Alex no demon episode 5

Alex was just sitting by the river side while skipping stones at it, he looks bored while doing do so. He sighs and says that its been two weeks since he and his team became assassins and yet no missions, he picks out piece of sweet to from his pocket and lies down on the floor. Alex says to himself that if he cant get to go on some missions at least he can relax and have enough time to train before he gets one. As alex closes his eyes to relax, kinto passes by and see's alex as he was lying down relax He sighs and then asks himself how one person can be so unserious. Kinto walks up to alex as he was relaxing on the river side and gives him a tiny kick on his head and tells him to wake up. Alex opens his eyes and asks kinto what he's doing here, he tells alex that kojin has a mission for them to attend to. Alex stands up and says that it was about time that a mission came up, kinto tells alex that he agrees with him and helps him up to stand. As they were on their way to kojin's office, alex asks kinto what the mission is about and kinto says he has no clue.

10:30am in the morning, diablo along side with kazuki and serena and levi(The team leader of sukuna,kinto and baraka) were in the office with kojin waiting to for the mission to be announced. Kojin asks if they are waiting for anyone else and serena says that they are waiting for Alex and kinto to arrive, he sighs and says to himself that he hopes alex isnt to relaxed with the mission and doesn't go berserk to. Alex and kinto come into kojin's office, serena asks him were he has been out of curiosity. Kinto tells them he found alex and alex then asks what the mission is about. Kojin explains to them that 2 high ranked criminals escaped from prison. He explains to them that one of them is on B rank know as jugo who is extremely skilled with swords while the other one is also on B rank who is a lady named kuriai, he explains that she is specialised with shuriken and kunia's. levi asks kojin if he happens to know the were about of these two criminals, kojin says he isn't sure but he has had reports from the lord of the wind city that he found some traces of them. Diablo then asks what the mission is and kojin tells him that the mission is to go to the sky city and find them. Alex stretched and says that this mission is going to be easy as hell and then kojin tells them to go. As they were walk out, kojin tells diablo that he has to tell him some very important information. As levi and the rest of the students were at the city gate ready to leave, kinto tell alex to come take a look at something. He takes of his backpack and shows him the explosives he created, alex in his amazement asks kinto if he could borrow him one and then kinti tells him to be careful with them. Levi asks kinto if he has any cool explosives for the mission and kinto tells him he packed alot of them, kazuki while observing kinto mumbles to himself say that the only thing that this kinto is good at is just creating explosives. Serena asks were diablo is and then Baraka says he ie probably busy with kojin. Diablo comes out and says that he has to stay back for some time to get things done and they will have to leave without him, he tells levi that he should make sure everything doesn't mess up and levi tells him not to worr at all

Eventually they leave for the wind city, Baraka asks how far is the wind city and levi says that it will take about two days to get their so they will have to camp at a point. 1 hour later as they were walking on a forest path, alex out of laziness asks if they are their yet or at least half way close and then kazuki tells him to ship up, alex tell him he wasn't asking him a question and kazuki calls him a bone head and then before anyone knew it alex and kazuki were already pointing daggers at each other. Serena tells them to quit it already and Levi tells them to stop it or else they won't like what's going to happen next. Sukuna asks if they both are always like this and then kinto sighs and says that he doesn't like the way things will turn out, alex and kazuki still looking at each others eye to eye with murderous intent intent in their eyes dont seem to stop. Kazuki tells alex to watch himself before he gets hurt while alex doesn't seem to say anything but seems to still have that same murderous look in his eyes. All of a sudden serena mummbles to herself saying she hears something and then a black metal human sized puppet jumps out of a near by bush ready to attack her and then levi punches it away, more start to craw out of the bushes with dark red glowing eyes. Sukuna out of irritation asks what going on and levi tells them to be on guard and attack, kazuki draws out some daggers out of his pocket, kinto brings out some explosive from his pocket, Baraka uses his earth abilities to harden his arms and alex activates his energy fist. Levi tells them that they are being followed and they shouldn't lose their guard not even for a second, the puppets charged towards them ready to attack and then Baraka starts to punch them, kinto throws some explosives at them to defend himself. Alex starts to flash step all over the place and attack the puppets with his energy fist while kazuki is tearing them apart, Meawhile serena is in a corner trying to detect any nearby energy to see if their is another enemy and then one of the puppets jump out of nowhere ready to kill her and then sukuna jumps out from the ground and punches it so hard it explodes. She asks serena if she has found anything serena tells her she hasn't picked up anything yet meanwhile Levi just picked up a gun from his pocket and starts to shoot the puppets as they were attempting to attack him, after killing all of them he sighs in irritation and says non of these junk is worth his time. He asks everyone if they are ok luckily no one is hurt, alex asks what the hell just happened and levi says he doesn't have the slightest clue on what went wrong. He say that these puppets are shadow dolls which were most likely sent to attack them, he also explains that the criminals they are after must have know they were being chased after and sent these dolls. Sukuna says that kojin didn't tell them that they could use shadow techniques and levi says that it doesn't matter. He says that it's almost about time the real deal came up. Meanwhile one of the shadow puppets was in a bush hiding, as it was hiding its mind was linked with kuriah(The B rank criminal) who was watching from a far distance away from them. Jugo asks her if there is any information they need to know and then she tells him that these kids are just brats and the only thing they need to worry about is just levi.

End of episode