Alex no demon episode 10

Few months later, it was a very bright and beautiful day were everyone in the city were performing their day to day work. In that day kojin was in his office with diablo standing in front of him, kojin tells him that he has a mission for his students and says that the mission is a very tough one and really hard to handle. Diablo says that with the way it sounds then the mission seems deadly, kojin explains to him that the mission is quit life threatening but that is what missions are. Diablo tells him that this mission seems a little bit deadly, he says that the higher ups should be able to perform such missions. Kojin explains to him that the higher ups cant take care of the situation at hand so he had no choice but to let the kids do it. Diablo sighs and asks what the mission is about, few hours later alex and his team along with kinto,Baraka and sukuna are standing in front of the city gates. Sukuna asks what is taking diablo so long to just come, Alex says he is probably busy with something else and then from a distance they see another team coming, two boys one with red hair and the other with a lab coat with some goggles on his head with pink hair while the girl has a nice long hair with a sweater and a skirt. As they eventually approached them, kinto has a bumped look on his face and asks what son(The guy with the red hair) is doing here. Son laughs and says he cant believe he is actually on a group mission, Alex gets a funny wierd look on his face and says he thought son was dead making son having a wierd look in his face and tells alex to shut up. Deo(The boy with the lab coat and goggles and pink hair) says he can't wait for the mission to start while Raquel(Long white hair) says she is really happy to see sukuna and serena, serena returns the excitement and says its been to long and sukuna asks were she has been the whole time. Diablo then comes and tells everyone to listen, he tele them that this mission is abit dangerous but its something they can handle, he explains to them that a rogue assassin from a neighbouring city has been spotted in a forest in which he has a hide out to cover himself. Diablo explains to them that the criminal they are after is extremely good with technology and was one of the high classes criminals from his city he comes from, deo then says he has heard of this criminal before and has a large amount of murder cases and bounties, diablo then says that their mission is to infiltrate the mans base and kill him. Kinto sighs and says the whole mission is a pain, diablo tells them that they were all picked at random for this mission, he explain to them that deo is not In the same team with son and Raquel but he was picked him for the mission because he is good with technology and extremely useful when it comes to weapons. Alex then says he is ready for the mission and serena tells him to calm down, diablo tells them that the enemy's hide out isn't too far but they should be very careful. Kazuki then says that the mission is easy considering the fact they have to kill the target and then alex in a curious manner asks kazuki if killing is the only thing he knows. Diablo then tells them they should set out for the mission and then they all step out the city gate leaving for the mission.

As they all were walking on their way for the mission, son says that he has been waiting for a mission ever since he passed the entrance exam and kinto tells him with a lazy face that he wishes the missions wouldn't be so deadly every time and sukuna tells him to stop his whining. Raquel who doesn't seem to be talking to anyone is staring at alex, serena who seems too observe this asks herself if she actually likes alex. Baraka says he is in the mood for a drink and deo woth his robotic watch tracking the location of the enemy base says they are almost there but it's a few kilometres away. Son asks him how many kilometres away is the base and then deo says just 1 kilometre. Few moments later from a far distance they see the enemy's hide out while they are surrounded by a few bushes in the forest, son asks if they are there yet and deo tells him that they have arrived. They all take cover in a nearby bush and deo tells them that his watch detected something, he tells them that the place is surrounded by drones and robots armed with guns and to add it up their are traps inside. Kinto ask what they have to do and then he says he can disable the drones and keep them under his control but as for the bots, it will be to dangerous for them to just charge at them considering the fact that they are under cover. Soon they hear gunshots from the robots. They turn to see what's going on and then they see Alex fighting and dodging the bullets of the guards as they try to shoot him, alex beats them up with no effort but just by dodging their bullets and by launching a few daggers and hit. He turns around and says that there is no need to hide since he has taken care of the first problem, they all come out of hiding and serena tells him what he did was careless as hell. Kinto sighs and says he wouldn't worry about a move alex makes. Baraka notices the security lock on it and asks how they are going to get passed the lock, deo tells him to step aside and then he presses a few buttons and then the door opens by itself. Kinto sighs and says that as far as he's concerned this mission is a death wish, Alex smiles and pounds his fists together and says that they are going to make it out if this mission alive and nothing can stop them.

End of chapter