Alex no demon episode 7( Face of darkness)

Kazuki takes his stance and tells Kirihai that she's facing him now, alex struggles to get up and says he isnt done yet. Kazuki looks at alex and gets slight frown on his face, kirihai tells kazuki that the rest of his friends couldn't come close to her, she looks at kazuki and tells him he looks interesting and then sharp needles starts to float around her in a defensive style. Kazuki's spiritual mark activates on his palm and then the needles floating around protecting Kirihai starts to attack kazuki. As they fly towards him , he uses his dagger to counter all of them and in a very skilled and speedy manner. He then charges towards her and starts to shoot spiritual explosions at her continuously and then she sharpens her hand sharp blades and starts to counter kazuki's attacks by slicing them kazuki then jumps above her and starts to throw shuriken at her, she dodges the few shuriken he throws and kazuki starts to fight her in a hand to hand combat. Meanwhile hugo and Levi were fighting an intense battle with each other, jugo uses his sword to shoot out slashes as fast as light while levi while levi moving extremely fast and speedy dodges them as they come. As levi dodges jugo's attacks he jumps in air and jugo starts to release more of those slashes, levi then used a technique called red riot in which red beams appear of nowhere and starts to counter jugo's attacks slashes causing a explosion. As the smoke clears jugo tries to use his sword to hit levi while levi picks up a dagger on the floor to counter It, and then they begin to clash blades with each other which was so strong that evey time they clash their blades together while fighting it causes an explosion by in the surrounding they are fighting. They begin to start moving in the speed of light while they are fighting and causes even more destruction, as they were fighting jugo tells levi that he doesn't seem to be as bad as he thought.

While this was going on, serena and sukuna were fighting a large amount of shadow dolls while the everywhere was still clouded with mist. The shadow dolls keep charging at them but serena and sukuna were just giving them powerful punches to defend themselves, serena then transfers a massive amount of electricity to her fist and hits all the shadows dolls away to the point were most if them exploded, sukuna says she will handle the rest from and that serena should get some rest and then as more shadow dolls approach them, her hands begin to glow surrounding itself with a very powerful green energy and then with that she uses a single blow to blast away the rest of the shadow dolls to the point they all blew up while some of them got burnt. She collapses on the floor and serena runs to her and asks her if she's ok, sukuna says she is fine and then she says that the rest are fighting with their live and they have to help them. Kazuki while still fighting Kirihai jumps in mid air and then kinto throws some shuriken at her from a far distance, as she dodges them alex flash steps behind her and catches the shuriken she dodged and tries to stab her with them. As he tries to stab her barks jumps out above her with his rock hammer in the attemp to hit her with it and kazuki comes from in front ready to slice her head of with his dagger, at this point she tells herself she is surrounded and then she smiles with a wicked look on her face and says non of them can beat her and all of a sudden a dark energy just burst out of the ground hitting them away. As they all hit the floor kazuki tries to stand up and then Kirihai cast a technique called dark cube and then kazuki is trapped in a cube made out of dark energy, kinto asks himself how some can be so tough and then before he knew it a large amount of daggers starts to pierce throw his body with a crazy amount of speed and then he screams in pain. Baraka attempts to save him and then a slash flies out of nowhere and makes a cut on his back and he screams in pain while he falls down, alex screams kinto and Baraka's name and runs to help them and then alex falls on the floor with a powerful amount of pressure holding him down. He struggles to get up and Kirihai walks behind him and tells him she's just used her spirit binding technique to hold him down alex out of anger yells at her saying she should let him, kirihai grins and then she uses her blade to pierce his hand pinning him to the ground. Alex screams I pain and then she does the same to his second hand, alex starts to get furious and starts to breath heavy out of anger, she tells him that this fight is over and alex tells her to shut the hell up. Kirihai traps alex in her dark cube technique and then she tells him that she is going to kill him along with his friends, as kazuki was trapped in the dark cube Kirihai sealed him in, a massive amount of energy blasts out of it with kazuki inside and then kazuki starts to scream in pain. Alex while on the ground see's kinto and Baraka lying on the floor with injuries as they lye down unconsciously, kirihai tells him that he and his friend are just a pile of brats that she is about to kill. She traps alex in a dark cube and then as it was about release a massive explosion inside it along with alex, alex says to himself that he cant die in a place like this. He repeats that same statement with anger continuously and then as he was saying it his hair began to turn red, his teeth and nails became sharper and then the dark cube he was inside blew up causing a giant purple explosion accompanied with purple flames. Kirihai was laughing In excitement and said there was no way that kid could have survived that, kinto seeing was shocked and screams alex name. She begins to laugh and then to her amazement the purple flames that occurred out of the explosion started to turn into black energy that was going berserk . She looks closer and into it and asks her what is going on and the she sees alex inside it. She sees him rising up from the ground and then alex screams out of anger which was so strong it created a blast wave that and then alex the black energy surrounding alex disappeared. He charges towards Kirihai with an incredible speed, she gets prepared for him and then alex moving as fast as wind starts to punch her with a crazy amount of speed. As he was punching Kirihai, she tells herself that she cant keep up with the speed alex is moving with (She just wanted to know how strong he is with his power up. She could have killed him if she felt like)then alex with his sharp nails scratches her on her chest. He starts to run around with an incredible speed, Kirihai tells herself to calm down and then she starts to throw shuriken at him him as fast as she can. Unfortunately for her alex was so fast that he was dodging them and then he starts to scratch her with his sharp nails as he runs round her, Kirihai tells her she cant keep up with this crazy power and then she uses a hand sign and starts to say some incarnations. As magic circle appears on her hand, she attempts to shoot a red beam at alex but as she was about to blast it at him, he hold the beam before she shoots it out. To Kirihai amazement she asks herself how someone has enough strength to hold an attack like that and then with the massive amount of energy that was on alex right hand, he uses it slap her so hard that the entire place blew up. As the smoke clears as a result of the explosion, she tries to stand up but falls immediately. As alex walks out of the smoke with his eye glowing red, he transfers a massive amount of energy to his hand to the point were its smoking and then as he smacks her hard to the ground causing an explosion. After the smoke clears, alex collapses on the floor with his body smoking, Kirihai manages to stand up and says that upon all that power he still lost. She brings out a dagger from her pocket ready to stab alex and as she was about to do so, she tells him that at the end everything was a waste of time and then as she was about to stab him her hand just slices off. Kazuki then stabs Kirihai from behaving and calls her stupid bitch. She smiles and says she is surprised and then she starts to melt, as she was melting away she says she will be back for them eventually and then she melts away completely. Kazuki then sighs as he realizes that it was a clone they all were fighting and not the real person, he then says to himself that if it were to be the real person they fought then they will have died.

Jugo is lying on the floor with injuries on his body and levi walks to him and reminds him of when he said he was going to kill him, hugo laughs and starts to faid away. As he was faiding away he tells levi that in his life he has never met a very powerful opponent and he tells Levi he will never forget him. Kazuki helps alex to stand up and says to himself that alex is stronger than he thought, the mist that covered everywhere began to faid away and the sun begins to come out. Levi says that this was a hellish mission and then brings his cigarette out if his pocket to smoke. Kinto stands up and helps Baraka up, Baraka asks if alex is ok and then Kinto says he is going to be fine. Everyone gets assembled together looking all beat up except serena and sukuna, and levi says the mission is complete and it's time to go home. But while Kirihai was in a dark hide out, she takes of he black cloak and monologues to herself saying that it was a good thing that she sent a clone to fight or else those kids would have been dead. Ukina who was standing beside her unnoticed then tells her that she did a great job and that she is glad the mission went well.