Alex no demon episode 28

Few weeks ago kazuki was in a valley training with diablo, kazuki asks diablo to teach him some techniques, diablo gets confused for a second and asks him why he has sudden motivation. Kazuki then says that he heard that the battle of domain is happening in the next few days and he wants to become stronger in order to be able to handle anything that comes his way. Diablo sighs and says to himself that kazuki would do anything to crush anything that comes his way, diablo then tells him that he learned a technique when he was still a kid and doesn't mind sharing it with him, he explains that it was his own teacher who tought him the technique at first. Kazuki gets shocked and asks diablo to teach him, diablo then explains to kazuki that in order to be able to master the technique, he must have a good physical endurance and a perfect stamina, he also tells kazuki that his body should be strong enough to be able to handle the technique due to the strain it puts on the body. Kazuki then asks him what the name of the technique is and diablo tells him that the technique is called purple flames. Diablo snaps his finger and a powerful purple flame burst out of his hand with an incredible heat, kazuki is amazed and then he tells diablo to teach him, diablo then reminds him that his body needs to be trained in order to perform the purple flame technique, he tells kazuki that he has great skills but he needs to increase his speed and stamina first. Few hours later diablo was blasting out fire balls at kazuki while kazuki was running and dodging them continuously, as diablo was throwing fire ball attacks at him, he tells kazuki to run faster and not to lose his stability. As kazuki was dodging the fire balls, he asks diablo how this training is to help him with his speed, out of nowhere one of diablo's fire balls hits kazuki and sends him flying accross the valley. As the smoke clears, diablo tells kazuki that he needs to be focused while trying to defend himself, kazuki asks him how throwing fire balls would help him with mastering the purple flame technique, diablo explained to him saying that in order to master, it he needs to have good balance. Diablo then tells kazuki that his speed and accuracy has increased since the beginning of the training, he then tells kazuki that he is a fast learner, kazuki asks diablo what other things he needs to master while trying to master the purple flames. Diablo then tells him that he needs to learn how to focus his energy on one point, diablo then tells kazuki that he also need to have an incredible amount of energy to master the technique as well. Kazuki says that he doesn't have a problem with that, diablo then tells him not to rush himself or he will get hurt. Few hours later while kazuki and diablo were both training,kazuki was trying to transfer all his energy to his hand, as he was doing so, diablo tells him not to lose focus, as kazuki was gathering all his energy to his hand, it starts to take the form of a flame. Kazuki then gets excited and even adds more energy to his hand to increase the power of the flames that is overflowing on his hand and then the flames starts to turn purple. Kazuki then asks diablo if he is getting it right and diablo tells him that he is almost their, and then kazuki grunts in pain. Kazuki looks af his arm and then realizes that his hand got burned, diablo then tells him that in order to fully master the purple flames, his body need to be strong enough. He tells kazuki that the reason why he got burned was because his body couldn't handle it. Kazuki then says that he though that all he needed to do was to perfect his speed and stamina, diablo then explains to kazuki that his body needs to be trained well too master the purple flames.He tells kazuki that he has enough energy to be able to perform the technique but he needs a strong body, he tells kazuki that if his body is as strong as that of alex, learning the purple flames will be very easy. Kazuki then asks diablo what he needs to do for his body to get strong enough and diablo tells him that he should do some push ups and try to carry something extremely heavy. Later that day as kazuki was training in the valley with diablo, kazuki was doing some seat ups, diablo then tells him he should stop and try to take a break, he gives kazuki a bottle of water to drink and diablo tells him that he has trained enough for the day. Kazuki then tells him that he hasn't mastered the technique yet and the battle of domains is in 3 days time, diablo then tells him that the purple flames isn't a technique someone can master under one day. kazuki out of determination says that he would learn it no Matter how long it takes and then diablo trying to task kazuki smiles and tells kazuki that before the day of the battle, he should have mastered it considering how talented he is and then diablo walks away and tells kazuki to do his best. Kazuki then begins to train non stop, he trains himself in the forest by dodging all the traps he made, he does some exercise, he starts to swing from tree to tree while throwing daggers around at targets he made and then later he tries to perform the purple flame technique. On the day of the battle of domains, kazuki was in the valley with diablo who was standing from a far distance looking at kazuki as he tries to do the purple flames, as kazuki gathers an enormous amount of energy to his hand which then turns into purple flames, kazuki then zooms of with an incredible speed ready to hit diablo with the purple flames and then diablo smiles and says to himself that kazuki was able to perfect the purple flames with just 4 days, as kazuki was about to hit diablo with it, diablo uses a finger to counter kazuki's attack and then the purple flames vanquishes from kazuki's hand. Diablo tells him that he is impressed that he was able to perfect the purple flames under 4 days, kazuki then says he has to get going if he wants to be untime for the battle of domain. Few weeks later(Present day) kazuki was in the valley training on his purple flames with a giant bolder in front of him, he gathered a massive amount of energy to his hand making the purple flames even stronger and then with an incredible speed, he dashes out and uses the purple flames to destroy the bolder. He later goes home and lays down on his bed and then as he was looking at the ceiling, he tells himself that he is going to become stronger and stronger to catch up with alex.