Chapter 610: Please Sign the Separation Agreement

"Grandpa, it's windy here, let's sit over there." Olivia Jenkins pushed her grandpa's wheelchair away, leaving Daniel Marshall sitting alone on the long bench.

The old man's face slightly changed, but Olivia didn't notice as she steered his wheelchair.

"Olivia, have you two had an argument?" he asked.

Her bright almond eyes twinkled intelligently as she replied softly, "Grandpa, how did you judge that we had a disagreement?"

"You're behaving the same way I do when I'm mad at someone and don't want to talk to them," he replied.

Olivia slightly furrowed her brows, her eyes still twinkling. "Grandpa, did I express that so obviously? Is my discontent really written all over my face?"

The old man looked back at Olivia, tilting his head, "You weren't holding hands today."

"I was pushing the wheelchair, I can't hold hands," Olivia replied, her almond eyes sharp as she subjected her grandpa to an observant and intriguing stare.