Alex no demon episode 35

In the battle hall Tomoa tells everyone that the first part of the assassination exams will take a break and continue the following week, as kinto and alex were going home together, kinto asks alex if this exam will take long and alex just says that he doesn't really care, so far he beats the crap out of his opponent he will be fine. Kinto then sighs and tells alex that he can never change, kinto then says that the amount of pressure will be more tensed when everything gets to the second part of the assassination exam. Alex asks him what he is talking about and kinto reminds him that for the second part of the assassination exam is when people all over the city will come to watch. Alex sighs and says that he doesn't really like the pressure but it doesn't Matter at all, kinto then ask alex if he will like to train at his place during the weekend and Alex says that he wants to perfect a technique his grandfather was teaching him before he left for a mission. Kinto then wishes alex goodluck and then they both path ways. As alex was walking home on his own he didn't notice the fact that shinki (a member of the dark sign)was watching him from a corner. As alex gets home he open up the fridge, takes out a chocolate drink lays down on his bed and and starts to read some manga, later in the evening alex was in forest trying to perfect the blade of death technique, he gathers all his energy to his hand trying to form the blade of death but unfortunately he couldn't get it right due to the fact that the energy was unstable and always disappeared. Alex then collapsed on the ground looking tired and says to himself that he has to perfect this technique before his grandpa comes back, he then gets up and says that he has to go home. As alex was walking home he hears two guy talking to about the assassination exam saying that he wonders who will win In the final rounds, one of the guys says that he guesses it's going to be mori and the other one says that he can bet kazuki will win. This makes alex abit annoyed and then he continues to walk home, as alex was on his bed at night he asks himself what his grandpa is up too. Meanwhile Rambo was standing on a hill along side with kojin. Kojin asks rambo how things have been since the mission started and rambo tells him that the missions are going well, one more thing to figure out and it's done. Kojin then ask rambo how alex is doing and Rambo sighs with a funny expression on his face saying that alex can be a handful and really hard to teach at times. Kojin then begins to laugh and then tells rambo that he isn't really surprised to hear that. Rambo then smiles and say that upon how air headed alex can be, he is really hard working and doesn't give up on what he wants, kojin the smiles and says that alex would end up being a lord some day if he keeps up with that attitude. Kojin then looks up to the moon and asks rambo if he remembers those times when they were team mates and always used to go in missions, rambo starts to laugh and says that he remembers how they always got caught up in bad luck at that time, Rambo then smiles and says that they were always up against crazy missions that were so life threatening but yet they were able to make it out. kojin then gets a flashback of when both himself and rambo where always having fun back as kids and teenagers. Rambo who seemed to have a cheerful smile on his face says that it's to bad that those time are long gone and that he wishes Olivia was still with them. kojin then smiles and says that he Hope's that this generations of assassins would make it out with ease. A week later alex was sitting on a roof top of a high building looking and enjoying the view, kazuki then tells alex that he sure likes to enjoy himself alot, alex gets startled and asks kazuki how long he has been standing there. Kazuki then tells alex to relax and he sits beside him. Kazuki then says that the breeze from this height is really amusing and alex says that its really relaxing, kazuki then tells alex that he has been meaning to tell him something for a while. Alex asks him what he wants to say and kazuki tells alex he has been watching him train and trying his best in order to get stronger, kazuki then tells alex that watching him train gives him inspiration to also become stronger as well, alex then gets confused and asks him what he means and kazuki tells alex that he wants to fight him fair one day and this leave alex amused. Kazuki tells alex that he is going to get far stronger than he will and become the most powerful person the world has ever know, alex then smile and says that becoming the strongest is his dream, he tells kazuki that if he wants to become the strongest then he will have to fight him for that position. Kazuki then gets a smirk on his face and tells alex that the race is on and they both have a fist bump. The next week everyone is in the battle hall and Tomoa tells everyone that he hopes that they all used their weekend well to train, alex then says to himself that all he has been doing was just eat and watch some anime, Tomoa then tells them that the next round will commence and then the giant screen starts to pick people who will face each other in a fight,Eventually it ends up picking alex and son.