Alex no demon episode 9

Kazuki was having a sparring match with diablo at the training field, as kazuki was about to throw a blow diablo just blocks it and kicks him to the ground. He tells kazuki he has really improved unlike the last time they fought with each other, kazuki while trying to stand up says that he has been training really hard. Diablo tells him that he has alot to learn if he wants to become really strong one day, he tells kazuki that his killer instincts and IQ are really sharp for a kid of 12 years old. He also tells kazuki that he will like to point out a few things that he is doing wrong, kazuki with a bored look on his face asks him to point them out and diablo says he will gladly do it. Diablo tells him that his first problem is his inability to judge his opponent without a second thought, he explains to kazuki that immediately he see's an opponent he should try and analyse them before attempting to attack. Kazuki says he accepts that and asks diablo if there is anything else he would like to be enlightened about, diablo says then tells kazuki that when he is fighting he should let all his senses be open. He explains to kazuki that the only senses that he activates while fighting is just his eyes and ears, he tells kazuki unlike him Alex has more sensing abilities but his only problem is that he charges to his opponents without a second thought. Kazuki asks diablo what alex has to do with the matter, diablo gets a confused look and asks kazuki if he forgot to tell him, kazuki asks diablo what he forgot to tell him and diablo giggles abit and tells kazuki that he forgot to tell him that alex was coming to train with him. Kazuki gets a confused facial expression for a few seconds and then screams out of annoyance, alex then comes waving his hand to diablo from a far distance telling his name and then kazuki turns back and yells at alex telling him to leave.Alex tells him to shut up and says that the only reason he came st the first place was because diablo promised him some food after the training, kazuki asks him if food is all he thinks about and then diablo tells alex its good to have him around. Diablo asks alex how his injuries are and alex says that his injuries seem to have healed up quickly, he smile and says he happy he's alive. Diablo smiles and says that enough talking, he tells alex that the reason why he called for him was because he wanted to have some training with him. He calls alex and kazuki's name and says that they would have to fight him as a duo, they both pause for like 2 seconds, sighs and then they both scream. Alex asks kazuki why he has to work with someone like kazuki, he says he rather work alone and kazuki responds saying that he rather die than be with a numb skull. Diablo says that he doesn't know what they both have against each other but now they both are on the same team so whether they like it or not they would have to work together except if they want to get themselves killed, diablo commends alex for his amazing fighting techniques but he has a few things to work on. Alex looking irritated tells diablo to go on, diablo tells alex that he is good with using energy fist and having a massive amount of energy to increase it makes it better and on top that he has the ability to flash step which is very useful when combined with a fist style technique. Alex starts to get a very confident but rather funny look on his face and diablo tells him there is just a single problem with that, alex snaps out of that confident smile on his face and asks what the problem. Diablo says that he doesn't know how to use close combat properly, diablo also says that aside from lacking good close combat skills he also has a bad habit of rushing to his opponent. Alex sighs and says that he doesn't really know any other way, diablo tells him that he has a good battle IQ in the sense that he plans his next move against his opponents just by looking, he then tells both alex and kazuki that both of them have what the other doesn't have. Kazuki asks diablo what his point is and diablo tells them that if they both work on the little problems they have and theyboth are able to work together as a team then they would be the strongest fighters that this world has ever known. After alex and kazuki hears what diablo said, they both get shocked and then they mumble what diablo just said. Diablo then tells them to work together and fight him, kazuki says then says he might have to pass out on this one and Alex says that he needs to finish something up and then diablo calls them weak. As alex and kazuki hear that, kazuki throws a dagger in mid air and alex Jumps in air, grabs the dagger and as he was coming down with full force diablo jumps out of the way and alex crashed to the ground causing the ground to blow up. Diablo then smiles and says that he wasn't expecting a move like that and then he mumbles to himself saying that these kids are going to end up surpassing everyone, alex comes out of the smoke from the explosion he made and then kazuki stands beside him and asks him if he's ready. Alex says that he will take diablo from the back while kazuki says he will take him head on, alex flash steps behind him trying to attack him while kazuki charges towards him. They begin to throw attacks at him from different sides, alex flash steps around diablo with his energy fist throwing punches while he diablo dodges them and kazuki out of nowhere shoots out his spiritual explosion technique at him and yells at alex telling him to get out of the way. Kazuki's attack hits diablo causing an explosive and alex ask kazuki if they had him, kazuki says he doesn't know and after the smoke clears diablo walks out of it unharmed and tells them that he is actually impressed that they both pulled a stunt like that. Alex tells kazuki that his spiritual explosion technique didn't work and ask what they both will do next, kazuki asks alex if he has a smoke bomb and alex brings one out of his pocket and throws it on the ground causing a purple smoke surrounding everywhere. Diablo ask himself in excitement what these two kids are going to do next and then a shuriken just flies out of the smoke and without stress diablo dodges it with a smile. And then more shuriken with an incredible speed starts to fly out of the smoke and then diablo starts to dodge them with an amazing speed while his hands were in his pockets, and then a spiritual explosion from above comes down almost hitting diablo in which he jumps out of the smoke to dodge it and then when he jumps out of the smoke he says that he is getting excited and they should do something else that's amazing and before he knew it two hands grabs diablo's legs making sure he doesn't move and then kazuki shoots out his spiritual explosion technique at diablo and yells alex name and tells him to hold on, eventually the spiritual explosion causes a much more bigger explosion than the last one's he used and then causes an enormous smoke. Kazuki asks alex if he's ok and alex with the speed of wind flash steps behind kazuki and says he's alright. Diablo then Pat's both of them by the back and says that they really tried, they get surprised and quickly turn back in a funny manner. Kazuki and alex out of shock asks diablo how he didn't get hurt at least not a scratch and then diablo says that he doesn't expect to be beaten by a bunch of kids, he Pat's them both on the solider and tells them that they both should really start working together, he tells them that tht both make a good team and then diablo walks away.

Alex says he leaving to go do something at home while kazuki just stays in the training area and sits on the floor. Later in the evening kazuki was in his room and remembers when diablo told both he and alex that they both would make a great team while alex is In his balcony looking at the the city and enjoying its liveliness since it's dark and only lights are switched on from houses and markets, he tells himself that when he becomes the lord of the city he Hope's he can look at the city like this.