The hatred of thieves is always high

The two were ready to fight, but the five members of the sales team didn't know. In their eyes, why these two men beat them five, and Shen Chen had already offended the NPC, and no player power would recruit him. Got it.

"We brought enough supplies this time. Did Brother Tomorrow have any interest in it?" Several people inadvertently formed a semi-arc shape, threatening to come over with the items for sale, obviously attacking you not to buy anything, we will **** you the meaning of.

This way, I don't have any psychological burden. Shen Chen retreated to the tree, pretending to be unhappy, clenched his fists and said angrily: "No need, a friend brought me this time, so don't bother everyone. Got it!"

   "Eh, don't say that, we are also kind to you. We send supplies from a long distance, and there is hard work without credit. Brother tomorrow is not going to give the brothers a little hard work, even if you buy a few pieces, it's not bad!"

   The sales team smiled unscrupulously, anyway, Shen Chen and two of them are weak, they got 3 silver last time at level 2, and this time they are upgraded to level 3. It is estimated that there should be 5 or 6 silver.

"Are you going to grab it, I won't give you a copper this time!" Shen Chen gestured to Liu Wei, indicating that he was ready for battle, and quietly put his hand under the shield, anytime Ready to retreat into the woods.

"You are avenging your grievances. If it weren't for us, you would have starved to death in the woods of North County. We didn't ask too much. We had half of the money, otherwise, we would have to send you to Miss Angel's visit! "

  "And I can tell you that the death of this game will not affect the level of the game world, but will affect the efficiency of the game's ability to transform into reality.

   If you die once, you will be practicing for nothing if you start serving for a few days! "The sales team frightened, and they didn't want to take the initiative. This kind of thing was known to other players in North County, and they probably won't have a foothold.

   But at this time, Shen Chen had already pulled out the short sword and said: "I am not scared, even if I practice it in vain, the money will not be cheaper for you!"

   "Haha, the two people have this tone!" The five members of the team looked at each other. Since Shen Chenming is stubborn, let him die.

However, this kind of sudden battle shows that several people are not familiar with the cooperation. If the warlock and the wizard pre-read their skills in advance, plus the thieves' level 3 explosive ability, it will be no problem to destroy more than 50 blood in a wave, but However, the knight was anxious to get angry, and went directly to a trial, pulling Shen Chen into the battle in advance.

   Shen Chen is not stupid. He will not eat the skills of 3 law systems in place, so King Qin immediately walked around and got stuck on the other side of the big tree. The law system lost his vision, and the skills were naturally interrupted.

The thieves entered the battle before they came and sneaked. As soon as Liu Wei saw that Shen Chen was attacked, he immediately knocked the thieves into the battle with a shield, making him unable to sneak in a short time, and he did not love to fight. Shen Chen withdrew into the woods together.

"Damn, these two thieves are slippery, chasing them?" The thieves said depressed, and he received a heavy blow when he came up to his forehead. It must be him who wanted to chase the most, but he was still the reason why Lin Mo entered. Understand, if the two set up a trap, this entry is afraid that there will be no return.

   "It would be great if the warlock had level 4, and I can take a baby to find the way." The wizard doesn't matter, it's not his idea anyway, and since the skill hasn't been read out just now, it is naturally not a hands-on.

The Cavaliers were in a hurry. He was anxious and lost the hammer first. At this time, his teammates had no intention of pursuing them. They couldn't help but yelled: "I have deducted a lot of prestige. Even the camp bias has been reduced a lot. Forget it!"

   Shen Chen and Liu Wei stared at each other in the woods. These guys are also timid. They don't chase them.

   Liu Wei suggested, "How about I go out and provoke?"

"No, if they don't chase in, we can't go out and fight. The mage class has no instant spells at this level, and there is no wand thrown. In the woods, they can only use their wands to knock them. You can shake your skills unscrupulously. That's really 2 to 5."

   Shen Chen is familiar with the skills of various professions in his previous life. He is also the trumpet prince of the double camp system of the entire profession. This is also where he dares to face a small team without learning Level 3 skills.

"Most of the sorcerers at this level have only the Shadow Bolt spell. The funds given to them last time should have been spent on the purchase of stalls, and there may not necessarily be sacrifices, and the Frostfire Arrow with a casting time of two points and a few seconds, even less. Threatened, ruled out the legal system, then there will be one defender and one thief. It is estimated that standing with you may not be able to beat you!" Shen Chen explained to Liu Wei in detail.

   Liu Wei listened to him. What on earth was Old Shen talking about? How could he know these professions so much? Logically speaking, even his vocational mentor was disgusted by him. Where did he get information about his vocational skills?

   But the reasons don't need to be delved into. After all, Shen Chen is a good friend of G, and he only needs to know his NB. "Then we just wait?"

   "Don't worry, these guys are not capable, but they are full of greed. They will definitely not give up our two sheep." Shen Chen was still holding it, and finally checked his own state.

   As expected, the 5 people finally decided to go into the grass, and the 5 people were scared off by the 2 people. They still want face!

   Just as Liu Wei was about to agree, a sharp knife shot out from the cracks in the grass and went straight into his middle door. It was obvious that the thief remembered the hatred of the shield and went straight to Liu Wei when he met.

It's a pity that he provokes the wrong target. A thief hits a well-equipped MT. It is not a wise choice. Liu Wei backhanded his sword and opened the thief's machete. Then he slapped it with a shield. The thieves who were caught off guard were stunned directly.

  In the real game world, the effects of some blunt attacks are mostly judged as special damage, which not only ignores the armor, but can also cause effects similar to shock, disability, and dizziness.

   This heavy shield is no better than the previous one. The thief almost directly hit the surface of the shield and was dizzy. Several stars appeared above his head and fell into a forced dizziness. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

At this time, Shen Chen also suffered another trial by the knight, and then stabbed the thief in the back, -13 (bludgeoning), -13 (physical), -14 (real), -24 (Critical Strike) Four numbers of different colors appeared on the thief, and while the thief was still dizzy, the two madly beat him again.

   Rogue Level 3 only had 92 points of life. He just woke up from a coma and found that his health bar had turned blood red, with less than 10 blood points left. He was so scared that he was so scared that he wanted to escape.

   But Shen Chen wouldn't make mistakes. It's better to break one of his fingers than to hurt his ten fingers. Moreover, when the thief died, the opponent team would have no ability to threaten them.

He stuck the path of the rogue's escape, waiting for the hand holding the sword to regain strength. The two shields were clamped in front and back. No matter which direction the rogue wanted to escape, he had to take another sword, but the remaining HP really couldn't. Resist the damage of an attack.

   However, Liu Wei and Shen Chen also received a round of skill baptism from the mage and sorcerer for this, but Liu Wei has regained blood and Shen Chen's attributes are high. These dozens of points of damage are not enough to threaten their lives.

So the thieves had to die in unwillingness, and the remaining four people also had the intention to retreat. What happened to the vertigo and the long series of attacks just now, why there are control skills at level 3, how can the knight have such a high attack Frequency, what is that golden number!

   At this time, Liu Wei directly entangled the knight. Didn't you cut it very well just now, do you like throwing hammers?

Shen Chen walked around the woods two times at this time, waiting for Laurent's Eye CD to recover, and gave the knight a sword, and immediately returned more than ten points of blood, while Liu Wei just stood there, one point one point one. The dotted green came out from the top of his head, making the Faye really have no desire to attack.