Alex no demon episode 6

At dusk dawn levi and the rest of the squad were on their way to the wind city, he looks around and tells them that since its dawn they should camp out and then when he turns back he see's everyone lying on the floor tired. Later at night after the camp fire has been set and the tents are being made, everyone seems to be asleep. Alex wakes up and mumbles to himself that he needs to pee so badly, he gets out of the tent and as he goes to pee he see's kazuki at the other end of the bush peeing. Kazuki tells him in a violent matter to go and pee somewhere else, he insults alex by saying he's presence is annoying and then alex insults him back by telling him the only thing that's annoying is him and his stupid face. There is a few seconds of silence and then they start to engage in a hand to hand combat throwing blows and kicks at each other, as kazuki throws a blow Alex dodges it and as alex engages to kick him kazuki blocks it and the fight continues. Levi was in his tent smoking at the same time thinking of something, he says to himself that something doesn't seem right. As he is talking to himself he says that there is no way those criminals would be able to escape without someone assistance from the outside as he was brain storming he hears diablo's voice in his head. The voice asks levi if he can hear him and levi asks if this is diablo speaking. Diablo (Telephatively talking to levi from a far distance) tells him that he figured something out, diablo says that he went throw some investigation and found out that jugo and kiriah didn't escape on their own but though the help of someone. Levi says he figured it out and diablo (Telepathically talking to him) says that research was done and there is a secret organisation. Levi gets shocked and says its to early for something like that to happen and asks diablo what the organisation is about. Few minutes later after explaining, says that things won't be good the way he is seeing it and diablo sighs and says that none of this whole thing is worth the time, diablo says he will be going and levi tells diablo that he is tired of hearing his voice in his head and then diablo disconnect from their telepathic communication. As levi was just about to rest his head and fall asleep, he sense to different energy from different people fighting. Alex and kazuki were still fighting by blocking each other's punch and kicks while jumping on tree's to fight. As they were fighting, kazuki tells alex that he is tired of him and alex tells kazuki that he hates his presence tankless if them being on the same team. As they were about to deliver their final blows levi just appeared from nowhere in between them and grabs their fists and tells them their fight should be enough for the night. He tells them to go to their tents and sleep so that they can get enough rest for the mission on the following day. The next day as they were walking, Baraka says he had a good rest at night and feels energised kinto says he had the same feeling and the rest of them agree. Serena looks alex and kazuki and mumbles to herself saying that she is 100% sure those had a fight at night, kinto asks how long it will take to get to the wind city and levi tells them that they have arrived. He point to the wind city which is abit distance from them and says that as soon as they enter the city they should keep an eye out on everything, they enter the city they feel a hurl of wind from nowhere and see people everywhere. Sukuna says that the wind city is very beautiful and as the wind was blowing kazuki says that their is no question about the place being called the wind city. Levi tells them to scout around the place to find out anything suspicious, everyone replies him by saying "yes sir" and within the twinkle of an eye they split up

