Mate and Pick

   Shen Chen took Liu Wei into the forest where the Blackrock Wolf was very dense. Since there is a T in front to resist damage, he can output with confidence.

   Shen Chen, who has entered Level 3, has replaced the Midas dagger shield, and his combat power has increased again.

With his level 3 strength and the additional attack power of the shield, he already has an attack power of 13-15 at this time. As long as he hits the Blackrock Wolf, he has a weakness every 8 seconds (an additional 7 points of real damage). There is the ability to kill it in seconds.

Although Liu Wei has a low level, he is an aboriginal in the Gaem world anyway, and his fighting ability has been carved into his instinct. He will not be as clumsy as Shen Chen who just entered this world. The attack may be insufficient, but the defense is definitely not. problem.

Liu Wei cut his defensive stance and dared to walk between the black stone war wolves. Although in the real world, they all attacked from weaker enemies, but the rules of the world of gods and demons made these war wolves look at Liu Wei. , Unable to look away, one by one rushed up.

"Hey, little guys, come here soon, grandpa has good things for you." Liu Wei faced the first-level mobs, showing big (*, this type of monster, in the game world for several years , Have already figured out their routines.

   In the game world, monsters without skills are not worth mentioning. After all, skills, especially directional skills, speak according to the panel. As long as the hit is determined, no matter how flexible the body is, all the damage that should be received can only be eaten.

   The attack of the Black Rock Wolf was particularly naive in Liu Wei's eyes. He lowered his weight, his shield was standing on his chest, and his short sword was placed under the side of the shield.

   The first Black Rock Wolf rushed, Liu Wei followed the strength of the impact, and the small one stepped back, retracting the shield diagonally, and then with a short sword against the lower end of the shield, his hands pushed to the side!

   The war wolf immediately lost his balance and was beaten to one side. The direction of flight was exactly where Shen Chen was standing.

   "Awesome! This technique has something to do." Shen Chen didn't have time to sigh. He shot a sword smoothly, hitting the abdomen of the Black Rock Wolf, and the sword ended the life of the Wolf.

   Then two war wolves attacked from both sides, one from the left and the other from the right. Liu Wei didn't panic either, at least there was Shen Chen on his back, and the two-sided attack actually only had an attackable range of less than 180 degrees.

   The short sword in his hand made a big circle, pushing the Black Rock Wolf on the right back, and the shield on the left sank, leaning against the ground, blocking the attack of the Wolf on the left.

   And Shen Chen had already killed the first war wolf at this time, and Liu Wei in front was almost in a squatting position, and the space above was exposed, just giving him the attack route.

On the left side, the wolf and the shield collided with each other, just when the old power was exhausted, and when the new power was not born, Shen Chen would also notice. The long sword had not yet turned, but the dagger and shield still had the ability to attack. Wolf.

   "Pretty." Liu Wei thought that after Shen Chen had a problem with his practice, his strength was greatly reduced, but when he saw that he still cooperated with himself in such a tacit understanding, he couldn't help but scream. (He is not qualified to learn about the New World.)

"You haven't regressed, even from level 1!" Shen Chen was well-informed in his previous life. UFC, boxing, and movies also have some incredible actions, but they are not as natural as Liu Wei in front of him. , Concise and smooth.

Although this world is not on the scientific side, it also uses scientific and innovative methods. Since the cataclysm, fighting skills have changed with each passing day. In addition to training since birth, even if Liu Wei is only a high school student, he still has a picture of master fighting. .

   But the battle was not over yet, the other two war wolves pounced again. One of them was badly injured. Knowing that he was dead soon, he decisively worked hard to create flaws for his companions, leaving no room like a sharp arrow from the string.

   The success of the previous round did not make the two of them take it lightly. Liu Wei knew the ferocity of the beasts that frequently died, so he tightly guarded the defense area and stood by.

   As soon as the Blackrock War Wolf rushed up, a huge force from the shield passed to his arm, almost making it difficult to stop his hand.

But Liu Wei cleverly deviated downwards, leading the impact downward, and then directly inserted the tip of the shield into the ground, using friction to remove the power of the wolf, and then the dagger was inserted from above to the wolf who was pressed by the shield. , Yijian took away its life.

   Then Shen Chen looked provocatively, "Look, not only can I defend, but the attack is not bad."

   Shen Chen pushed away the wolf on the right again, and glanced at Liu Wei, meaning: "Look what, hurry up and work"

   The remaining war wolf was quickly solved by the two of them easily, and none was injured. It was just that the fierce battle took a little energy.

   "Old Shen, don't move, what do you want to do?" After killing the three war wolves, Shen Chen subconsciously touched the corpse, but was caught by Liu Wei.

   "What are you doing?"

"Why! You don't have a B number in your heart, talk about how much equipment you used to be black, and you don't realize it!" Liu Wei looked angry, as if Shen Chen's act of opening the corpse touched the deep depression in his heart. .

"It turns out that my predecessor was also a **** hand, but I have talent. I still have to touch the body!" And he threw Liu Wei away, his hand speed exceeded the limit of thirty years of being single, and the three wolves were all at once. The corpse touched it all over.

   "Fuck!! You...faster than my single hand! Beast, you!" Liu Wei could only accept reality, but when he opened the wolf carcass, there was something shiny.

   "Fuck! Did you ship it?" Liu Wei saw the flash and looked at it with an incredible, unrecognizable eyesight from Shen Chen. Logically speaking, the script shouldn't be like this!

   Shen Chen picked up the equipment and took a look, the smooth chain armor belt (black iron): waist, 3 armor, physique +1.

  Introduction to equipment: This is a polished chain mail belt, which may be the relic of some human infantry.

   Evaluation: North County Woodland will not drop a better belt than this.

"Let me take a look...Old Shen, it's really a blessing to lose sight of you. You see, your strength has gone backwards, but your character has improved. The two-year cultivation results are only useful for a while. But the little red hand is a lifetime event!" Liu Wei said jealously. UU reading www.

   I don't know how Shen Chen's drop was before, but his shield is not a common grade, but his level is only 3. In this way, hundreds of mobs have such a good harvest, this guy is really a transfer.

   Shen Chen could only hehe, but he didn't clearly say that the shield is compensated. This piece of equipment should be a pseudo-random algorithm to count the hundreds of mobs in front.

   But if you misunderstand, let's misunderstand. I still need to use this misunderstanding to seek the right to pick up the corpse.

   "Old Shen, you can rely on you for the equipment in the future. Brother used to take care of you. Isn't it time for you to return!"

   Liu Wei watched Shen Chen eagerly putting on the belt. He didn't propose to roll it, because Shen Chen's hands were dark, but once it reached the roll point, no one could control it.

   Others roll 0-100, his beast is 90-100, and if you want to roll to win Shen Chen, you must roll behind him, otherwise you will experience despair.

   Liu Wei remembers that when he was in junior high school, his class tried to play Dragon Valley World and dropped a Destructive Griffin Longsword. A team had 10 roll points, and Liu Wei scored 100 in the first roll.

When he thought he had won a big victory, Shen Chen crushed him with 100 perfect rolls twice, and easily put this weapon in his pocket. This incident also made his memory still fresh. If you want to roll points, you must Let Shen Chen be excluded!

   But the pick up just now was something Shen Chen wanted to touch, he stopped it, and I was too embarrassed to propose that he took the equipment, but since Shen Chen was transferred, this does not mean that the future good equipment will roll in! So Liu Wei also floated.