Alex no demon episode 35

After the alex and son were picked to fight each other, Alex yells in excitement and says it was about time he did something and then kinto Pat's alex on the back and tells him goodluck. Son then sighs and tells Raquel to wish him luck, as alex and son go to the middle of the battle hall ready to fight,Tomoa tells them that they are to go all out to the best of their abilities and not hold back. Son who seemed confident asks alex if he is ready and alex who also seemed confident tells son that he is beyond ready, tomoa then declares the match to begin. After he declares the match to begin,alex and son were just staring at each other for a few seconds and then son then smiles and starts to shoot multiple fire balls at alex, as soon as son starts to shoot fire balls,Alex starts activates his energy fist and starts to flash step around the place in order to dodge them. As son kept on launching fire balls at alex, he tells alex that he can't keep running for long and then alex flash steps behind him ready to punch him. Son then quickly turns back and blast alex with an incredible amount of fire power which was so strong it blasted alex straight to the wall and caused the wall to explode. As the smoke was clearing, alex just walks out of it like as if sons attacks had no effect on him and alex tells son that he really needs to learn how to reduce his fire power at times, son who doesn't seem to be surprised commends alex for being able to withstand his maximum fire power, alex then tells son that he is just getting started. Alex then activates his energy fist (Plus 20 strength of a hundred men) and begins to flash step around son even faster than before. Son then smirks and then starts throwing fire ball attacks at alex in rapid fire, but as alex was flash stepping around the place, he kept on dodging all of of Son's fire ball attack. As alex and son were fighting, serena was cheering alex on while Raquel was looking worried, she then whispers to herself saying she Hope's Alex doesn't get hurt. As son and alex were still fighting, son uses a move called max fire power and blasts a huge and powerful amount of flames at alex with full power. Alex then uses his energy fist to block the attack which ended causing an explosion that created a smoke screen everywhere. After the smoke clears, alex flash steps behind son ready to punch him and then son gets an evil grin on his face and gathers a massive amount of heat to his hand and uses it to hit alex chest which blasted alex to the wall. As alex tries to stand up,he sees a glowing mark on his chest covered with heat and then son starts to laugh at him. Alex looked confused for a second and then ask son what he did to him, son tells alex that he used a move on him called burning limiter. He explains to alex that the burning limiter is a move in which restricts the opponent from using his full potentials and if the person cursed with the burning limiter technique tries to uses his full potentials, the mark will activate and burn the opponent on his chest, he further explains that it's not something he can do so often and that it also reduces his powers as well. Everyone is shocked to see this and kinto says that he never thought son could be so brutal. Kinto then looks at Alex and tells him to hang on. Alex who seemed not to care about what son just said tells son that whether he uses a limiter technique or what so ever technique, it wont faze him. Alex then activates his energy fist and charges to son, but then as he was about to hit him, alex begins to feel a sharp burning pain on his chest and then he collapses on the floor and groans in pain. Son starts to laugh at him and calls alex a whimp, while trying to make fun of alex he tells alex that so far that burning mark is on his chest, he wont be able to move at all. Son then tells alex that he is surprised upon he has the burning mark on his chest he can still move, alex who was still in pain tries to stand up and then before he knew it, son blasts out a massive amount of flames at alex. As the smoke was clearing, alex jumps behind son and throws some daggers at him and son just dodges them. Alex then asks himself what to do, he says to himself that he didn't think something so bizarre will happen. Alex then picks up a dagger from his pocket and says he cant give up no matter the cost and then son tells him that's it's not to late to give up. Alex then charges to son and son starts to throw fire ball at alex with an incredible speed, alex begins to dodge them as fast as possible As he was dodging son's fire balls, he realizes that son is only good at far and wide range attacks. Alex then flash steps in front of son and tries to hit him but son gathers some flames to his leg and kicks alex up. Son jumps up and then kicks alex back to the ground. As alex was on the ground,son tells him to give up and then he transfers a massive amount of fire power to his fist and blows Alex on the ground causing the ground to scatter. After the smoke clears, everyone see alex on the ground unconscious with some burns and then son tells alex that he should have given up when he had the chance. As son was about to turn back and leave, alex then tells son to stop being to cocky, son was shocked and then he turns back only for him to see alex standing without any scratch or burn on his body. Son gets annoyed and then asks him how he was able to withstand his final attack. Alex then smiles and says that since he couldn't use his energy to its full capacity he decided to cover his skin and the rest of his body with energy in order to reduce the damage he recieves. This makes son angry and then proceeds to blast a massive fire attack at Alex. As son's fire attack was heading to alex, alex quickly transfers a massive amount of energy to his hands and then it starts to form a dagger. Kinto yells alex name and tells him to get out of there. Alex uses his blade of death technique to slice through son's fire attack. Everyone is surprised to see alex counter son's attack, alex blitzed son and uses his blade of death at full power to hit son to the ground which caused an explosion that shoocked the entire buiding and destroyed the floor of the hall. After the smoke clears alex, is seen standing while son is on the ground struggling to get up, Tomoa declares alex as the winner. Everyone starts to hail alex and then he sighs in relief. Meanwhile shinki was spying at him from a corner.