
Sugarcoated Remarks

Rowan's house wasn't far from the academy at all, and it had to only be about five minutes on foot which was a testament to the extremely high-priced apartments in the area. Where Alice was living was on the outskirts of the next town being right in the middle made it convenient for her to switch over to the academy.

She still had no idea where Noah lived, but that was a question for another day considering that most of the students came from extremely wealthy families. Claudia's house was only a sliver of a glimpse of the world that she wasn't used to but was surrounded by regardless of whether she wanted to fit in or not.

From the gate, they took a hard right and took a leisurely stroll straight to get to the main road that was nearby, and from there, they walked the left-hand side of the main road that was congested with traffic from those getting off from work along with the loud buses that made their stops to the side picking up a lot of people.

The exhaust scent was strong, and Alice turned her head to the side to cover her nose with her arm, Noah glanced over at her, catching her reaction before slipping her a black mask which she mouthed a thank you as she slipped on the mask on her face only to get hit by the scent of Noah's soft cologne in instead. 

She had never thought of it, but Noah had a caretaker air about him than she had first thought. He was always watching her, taking in the silent struggles she had, or even if it were the smallest inconvenience, he would be there to make it less of a problem which was a contradiction to his personality considering that he was very blasé towards most people.

It made her feel awkward to say if she were the anomaly because that couldn't be the case. She must be taking everything a bit too seriously because that couldn't be the case at all. If it were, it would be embarrassing to admit along with the various thoughts that would have to logically come after. 

A sudden flashback just came into her mind when she remembered how he was acting only a few months ago towards her when she came into the class and he was staring out of the window just as the lecture had begun.

She would always give him a critical eye then, and she found it irritating how the teachers would often look over his mistakes while stressing on others for the same.

There was a background to every story, and she wondered how his life was despite all the rosy events that must have surrounded him. There was a reason for his empty eyes and flat expressions that people would call a gift. For the struggles he experienced and the long tasks that he had to endure, she wanted to know it all. 

Noah seemed to know that something was up with Alice, and he leaned over to whisper, "What is it? I can see your mind in hyperdrive?"

She lifted a shoulder. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"I did which is why I asked," he answered, irritated.

Alice waved her hand away. "It's nothing exciting. But if you're curious, we can trade."

Now he was the one mirroring her response to lift a shoulder. "What do you want me to do? Start braiding your hair?"

Alice burst out laughing. "Don't bother. I appreciate the sentiment."

They suddenly took a right that led them straight to a glass revolving door to a large hotel-looking building that made Alice daunted just by looking at the golden accents of the building that was oozing luxury. She would often pass by this building, and she thought that it was a high-end hotel rather than a condo apartment.

It was crazy to her that they were going inside, but she needed to school her expression in a neutral one because she didn't want to seem as though she was the odd person out. She was happy to experience all people she actually liked, and she looped her arm through Claudia's as they made their way out of the door in good spirits.

Claudia smiled over at Alice. "You're excited."

"I'm just happy to be with everyone," Alice replied. 

"I did have something planned today actually, but it got cancelled," Claudia admitted.

"Ha, I knew it," Alice said good-naturedly. "What was the plan?"

"There was a get-together with Marjorie and some girlies."

"Ah, I forgot about Marjorie. How is she doing?"

Claudia snorted. "That sounded so bad."

Alice snickered. "Hey, you know I have no hard feelings. Going out for a party?"

"There was one at her place before it got canceled."

"Hmmm, I can't tell if it was for better or for worse."

"For better of course, because I'm with you," Claudia said sweetly which made Alice pinch her cheeks in response.

They headed into the condo lobby, and Rowan nodded over to the receptionist sitting at the desk before heading straight to the elevator to press the button. Alice and Claudia smiled at the receptionist politely making the young woman wave over at them. The elevator slid open, and they all filed inside with Rowan pressing the fourth floor.