Alex no demon episode 44

After kazuki blasts an enormous amount of purple flames at shouya, everyone is surprised too see such power that was displayed by kazuki, the smoke clears with shouya suffering major burns, shouya then screams in anger. As he does so, a massive red energy starts to burst out of his body and then his hair colour changes to black with spikes starting to grow out of his hands. Kazuki is abit terrified and asks himself what kind of power is this. Two days ago Tomoa calls kazuki to a corner to talk to him, he explained to kazuki that shouya is going to be used as a weapon to destroy the city on the day of the final assassination exams. He tells kazuki that kojin is fully aware of this and has granted him the permission to kill shouya, kazuki then asks Tomoa if shouya is aware of the fact that he is going to destroy the city and then Tomoa tells kazuki that shouya isn't aware but it was planned by kenji along side with someone else who is against the city. (Present day) as shouya's hair colour changes from red to black along with spikes growing out of his hands, kazuki says to himself that he doesn't have anything against him but he has no other choice, kazuki prepares a purple flame on his hand and then charges towards shouya with an incredible speed. As he was about to blast shouya with his purple flames, shouya screams in anger and then punches the ground. A giant monster hand sprouts out of the ground and hits kazuki away making him crash on the floor. Alex screams kazuki's name and tells him to get out of there, kazu then tries to stop shouya but rin holds him back and tells him that if he tries to stop shouya, he will die, kazu says he has to save him. Kenji then tells kazu to stand back and then kazu gets annoyed and asks kenji if he planned this or not. Shouya starts to lose control as he began to shoot spikes out of his body, kazuki is able to dodge them but ends up getting a few injuries. kazuki then says that he wasn't prepared for any of this to happen, ukina who is standing untop of the arena starts to laugh but then one of Tomoa's destructive bombs flies out of nowhere about to hit her, but she just slaps it away like it was nothing. Tomoa asks her who the hell she is, ukina smiles and says that she is the leader of the dark sign organisation and she has a goal here. Tomoa tells her that she should start talking or she is dead and ukina starts to laugh and asks him what makes him think he can beat her. As Tomoa prepares a magic circle and blast her with his destructive bombs, kenji comes out of nowhere and slaps the attack away and tells Tomoa that he doesn't think he gets the idea. Tomoa tells everyone to run for their lives and then the spectators in the arena starts to panic and run, alex and kinto were wondering what was going on along with serena and sukuna. Son then tells Raquel that they should try and evacuate everyone safely and Raquel agrees with him, as shouya was about to land an intense blow on kazuki, kazuki shoots out a spiritual explosion at him which was far stronger than the ones he has ever done,but shouya jumps out of it and crashes him to the wall. As shouya shape shifts his hand to a sword ready to kill kazuki, shouya realizes that there are some explosives attached to his hand and then it blows up. Shouya screams in anger and then alex launches an insane kick on shouya. Alex asks kazuki if he is alright and kazuki says he is fine. Shouya's gigantic hand then flies out of nowhere and slaps alex straight to the walls and kazuki then asks alex if he is ok. As Tomoa was fighting kenji I'm which kenji was blasting lightning at him and Tomoa was launching destructive bombs at rapud fire,he throws a destructive bomb at shouya and then kenji throws a fire attack in order to counter it. Tomoa then tells kazuki to take shouya out and fast. Shouya then starts to groan in pain and then jumps out of the arena and kazuki goes after him, tomoa then tells alex that kazuki will most likely need back up and instructs alex to go help him. Alex then says it sounds like a plan but as he was about to go, kazu drags him backwards and starts to beg alex. He begs alex that he should please bring shouya back safely, he tells alex that shouya is a really important to him, he begs alex that no matter what he does he shouldn't kill shouya. Alex then then tells kazu that he will make sure to bring him safe and alex jumps out of the arena. After that, ukina tells kenji to take care of Tomoa while she makes her next move, tomoa then prepares a destructive bomb and blast it at her but then kenji slices the attack with his sword cloacked with lightning and then tells Tomoa that his opponent is him now and then he smiles. As ukina is flying above into mid air, she telepathically communicates to shinki asking him if he is ready, shinki who was in the forest tells her that he has taken position and then ukina then grins. As she was already in the sky, she prepared a giant attack ready to destroy the city with it, she then launches the attack but then kojin and Rambo both fly out of nowhere like beams of light and both punch the attack away to a nearby mountain. The attack was so strong the mountain disintegrated, ukina who doesn't seem to be surprised says she was expecting something like this to happen and kojin tells ukina that she may have planned the whole thing but there is no way himself and Rambo will let her destroy the city they try so hard to protect. Rambo who seemed abit uneasy calls ukina by the name Olivia and asks her why she will go so far to do this, ukina smiles at him and says it's because she dedicated herself to zodia and that she hates the world and the city. Meanwhile as shouya was jumping into the forest, kazuki jumps who seemed to be running after him starts to shoot out spiritual explosions at rapid fire towards him. As they both were swinging from tree to tree, kazuki kept throwing all sorts of attacks at shouya while shouya's monstrous arms jump out of his back and forms a shield for him. After the smoke clears, shouya jumps out and uses his monster hand to punch kazuki so hard he crashes into multiple trees, shouya then comes from above ready to give kazuki a fatal blow but kazuki jumps out of the way to another tree and releases a huge spiritual explosion attack, completely wiping out a large amount of trees. As shouya releases a powerful roar that creates a powerful breeze, tentacles starts to draw out of his body as they begin to launch themselves at kazuki while slicing and destroying trees. kazuki then draws out some daggers out of his pocket and starts to dodge and slice them but then some other tentacles grab him and pin him to the wall. As shouya Walks closer to him,he asks kazuki if he thought he could beat him, shouya then tells kazuki to be careful with the people he fights with and then those tentacles starts to squeeze kazuki's neck and his hands. As shouya was about to finish him off, alex swoops in and kicks him away to another tree, he asks kazuki if he is ok and kazuki tells alex to be careful. As shouya gets back up,he starts to growl in anger and then yells at alex telling him to get out of the way.