Chapter 609 She Had Plastic Surgery

"Hmph! You two, get out!" The old man huffed like a mischievous child, randomly tossing objects at Bella Thompson.

Seeing this, Aria Douglas advised, "Ma'am, why don't you and the young master leave for now? If the old man gets too worked up, it wouldn't be good."

Bella Thompson suppressed her anger, coolly casting her eyes at Aria.

If she hadn't looked carefully, she almost wouldn't have recognized her.

This woman was one of Daniel Marshall's bodyguards. Her appearance had changed slightly, likely from plastic surgery.

It seemed that Daniel Marshall had firmly taken control of the old man's hospital room and had complete domination over the old man's affairs.

Deciding against a direct confrontation, Bella Thompson left with Matthew Marshall.

The old man continued to be fussy, refusing to change his blanket, "Call Olivia. I want to see Olivia."

"Sir," Aria placated in a hushed tone. "Let's call her later. The young lady is busy right now."