Alex no demon episode 23

In the city while everyone was standing in the front of the forest for the battle of domain, Tomoa was explaining to everyone that this battle of domain is one in which everyone should do their best and not hold back. Tomoa explains to them that the assassins of the raijin city are brutal beyond expectations, alex while whispering to kinto asks him if he came prepared. Kinto who was also whispering back to him tells him that he created explosives in forms of weapons so it will be easier to deceive their opponents, baraka joins their conversation and says that he doesn't really have a good feeling about this battle of domain thing. While Tomoa was explaining to them he tells them that their are also rules to the battle. He tells them that there is a very important energy stone at the forest, Tomoa says that if any of the teams representing their city were to get their hands on it lt, they will be declared victorious in the battle of domain. Alex then smiles and says that this battle will be easier than he expected, Tomoa then tells them that since that is the main objective of the battle then they are most likely to encounter their enemies on the way. Sukuna then pounds her fist together and tells serena that there is no way they will lose this fight, serena who wasn't paying attention was looking around and asks herself were kazuki is. She walks up to alex and asks him if he has seen kazuki and alex says that he doesn't really know were he is but hopefully he will join the fight, Tomoa then declares the battle of domain to start immediately and then the gates to the forest open and then everyone starts to jump In. Everyone is jumping from tree to tree and running as fast as they can, alex who was jumping and flipping from tree to tree along side with kinto and Baraka. Alex tells them goodluck and kinto smirks and tells alex that if there is any one that needs luck its him. Serena and sukuna who were also on the move while running on the ground spots something unusual, a bunch of needles just fly out of nowhere aiming for them and then they both draw their daggers together and starts to counter them. As Alex, kinto and Baraka were on the move, kinto spots three laser beams heading their way and then he pushes alex and Baraka out of the way telling them to look out, as the laser beams were coming their direction, kinto draws out some explosives out of his pocket and throws it at the beam in order to counter it causing an explosion. Alex scream kinto's name and kinto jumps out of the smoke and lands on a tree, he tells alex that he is ok and then another lazer beam flies out come out flying from a far distance almost hitting him and alex,but then Baraka quickly summons his rick hammer, jumps in the air and hits the laser beam away before it hits kinto. He and kinto jump back to the ground and alex ask them if they are hurt,suddenly from a far distance the lazer beams keep coming with even more speed and starts to head towards Alex. Kinto and Baraka jump to help him but alex quickly uses a move called flash fist( A move were a fist made out of energy surround your body) and then in rapid fire alex uses his flash fist to counter the beams causing an explosion. After the smoke clears kinto tells alex to look out and then an even bigger beam flies straight from the air hitting him but fortunately for him son flies out in time and kicks the lazers beams away making them blast to multiple tree's. Alex gets shocked and then son tells him not to worry,kinto asks him were all the lazers are coming from and son tells him deo is working on it. Meanwhile deo is flying in the air with his rocket boots looking around from the sky, he activates his goggles to look for the person blasting those beams and then he sees a guy shooting beams from a far distance. Deo then uses his microphone to contact son, he tells son that someone is shooting lazers beams from a far distance, son then tells him that he should face the guy for a while and that he will join him soon. Deo then drops down from the sky with full force, Jason (One of the city of raijin assassins and a laser beam user) tells deo that if he wants to make a flashy entrance he has to do better. Deo with a smirk on his face activates his robotic watch and tell Jason that he chose the wrong people to attack like that, jason who is also grinning tells deo that he looks strong and asks him not to disappoint and then he starts to shoot lazers at rapid fire at him. Meanwhile serena and sukuna were battling with sakura( One of the assassins of the city of raijin who has the ability to shoot needles with her hair) as she was fighting with serena and sukuna at the same time while shooting out needles from her hair to attack them which was destroying the tree's around them,she draws out a strand of her hair and then it forms a spear. Sakura tells them that she has the ability to create weapons with strand of her hair, she explains to them that she is an attack type assassin who is in C rank level. Serena tells sukuna to be careful while fighting sakura, sukuna then says that she feels that there is more to her abilities and then sakura charges at them with her spare and then serena and sukuna draw out their daggers and they begin to fight. As Jason was blasting powerfull lazers at deo, deo activates his rocket boots and starts to run around with an incredible speed in order to dodge Jason attacks. While Jason kept launching beams non stop, Jason commends deo for being able to move so fast and then deo jumps in mid air and transfer a massive amount of power to his boots and then he smashes jason to the ground causing an explosion in which the wave of the kick took out a couple of tree's. After the smoke clears deo looked confident that he had beaten Jason only for him to see Jason had cought his kick and was still standing. Jason starts to laugh at deo and asks him if he thought a move like that could beat him. Jason's hands then start to heat up and then he gets a wicked grin on his face, he tells deo to get ready for what is coming and then with the speed of light jason appears behind deo and kicks him so hard he crashed through countless tree's. As Jason jumps out of nowhere to blast deo, deo quickly gets up and jumps out of the way before Jason smashed him to the ground. Deo was shocked to see how strong jason got all of a sudden, deo then activates his rocket boots and then both him and jason begin to fight each other with a tremendous speed.