniques and strategies against the undead. It was crucial for everyone to be prepared and equipped to handle any potential zombie outbreaks independently.

Over time, the villages developed a robust system for detecting and containing zombie activity. Early warning systems were put in place, allowing swift responses to any signs of a resurgence. The cooperation between villages further enhanced their collective defenses, ensuring the safety and well-being of the entire region.

The successful distribution of the vaccine and the collaborative efforts among villages garnered recognition and praise from the larger shinobi world. Our village's triumph over the zombification threat became a testament to the resilience and resourcefulness of the shinobi and their ability to protect their communities.

With the crisis averted and the villages fortified against future zombie outbreaks, life gradually returned to a state of normalcy. However, the memories of the battle and the lessons learned remained ingrained in the hearts and minds of the villagers.

As for me, I am sitting in my lab with a final cure in my hand. A cure to prevent rapid aging in men and cure their impotent status.

Suddenly, the door opened. I quickly hide the cure in my desk. It was Tsunade.

"Still working? It's already 1 am. Don't overwork yourself," I smiled at Tsunade's concern and replied, "I can't help it, Tsunade. There's always more to be done, more lives to be saved. But don't worry, I'll make sure to get some rest soon."

Tsunade walked over to my desk and glanced at the scattered papers and vials. "You've been working on something new, haven't you?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Yeah, you could say that," I replied while arranging the papers.

"You are searching for a cure for the men, and the impotent issue, aren't you?" She asked.

I nodded, knowing that Tsunade was well aware of my interest in medical research and finding solutions to various health issues. "It's still in the experimental stages, but I believe I'm close to a breakthrough."

After a pause, I continued.

"Anyway, we can talk about that later, what are you doing this late at night?" I asked as I stood up and stretched my legs.

Tsunade hugged me and pressed her lips on my lips.

I was taken by surprise but returned Tsunade's affectionate gesture, embracing her in the warmth of the moment. We shared a passionate kiss, a reflection of the deep bond we had developed over time. Tsunade was not only my mentor but also someone I deeply cared for.

Breaking the kiss, Tsunade looked into my eyes with a mixture of tenderness and mischief. "I couldn't sleep, thinking about you and everything we've been through," she admitted, her voice filled with emotion. "I wanted to see you, to be with you."


AN: Alright guys. 2-3 more chs left all will be r18.

Then, I will end this fic. MC will return back to his reality with the help of the artifact in that container [Remember, he never chose the final power.] only to find out that his world is in ruins.


New fiction will start from there. I will use either one of these settings, with OC twist.

1) Dying Light

2) Fallout

3) Walking Dead

4) Dead Island

5) State of Decay

6) Got any other zombie world ideas? Let me know.


Right now, I have started releasing my new fic, *Chef's Harem in Multiverse* on Pat reon. Want to write at least write 50 chs before a mass release.

Any support is welcome: https://www.pat