What's your relationship with grass

   Following this momentum, the two killed all the way through the woods, killing the Blackrock War Wolf with corpses all over the field, and in the end the system had to come out and sweep the ground.

   "Liu Wei, what is your nickname for the game? I'm afraid of crabs when I call you!" Shen Chen asked while touching the corpse.

"You only think about this problem now. I'm afraid it's not too late. I posted the page on your chat screen, and you can read it yourself." As a defensive profession, Liu Wei is under most pressure from the mobs. Lying on top of a wolf corpse regardless of the image, he replied casually.

   "Let me see... the little prince of bushes... tenacity... wait what is the talent of tenacity!" Shen Chen widened his eyes and looked at the introductions.

   Talent (Tough Will): The Lun family will never lose the will to fight in battle. He will always go forward courageously and will not fear pain and suffering. The more the battle, the sharper his will!

Effect: Get 1% of the maximum health value per second for life recovery, and at the same time, after each victory of the boss battle (each dungeon only provides one time), the life recovery will be increased by 0.05, doubled for more than 20 copies, and no more than 1% of the maximum Regeneration of health.

   (small print: after entering the battle, the effect is only 50% effective, in the grass, the effect is increased by 50%)

   Evaluation: At first glance, it is a life of being beaten. It is always on the way to be beaten and on the way to be beaten. However, maybe only when being beaten can you feel happy?

   Cut, I got back much faster than you played, and I'm in the grass, come! Come in and kill me if you have the ability!

Shen Chen murmured psychologically: "Why aren't you called the Prince of the Jungle? Why don't you go to heaven? And Liu Wei, what is the relationship between you and the bush (lun)? It's not an illegitimate child, it doesn't look like it. !"

But on the surface, he was calm, and he absolutely couldn't let Liu Wei drift off, so he said slowly: "No wonder, I have fought a lot of Blackrock Wolf before. You have been hit several times, but I haven't seen you. Take a rest to replenish blood, it turns out that the root is here!"

   "Yeah, how about it, this surprise is okay, my T is not stable!" Liu Wei was very excited at this time, like a child who has taken a full score and is waiting for the parents to praise.

Seeing that Shen Chen seemed indifferent, he said triumphantly, "I know you are jealous and hateful, but the truth lies here. I am a defensive talent, and the effect is outstanding. After that, major colleges, guilds, and institutions will definitely compete. The target of the solicitation, but it doesn't matter, brother will cover you in the future!"

   Shen Chen glanced at Liu Wei with a sullen face, silently cut a picture of Laurent's eye, and delivered it.

   "I R, you... you, how unfair to God, it's not fair to fall, not to roll, and now it's sending such a heavy blow to me, it makes me..."

   "Okay, don't pretend, remember, don't show our own talents and attributes to others easily, we don't know how to die in the end!" Shen Chen patted it, and it is hard to see Liu Wei pretending to be like this.

   "I know, I know, you said I'm almost level 3, I can kill another monster later, it's always boring to kill the wolf monster." Liu Wei waved his hand and said impatiently.

   "Yes, let's go." Shen Chen also felt that the experience and prestige rewards of Black Rock Wolf were not enough. If he was alone, he would not dare to try. After all, he did not know what the death penalty in the world of gods and demons was.

   But there are two talented people, one of them is still a T, but they dare not challenge monsters of the same level. They are indeed too cautious.

   "I remember there seems to be a mine on the east side of this place. The guards of North County recruit soldiers there. We can go over and try."

   "Then what's the delay, let's leave now!"


The North County area is much larger than the two imagined. Shen Chen, in particular, remembers that the distance in the previous life was 30 seconds at most, but the two walked forward while killing monsters. They walked for nearly an hour before finally. I saw the towering mountains ahead.

On the way, the Blackrock War Wolf was upgraded by one level and turned into a second-level mob with a health value of 28/28, but this did not affect the killing efficiency. Instead, each of the two points of experience and prestige gained, let Liu Wei quickly At the same time as reaching level 3, Shen Chen also touched the level 4 mark.

