Alex no demon episode 8

The next day in city of power in the morning around 11 oclock in the morning, kojin was in a meeting room with some of his advisers. As everyone of them were gathered on their seats quietly, kojin tells them that he is happy that they all came for the meeting. One of the advisors(a man) asks what the meeting is all about, he says that he would like to know why it was also said to be a very important one. Kojin then says that according to the Intel brought by the city's spies, there is a secret organisation who is aiming at something that is in the city. He says that the organisation is after that particular thing and wont stop until they get what they want, one of the advisors( a female) asks if their is any information on what they want and kojin tells her that they are after one of the kids who just became assassins. She asks what would an organisation be doing with a kid and kojin explains to them that the kid they are after is alex, one of the other Male advisors ask if he is talking about the grand son of the grand warrior of Rambo and kojin confirms it correct.He says that alex is from the demon clan who has an immense amount of demonic energy as a result of being demon, on of the advisors says that the demons have been wiped out 12 years ago and then asks how alex managed to be alive. Kojin says that the information on how he is alive is not of anyone's business, he says that the organisation is after his demonic power and if they get their hand on him he is most likely to die. Diablo then enters the meeting hall in a very playful manner and says he is sorry for being late, as diablo walks to kojin seat, kojin introduces everyone to diablo and tells them that diablo is a team leader and alex is one of his students. Diablo ask kojin why he was called to the meeting hall and kojin tells him that he was called so that he can tell everyone about the status. Kojin explains to everyone that diablo is an A rank assassin and graduated into a fine assassin who can carry out missions, he says that diablo is alex team leader and If anything were to go wrong for instance alex going out of control, he will be there to prevent the situation. One of the other advisors says that it is with time that alex is a high threat and he should be kept under solitary, kojin in anger stamps his fist to the table and says he would not let such thing happen. He says alex is just a kid of 12 years old along side with most of his fellow teammates and friends, he says that he would not allow for such bad things to happen to him or anyone so far he is the lord of kyiouku city he would not let anything bad happen and then he dismisses the meeting. After everyone is out of the meeting hall remaining only diablo and kojin, diablo say it's a pity for a kid to be under so much trouble and kojin tells diablo to take good care of Alex and train him to be a fine assassin. Kojin tells diablo that alex wants to be a lord and is working very hard to achieve that goal, he looks at diablo and tells him to help him become stronger so he can achieve that dream. Diablo laughs and makes fun of kojin by telling him that he looks like a worried father, kojin smiles and says that he and alex grand father are friends and to add to that alex father was a very aussie assassin but yet it's a shame he died in battle. Diablo smiles and tells kojin he has his word, he then walks out of his office and mumbles to himself saying that alex reminds him of an old friend who had the same dream and character alex has.

Alex was at home asleep on his bedroom with bandages wrapped up on his chest, he wakes up and asks himself what happened, kinto then knocks on his window and tells him to open up. Alex opens the window and sits right back on his bed, he asks if the mission was a success and then kinto say that according to levi the enemies escaped. He tells alex that he wasn't expecting their first mission to be as dangerous as that, he says that it took a miracle for them to survive that mission. Alex then flashbacks to the time were he went berserk and then after the flashback he asks himself were that ginormous amount of power came from and then kinto tells Alex that he has to get going, he tells Alex to take care of himself and then jumps through the window. Alex looks out the window and tells himself that he has to become stronger in order to survive in missions. Later in the day around 6pmkazuki Was on the rooftop of a building looking at how shining the stars are, he flashbacks to when Alex went crazy with a black enormous energy around him. He says to himself that alex has gone way stronger than him, he asks himself how just one human being can have so much strength, he looks at his palms and says he is going to do whatever it takes to become stronger than anyone who has ever lived.