Alex no demon episode 45

Alex and kazuki were in the forest along side trying to fight shouya who seemed out of control as his hands had spikes growing out of it and his eye colour changes too black along with his hair and with a huge amount of energy over his body. Kazuki tells alex to be careful and shouya screams in anger and tells alex to get out of his way. As shouya was releasing tentacles and hands to attack alex, alex quickly starts swinging around the forest in order to dodge them. As alex was dodging the massive number of tentacles that was destroying the forest around them, one of the tentacles grabs alex by the leg and throws him to some couple of tree's. Kazuki seeing this tells alex to get out of the forest and go to safety, as alex gets back up,he wipes the blood on his mouth off and ask kazuki if he thinks he is a pussy. Shouya gets annoyed and starts to throw spikes at alex at rapid fire but then alex starts to flash step in order to dodge them. As alex was flash stepping as fast as he could while dodging shouya's rapid attacks, he appears in front of shouya ready to punch him, but as he punches shouya, shouya doesn't seem to be fazed but instead he smiles. Alex gets a shocked expression on his face and then shouya give him a punch so hard, he crashes into at least ten trees. As alex was crashing into tree's, shouya starts to spit out spikes at him. The spikes starts to make destroy the surroundings and also stab alex on some of his body part. After the smoke clears, kazuki tells alex to stand back and then activates his spiritual mark(Triangle with two dots). Kazuki starts to run around the forest with great speed and starts to throw spiritual shuriken's at him at rapid fire from each direction,shouya's hands and tentacles starts to launch themselves at kazuki but end up clashing with his spiritual shurikens. Kazuki then charges toward shouya with purple flames on his hands and stabs him with it but unfortunately, kazuki was shocked to realized it had no effect him. shouya then starts to laugh and asks kazuki how a weak attack could hurt him and then he slaps kazuki so hard, he crashed through the forest. Shouya then starts to laugh and calls them weaklings, he mocks them by asking them how can a bunch of people think of beating him when they are so freaking weak. Alex then stands up from the floor and angrily tell shouya to take that back, shouya asks him what the hell is he talking about and alex jumps toward shouya to attack as he yells at him, telling him to take his statement back. Meanwhile while rambo and kojin were fighting ukina in air, they were moving at great speeds while blowing up mountains. As they were fighting at a dangerous speed while in the air, ukina starts to throw giant beams that were nuking mountains while kojin and rambo were just dodging them. As she continues to throw beam which had devastating and destructive power, kojin amplifies his hands with a massive amount of destructive energy(Destructive energy is when a person heats up his energy to deal a powerful amount of damage, it is black in colour amd only a few people can use it) and then begins to punch them away, destroying the waste lands and mountains around them. The beam was so strong that it destroyed 6 mountains at once, rambo then uses a technique called bullet barrage and starts to shoot energy bombs at ukina. While she was dodging them with an insane speed of light, kojin appears above her and blasts a massive amount of his destructive energy at her making a massive explosion and crashing ukina to the ground. After the smoke clears, kojin and Rambo dont see her anywhere. Rambo asks kojin if he managed to get her and kojin says he isn't sure. They both realized that ukina is above them and they both are in shock, ukina who just seems to be smiling tells kojin and rambo that they really have gotten stronger, kojin then charges his body with a massive amount of destructive energy ready to blast ukina away but then as he releases at full power, ukina just smiles and uses her finger to counter the attack. Kojin and rambo are surprised to see this and ukina says that she is willing to play abit but she doesn't have the time, rambo then asks her why she is doing this. Ukina repeats the question she was asked and says that she is doing this because she was given the chance to live. She explains to rambo that every since she was left to die as a girl of just 14 she felt it was the end for her until that man showed up and saved her. Kojin is in shock and asks what she means by"That Man", ukina then explains that the zodia the god war and destruction was the one who saved her and gave her the will to live once more. Rambo then yells at ukina telling her to remember the fun time they all had as a team when they were still kids, he asks her to remember the promise they made to each other when they were kids, the promise that they will always be together as friends. Rambo then screams her name calling her Olivia, ukina then smiles and tells rambo that he can decide to call her by her past name but it wont change anything. She then prepares a gaint energy spear that was powers enough to destroy the entire city, as sorata was watching this from the top of a hill not to far away, he smiles and says that ukina shouldnt have too much fun or else his future plans are ruined. Ukina explains that this her attack is strong enough to wipe out 3 nations at once and then she blasts it at rambo and kojin at full power. Luckily, diablo comes flies in and kicks the attack away. To kojin's surprise he was shocked to see diablo, diablo who didn't seem to be serious says that he just felt coming to the battlefield will be a reasonable excuse to get busy once in a while. Ukina who wasn't surprised tells diablo she was expecting him, diablo then tells her that he isn't even in the mood to do anything so its better to make things quick. Ukina then opens a portal and tells them they will meet again and then she walks into the portal and disappears,sorata seeing this sighs and monologues to himself saying that he wishes he could have interfered abit and then he just walks away. Meanwhile in the forest while alex was fighting shouya, alex was flash stepping at an insane speed while shouya was creating huge giant arms that burst out of the ground to attack him. These arms were destroying the forest area while chasing after alex. Alex on the other hand was holding his own in dodging them by flash stepping and even kicking them. While this was going on, he yells at shouya, telling him to take his statement back. Kazuki swoops in as he starts to throw spiritual shuriken's non stop.