   The most important thing is that in Shen Chen's prestige bar, it is finally no longer orange and yellow, but yellow neutral, so that he can trade with NPC and receive quests.

   "Ding...ding..." A few bells rang from the road, and the two of them leaned out of the grass curiously, but it was a small group of players pushing a small truck, selling supplies along the way.

  This kind of player buys and sells supplies from the village. They form a small team so that they don't have to worry about the threat of wild monsters on both sides of the road. Most level-level players have limited backpacks and are destined to be unable to bring enough supplies. The damaged white outfits can't be replaced naturally.

The sales team is doing transportation, buying and selling supplies. They increase the price of the items in the village by 30%-50% according to the distance (the players who are very close to the village will naturally not buy them, and the players who are far away, they It can't be shipped.) Sell it and earn the difference.

   "Look, it's the big fat sheep!"

   "Hurry over, now that I have encountered it, how can I not take a big meal!"

   "Let's abide by the trade rules. People are already very pitiful. Besides, if this matter is known to others, it is not easy to say!"

   "As long as you have love, he deserves it. Who told him to offend the NPC, except here, where can he get supplies!"

Several people saw Shen Chen, their eyes were green. As the first group of players to enter the game, the example of Shen Chen was widely circulated among them. They all knew that Shen Chen had offended the professional mentors of the North County Monastery and was driven out by the guards. story.

   The last time he passed through the Beijun Woodland, Shen Chen (predecessor) ran out of supplies, and could only spend several times the price to replenish them. The brown bread they ate before was also sold to Shen Chen by these people.

   This also let a few people know that although Shen Chen was driven out of North County, he still had a lot of money, and he was a walking "big fat sheep". If he didn't take the opportunity to blackmail a few strokes, he could say it!

"Hey, tomorrow (Shen Chen's nickname), why are you still here, oh! You are also level three." The head of the person approached enthusiastically. Although it was a blackmail, Shen Chen is still a customer at this time. The customer is God. !

   Shen Chen saw a few people, but their faces changed. Through memory, these people were almost forced to buy and sell, and from the predecessor, almost took away most of his accumulation of funds.

   In the body, that stupid and uneasy emotion also rioted, letting Shen Chen understand that the predecessor had set them as his own goals.

   For this kind of people who have fallen into trouble, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Shen Chen himself is also very disgusted, and his brain quickly starts to work, "Since you are going to make my idea, I will accept this cart stuff!"

   But Shen Chen won't do it first. The ghost knows how much reputation will be deducted from the battle with the camp, and how much camp bias will be affected. He has no extra deductions. Judging from the appearance of these people, they should be accustomed to domineering, and it should not be difficult to provoke them.

As for the two players who have not played 5, Shen Chen has a certain degree of confidence. Both he and Liu Wei are talented and passive. This special ability is extremely rare. I am afraid that among the existing players, they are the only ones in Beijun Village. Two people.

   In the process of killing monsters and leveling, Shen Chen also relied on the pseudo-random mechanism to touch a few high-quality white outfits. These equipments were all equipped by Liu Wei, and the hardness was definitely sufficient.

  The equipment of these 5 people are all basic equipment sold in the village, and their current weapon attack power will not exceed 1-2.

And these 5 Level 3 players, namely Anti-riding, Rogue, Mage, and two Warlocks. At this time, their basic attack power will not exceed 10 points. There are also 3 law systems with extremely poor physical abilities in the early stage, the Warlock level. There is no demon baby yet, which makes the fighting pressure even less.

As long as they retreat to the grass, use the shelter of the trees, and rely on Liu Wei's passivity, they can recover 1 point of blood per second. The elites of Class A in the two high schools affiliated to the Zhongdu Academy are bound to be better than a few mixed ones in combat ability. Players have to come a lot stronger, two shields for defense, although the opponent has 5 people, the chance of victory in the battle is still very high!

Shen Chen looked back at Liu Wei and seemed to be asking for his thoughts. Shen Chen had already told his good friends about these people. A firm will to war appeared in Liu Wei's eyes, "Fuck, these people Bullied my brother, did it!"