Alex no demon 12

As the enormous amount of black energy began to flow around alex, bara looks annoyed and asks himself how a person can handle such amount of energy, kazuki on the other hand says that the rate at which the energy is flowing around Alex is different from the previous times he used such power. Kazuki asks alex if he's okay and alex while having that enormous amount of black energy flowing round his body replies him telling him that he is ok but he isn't sure of what is going on. Bara who was frustrated by seeing such power gets annoyed and blasts out a couple of beams at alex, kazuki tells alex to get out of the way and with an amazing speed he dodges them and appears behind bara ready to attack him from behind. Bara quickly turns back and starts to shoot beams at alex while alex was dodging them with a crazy amount of speed, alex asks himself how he got this amount of power in a matter of seconds, while bara kept on shooting beams at him, alex kept on dodging them continuously. Kazuki stands up and says that the power alex is releasing is much more under control than before, he says that the power alex possess is very incredible and says no one can handle such power without rigorous training. As alex was moving around dodging bara's attack, kazuki begins to shoot out his spiritual shuriken technique at bara. Bara spots this immediately and says that a cheap technique wont work and as he was about to dodge them, kazuki's spiritual shuriken explodes on bara causing purple flames to burn him. Alex zooms out of nowhere and starts to punch bara multiple times with a crazy amount speed, as he was about to deliver the final blow, bara quickly shoots out a beam from his chest blasting alex through a couple of pillars. Kazuki yells alex name and bara starts to hit kazuki with blows so fast to the point he couldn't keep up and then punches him so hard that he crashes on the walls. Bara says he has had enough of this fight and as he prepared a giant beam ready to blast kazuki with it, alex then quickly gets up and runs with an incredible speed in order to save kazuki and as bara's attack was finally about the hit him, alex swoops in and kick bara's hand of and then starts to punch bara so fast that he was bleeding. Alex then punches him so hard that bara's head twisted and then crashes into the ground. Alex turns round and asks kazuki if he's doing ok and then kazuki notices that Alex skin was burning due to the energy on his body, bara then gets annoyed and out if anger releases a massive amount of green energy out of his body, he yells that he isnt going to lose to a bunch if kids and alex asks kazuki what to do. Bara says that he wont let a bunch if kids kill him and then he gathers enough energy at a spot and fires it at them, alex asks kazuki how they will dodge an attack that powerful and kazuki tells him to focus all the energy at his arm in order to create a more powerful counter attack just like he does for his energy fists. Alex then transferred all the black energy in his body to his left arm and then uses it to hold bara's energy attack but alex was struggling to hold to hold it. Alex says he needs more power and bara says that non of them can survive an attack so power, kazuki then activates his spiritual mark and touches alex at his back and then alex black energy gets covered up with purple lightning. Kazuki says that he will help him and then as they struggle to fire the attack back, bara is shocked to see that they have become stronger. Bara increases the energy beam and then alex and kazuki both increase their strength which was strong enough to back fire bara's energy blast at him, bara in seeing this yells that no one can defeat him and then his attack back fires at him and then it causes a massive explosion. After the smoke clears alex and kazuki with both their left arms burnt walk towards bara and seeing him lying on the floor with burns all over him, alex asks kazuki if he's still alive and then bara with his voice fading away says if his going to die then he won't die alone and then he quickly activates the self destruct button that is in his robotic arm. Kazuki yells saying that they both should better run and then he and alex starts to run for their lives, as meanwhile deo's watch detects something and he yells by saying everyone should run and that the entire base is about to blow up.

As they were running, Raquel ask about alex and Kazuki and deo says they both can make it out with ease, Baraka breaks through the exit with his rock hammer and they all jump out of the base while it explodes and completely burns to the ground. Kinto screams alex name and then Alex jumps out of the ground with kazuki on his back, they both fall on the floor and then everyone rushes to help them up asking them if they are okay.

As they all were walking home with kinto supporting alex as they walk and serena also helps kazuki to walk, deo asks alex and kazuki if they managed to beat bara and alex says that they were able to defeat him successfully, Raquel looks at Alex with concern and says to herself that she hope alex is ok. As serena was supporting kazuki while walking, his spiritual mark which has a triangle shape gets a circle untop of it. Kazuki seeing this smiles and mumbled to himself with a smile on his face saying he is finally getting stonger