Alex, kinto and Baraka were walking on the street looking around for anything suspicious, Alex asks if they see anything and kinto says he canr see anything. Baraka then spots an restaurant were and in excitement he tells alex to look at it and suggest they eat there, alex stomach begins to rumble and with a tired expression on his face he says it cant be helped. Kinto smiles and says that he is also hungry and then they both enter the restaurant to eat. Meanwhile when kazuki was scouring the place he sees a shed with two people with hoods on, those people were actually jugo and Kirihai (The two people who escaped from prison). As they were discussing, Jugo says that some of the assassins from the kagahara city are looking for them, he tells Kirihai that they need to destroy the wind city at once if they want to join the organisation. As kazuki enters the shed, he doesn't see anyone In it at all, he says he could have sworn that he saw a two suspicious people in the shed and then he just leaves the place. Levi is walking round the place and says he cant see anything strange at all and then he brings out some cigarette to smoke. He says to himself that everything is beginning to happen so soon and then asks himself how an organisation would just pop out of nowhere with a dangerous goal like that. Later in the afternoon immediately it was 3o'clock, kirihai is untop of a very tall building and then puts on a cat mask and says she is ready, hugo tells her to hurry it up and then she point her hand to the sky and says some incarnations. As she does, a snake sign appears on her palm and then everywhere begins to get cover in mist, this technique is called dead man's wonder land and then as most covers the place everywhere begins to be quiet there seems to be no one anywhere in the city. Levi noticed this and in shock he asks himself if this is the dead man's wonderland technique, jugo(The criminal who is extremely skilled with swords) walks out from the mist and tells levi he is absolutely correct. Alex, kinto and Baraka rushes our of the restaurant and in shock see's everywhere quiet and with mist everywhere, alex asks what the hell is going on and kinto says he doesn't have a clue at all. Kazuki while scouting the place turn back and say what ever is going on doesn't seem good while serena and sukuna were lost on the mist. Jugo summons his sword and tells levi that he should get prepared because he is about to face death, levi looking serious and confident says he doesn't really give a shit about it at all and Kirihai walks behind levi saying that he is unfortunate. She says that she seems to be thirsty for blood so she might as well kill him and levi says he can take them on both. As jugo and Kirihai charge at levi, he brings out his guns from his pockets saying this fight is going to be child's play. As they charge to him ready to figh, a bunch of shuriken fly out of nowhere from one direction, a bunch of explosive flys out of nowhere from another direction and jugo and Kirihai seeing that its coming at their direction, they quickly jump out of the way. Jugo dodges the daggers while Kirihai doeges the explosive causing and explosions, as she dodges them she stumbled across another one behind her and then it blows up. Kinto gets up excitingly and says that there is no way she could survive that. After the smoke clears, kinto see's a dark wall protecting her and then she asks him if that's all he can do. She calls him a weakling and charges towards him with some daggers in her hand ready to kill him, kinto then yells Alex and Baraka's name telling them its about time and the Baraka from behind uses his rock hammer to hit her but she uses her hand to block. Baraka is surprised and then Alex from nowhere attempts to kick her and then she hits him away with her other han, as alex flies back and then flash steps behind her ready to punch her and then she jumps out of the way. Jugo asks her if she can handle these kids and then she grins and says she will kill them without stress. Jugo tells levi he is sorry for keeping him so long and then they begin to fight, alex activates his energy fist ( plus 20) and and asks kinto if he has a plan and then Baraka with his rock Hammer says the main focus is to take down this Kirihai of a woman alex and barak attacks her simultaneously and Kirihai says the fight is going to be fun. Baraka and alex are fighting Kirihai together, baraka is trying to use his rock Hammer to hit her while Alex is flash step around while trying to use his energy fist to attack her, she was just dodging them as fast

as possible with a smile on her face and says that she could play with them all day, alex then makes an opening for Baraka to attack her and then he hits her on the ground causing an explosion. As the smoke clears, Baraka sees her hand covered with blades to shield herself and then out of shock Baraka asksif this is fair or not, she then grabs him by the neck and smashed him on the ground. She strangled Baraka and tells him that brats like him should know their place and as she was about to use her hand to kill him, alex comes with a powerful punch hitting her away from him,as he was about to land the second one he tells her that monsters like her should know their place and then with a smile on her face she hits alex so hard that he crashes to the ground causing a big whole on the ground. Kinto shouts alex name and attempts to help him, as he rushes to help him baraka tells him not to go and then Kirihai appears behind him And asks him what he's up to. Kinto picks up his dagger from his pocket, turn around to stab her and then his dagger breaks into pieces. She kicks him hard and tells him to know his place, as he was about to stab him Alex quickly jumps in the way and get stabbed instead of kinto. He says he isn't going to let his friends get hurt and then kazuki jumps out from nowhere and blasts out his spiritual explosion at Kirihai, she quickly jumps out of the way nearly getting hit by his attacks and then as she dodges it, kazuki appears behind her ready to use his dagger and hit her but then she used her dagger to block his attack. She tells kazuki that he is very skilled and then he takes his fighting pose and tells Kirihai that she is facing him now.

End of episode.