Alex no demon episode 30(The blade of death)

On a bright day in the training grounds, ranbo was training alex on how to perform a particular technique, as alex was concentrating alot of energy to his palm in order to complete the technique, rambo tells him that he needs to keep focus while concentrating the energy, alex then gets tired and lays down on the floor looking tired. Rambo yells at him telling him to get up and Alex says he is tired, rambo then reminds him that they have only been training for 1 hour, alex says that this so called blade of death technique is really hard, he tells rambo that it seems easy when he does it but its really hard. Rambo sighs and tells him he isn't going to get the hang of it if he keeps complaining and then he tells alex to get up. As alex gets back up, Rambo tells him that he is only going to demonstrate the blade of death once, rambo then gathers energy to his hands and then the energy starts to take the shape of a blade in which was crackling with a very high amount of energy. Alex gets stunned and says that it is even stronger than the last time, rambo tells alex that Learning how to use the blade of death requires alot of training and energy, he then tells Alex that not just anyone can master this technique at all. Alex who is completely motivated says that he is going to master the blade of death no matter what. Alex keeps on gathering an immense amount of energy to his hand and then he tells himself that he can do it. While doing so, rambo tells him not to transfer to much energy otherwise he wont be able to control the energy he is gathering. Rambo then noticed that the energy alex was gathering on his hand was becoming unstable and Rambo tells Alex to not lose control, alex says that he doesn't think he can hold much longer and then the immemse energy he was gathering was so strong and unstoppable that it blew up. After the smoke clear, alex is on the ground in a giant crator looking beat up and then rambo sighs and says to himself that alex has a high amount of energy but yet he still cant perfect anything. Alex gets back up and says he is going to do it again and perfect it and rambo tells him he should take a break for the day, alex then says that he hasn't perfected to blade of death yet so he isn't taking a break at all. Rambo tells him that if he doesn't take a break he will just get tired and pass out, he also says that this blade of death isn't a technique that can be mastered in a day. Rambo tells alex that even the creator of the blade of death took 3 whole months to perfect it, alex then says that the person who created it sure must have had a rough time. Rambo tells alex that the blade of death requires a massive amount of energy and also a strong and durable body. Alex sighs and says he has all of those features so it should be simple for him, Rambo then knocks alex on the head and tells him that if it's so simple then he should have done it with ease. Alex sighs and says he is going to perfect it under 2 weeks if he needs to, Rambo then says he is counting on him for that. Rambo tells alex that he isn't going to be around for a while and he needs to take care of an important mission, alex asks him if its something that is not to dangerous, rambo tells him that he is to see kojin at the outskirts of the city. Alex sighs and says that it cant be helped since he is a great warrior, rambo then tells Alex to behave and then within a blink of an eye rambo vanishes. Alex then says that its better if he goes to eat somewhere. Meanwhile kinto was playing some video games in his room, his dad then step in and asks him if he can talk with him for a minute. kinto asks him what the problem is and his dad sits with him and asks him how his missions has been so far so good. Kinto says that the missions are not to dangerous and at least he isn't dead, kito(Kinto's dad) then tells him that he heard about the battle of domains and found out they were up against 3 C-rank assassins, kinto sighs and tells his dad not to worry at all. Kinto says the missions were abit life threatening and some other things were crazy but everything was okay. kito then tells him that he was only making sure, he then asks of Alex. He asks kinto how Alex has been doing and kinto says that alex had been doing fine and has been getting better lately. Kinto then says that alex is a very good friend and he can be abit stupid at the same time, he says alex is also a very determined person and would work his life out to achieve his goal. Meanwhile alex was still trying to perfect the blade of death technique but he kept on getting it wrong, it was 7pm in the evening and alex decided to go back home, as he was going home he asked himself what he was getting wrong and then tells himself that he is going to perfect the technique at all cost. The next day alex wakes up from his bed and sees kinto sitting beside him, kinto asks him if he is finally awake and alex asks him what is going on. At the Academy Tomoa tells everyone that the C-rank assassination exams will be taking place very soon. Alex asks him what is an assassination exam and then Tomoa explains that it's a tournament in which people from the same city or different nation will fight each other to graduate to the next rank.