Alex no demon episode 11

As they enter the enemy base which was dark and filled with security cameras, they all walk as quiet as possible while they were being watched by a man from the camera. Kazuki says that something isn't right at all and Baraka asks how he could tell, as they were about to take a turn to their right side, deo tells them to stay back and informs them that their are security camera's and drones all over the place. He says that if they were to keep on going recklessly they will be in trouble. Sukuna says that there should be a way to be able to get passed to camera's and drones all over the place and deo sighs, he says that he can use his robotic watch to hack into the camera's, alex then asks him why he didn't do that at the first place and deo says it would have been too soon if he did so. Deo activates his watch and hacks into the camera in order to disable the camera's. Eventually he disables the camera's and he says that it should be safe to move now, meanwhile the man watching from the camera smokes and says that he didn't believe a bunch of kids could pull up a stunt like that and then as he was sitting on his throne he presses a button. As alex and the rest were still walking in the large dark hall way, deo's watch starts to beep continuously and alex senses something vile. Deo says he is picking up something and alex says that he is sensing something dangerous coming and then a bunch of robots holding weapons and guns with their eyes shining red start to come out of the walls. Kinto gets annoyed seeing this and says that if care isn't taken then things are going to end up ugly, kazuki draws out two daggers from his pockets, baraka summons his rock hammer, kinto draws out some explosives ready to throw and alex gets ready to fight. Sukuna asks if their is a plan and serena says that the only plan they have is just beating these robots so they dont die, deo's activates his rocket boots and his watch turns into a robotic arm and tells everyone that their is an exit at the other end that leads to the enemy they are to kill. Alex says that he is going to have to flash step all the way their while fighting the robots and son says he will follow him, deo tells son that they would need him and then kazuki says he would followers alex. Kinto says that since everyone has agreed with something then it's a plan and then the robots starts to fire bullets at them, they all charge at the robots and start to attack. Kinto throws some explosives at them while slicing their heads of with his dagger, baraka uses his rock hammer to bash the robots, deo who was moving at an insane speed with the help of his rocket boots starts to shoot beams out of his arm while alex and kazuki are just dodging all the bullets and starts to attack the robots. Alex just bashes through the robots while kazuki was just fights them by kicking them aside and uses his daggers to kill them. Son then starts to gather a massive amount of flames all over his body and tells them to move aside and then blasts out an enormous amount of fire power destroying the robot and Raquel shoots out sharp crystals at the robots which begins to destroy them. As serena and sukuna were fighting the robots, they say that the robots keep coming and they dont seem to have an end. Deo smiles and then an large amount of blue energy burst out of his body, everyone is shocked to see this and then he tells everyone to step aside.

As alex and kazuki reach the exits, they find themselves in a giant hall with some pillars. Alex asks kazuki were they are and kazuki tells him that he doesn't have a clue, then a man with a robotic arm with a red lab coat says that they are in his lair. He stands up from his throne and tells them that he commends them for being able to make it this far, he explains to them that he is a high class criminal from a nearby country not to far away and that his name is bara. Kazuki tells Alex not to lose his guard at all, bara grins and says that he would kill them in a matter of minutes and then with a swift speed he kicks alex straight to a wall and then punches kazuki to alex smashing him to the wall also. Bara laughs and says that this entire thing was a joke, he asks himself how one of the most powerful cities in the entire world will send a bunch of kids who are weaklings to come fight him. Kazuki stands up and asks alex if he's ok but before he knew it alex activates his energy fist(plus 20) and tells kazuki that they will have to go all out with this guy, kazuki activates his spiritual mark and says he isnt goings soft at all. Bara laughs and then out of his back, multiple robotic arms starts to charge at them. Kazuki tells Alex to get ready and then as the robotic arms were coming in fast, they jump and then start to attack. Meanwhile as deo who was moving at an incredible speed was just killing the robots as they were coming, as they were shooting bullets and lazers at him he begins to dodge them and then with a few blows, he manges to destroyed all the robots at once. The rest were shocked and speechless seeing this and kinto says that he Hope's he doesn't face someone as monstrous as deo one day. As alex and kazuki were battling with bara, kazuki was trying to get close to bara in order to hit him but bara kept on dodging kazuki in every way while Alex with his energy fist was just fash stepping while using his energy fist to punch through them and destroying the robotic arms as they were attacking. As alex makes it pass all the robotic arms he charges to bara and as he was about to hit bara from the front, kazuki attempts to use his dagger to slice bara's head from behind. bara smiles and then a blast wave hits kazuki and alex away. Bara uses his robot arm to shoot a beam at them, alex and kazuki quickly gets out of the way, kazuki uses his scarlet shuriken (a technique were the user blasts out shuriken's formed out of energy) to counter the beam. Kazuki turns back and asks Alex if he's ok, alex with a few injuries tries to stand up and says he's not feeling to good and then bara starts to move at an incredible speed beating up both alex and kazuki to the point they couldn't keep up and then throws them up to the ceiling, jumps above them and hits them to the ground. Kazuki and alex after being beat badly try to stand up and bara says that he is done playing with them. He says that he decided to turn out to be a traitor of his city because he was looked down upon and was doubted, he then prepares a large beam ready to blast both alex and kazuki and he says that he doesn't really have any hard feelings against them but if anyone stand in his way, he will kill them. Alex seeing this seems to be traumatized seeing this and starts to breathe heavily, kazuki tells him to get a grip of himself and then bara shoots the beam which was fast approaching both Alex and kazuki and then as they were about to get hit by the attack, a massive amount of black energy just burst out of Alex body and then slaps bara's attack away. Bara is shocked to see that tremendous amounts of energy around alex and out of shock he ask himself how a kid can have such power. Kazuki seeing this says that this will be the third time alex is pulling this stunt and alex to his amazement says that he will not die in a place like this