Alex no demon episode 24

Deo was running at an intense speed while jason who was also moving at that speed was blasting lazers at him non stop, deo was dodging this while they were blasting the tree's instead and causing huge damage. Deo then activates his nanotechn watch and then it turns into a robotic arm. Deo starts to shoot out beams in order to counter Jason's attacks. As the fight was going on jason, jumps up in with a giant laser beam and then shoots it with maximum power at deo, deo then transferred a massive amount of energy to his robotic arm and then tries to hold the attack. As deo was holding it he tells himself that he isn't going to last much longer and then he uses all his strength to push Jason's gaint lazer beam attack away. Jason then appears behind deo, grabs his face and then crashes him into countless tree's. Jason jumps In air and tells deo that there is no way the city will win this battle of domains and as he was coming down with laser beams in his hands ready to blast it at deo, son then flies out of nowhere with flames on his body and then punches Jason with full power making jason crashing through tree's. Son tells deo that he is sorry for being late, Jason then gets up and says it looks like he is going to have some fun. Son then tells deo that he is going to handle the rest, deo tells him to be careful, he tells son that this Jason guy is a beast. Son then grins and says he is going to have to go all out, meanwhile serena and sukuna were fighting sakura throwing daggers at each other with punches and kicks. Serena transfers a massive amount of electrical energy to her legs and than starts to move as fast lightning, upon how fast she was moving sakura kept on dodging her attacks continuously and then sukuna jumps out nowhere ready to punch her. She dodges sukuna and serena as they were working together to beat her. Sakura starts to shoot needles from her hair even faster than before. Serena who was still moving at a very high speed was dodging them while sukuna used her daggers to counter them as fast as possible, sakura commends them for being able to fight her without breaking a sweat. She then tells them play time is over and then she draws out two strands of her hair and then they both form a double edge swords. Serena who was looking abit tired tells sukuna that she doesn't think she can fight sakura much longer. Serena tells sukuna to stay back, sakura grins and throws her double edge sword at serena at a speed she wasn't able to move, just in time Raquel comes out of nowhere and slaps it away before serena was hurt. She asks serena if she's ok and sukuna tells her to be careful while fighting, serena tells Raquel that she was just fine, Raquel turn back and remind her that she almost got killed by a sword which was moving even faster than light. Sakura who was looking bored asks them if they are going to keep on talking and Raquel crystallized her arms making them sharp. Raquel says that she going to have to deal with this sakura bitch on her own from now, sakura starts to laugh and tells her that she wont even touch a strand of her hair if she tried. Meanwhile son and jason were throwing attacks at each other, jason was just jumping and running around throwing laser beams at son while son was just throwing fire balls In order to counter Jason's attacks. They were dodging and throwing attacks at each other with everything they got, jason then jumps and uses his lazers to make two giant shuriken and launcues it at him,son quickly heats up his body with alot if fire power and blasts Jason's laser shuriken away. Son then heats up his body with more fire and turns into a fire tornado, he flies towards jason while Jason was just throwing lazer beams which had more heat and power than him. Son while still in his fire tornado was dodging them completely and then jason tells him to stop acting though, he prepares another lazer beam and throws it at son and then son jumps out of his fire tornado and then with a massive fire power and uses it to counter Jason's lazere. Jason gets shocked and then asks him how he was able to counter his attack, son who has already prepared a very powerful fire ball attack on his hand and blasts it at Jason at full power. The attack was so powerful it destroyed countless tree's, after the smoke clears, Jason is on the floor looking burnt and also unconscious. Deo gets amazed by what son did and yells in excitement, son goes to help deo up and then he asks him if he's ok. Deo says he is fine and then son says that it would be better to look for the rest. Meanwhile Raquel and sakura were fighting while jumping from tree to tree and moving at an insane speed, Raquel shoots out spikes from her hands at rapid fire while sakura was just using her weapons to counter them as fast as possible. They then proceeded to fight in close combat, Raquel uses her crystallized hands to attack while sakura used her dagger to counter her every move. As they were fighting, sakura says to herself that Raquel's attacks are way to fast for her to comprehend, she then jumps off the tree and then stars to shoot out needles from her hair at Raquel. Raquel uses her hands to counter them while they were coming at her with rapid fire. After she had countered all the attacks sakura threw a sword at her, sakura comes from behind and stabs Raquel. Just when she thought she had managed to hit her, she noticed that Raquel crystallized her back in order to prevent attacks from penetrating and then Raquel kicks her down making her crash on the ground. Raquel says she thought the fight will be harder than she expects, she then asks sakura if she still wants to fight and then sakura draws a strand of her hair which formed a spear and then jumps towards Raquel to attack her. Meanwhile alex, Baraka and kinto were fighting some puppets, kinto ask alex were all these puppets are coming from and Baraka gets annoyed and begins to smash them in anger with his rock hammer.