Alex no demon episode 46

Alex and kazuki were in the forest along side trying to fight shouya who seemed out of control as his hands had spikes growing out of it and his eye colour turning black. Kazuki tells alex to be careful and shouya screams in anger and tells alex to get out of his way. As shouya starts to blast out a massive number if spikes with incredible speed, alex starts to swing from tree to tree while flash stepping in order to dodge them. As alex is dodging them, shouya gets annoyed and even increases the speed of his attacks but alex kept on flash stepping around and dodging his attacks. Alex then appears above shouya and out if anger, he tells him that he can call him what ever the hell he wants but he should never have called him weak. Alex then punches shouya so hard he flew through a large number of tree'sAlex activates his energy fist(Plus 20) and starts flash stepping around shouya and starts to throw a barrage of blows at him with both an incredible amount if speed and strength. Alex's punches kept sending shouya flying across the forest,Shouya was unable to keep up with Alex but kazuki just jumps out of nowhere and tells alex to get out of the way. Alex quickly jumps out of the way while kazuki starts to blast out spiritual explosions at rapid fire at shouya, causing big explosions in the forest. As shouya was being attacked by kazuki, he realized that he can't keep up and then after kazuki finished blasting him with his attacks, Alex swoops in and gives shouya another kick that makes the ground break. After that kazuki and alex are looking tired and beat up, alex asks kazuki if he isnt injured and kazuki replies him saying he is fine. As alex was about to walk towards shouya who was still in his feral state, kazuki senses a strange vibe and yells Alex name telling him to stay back. But before he could complete his sentence, a big tail jumps from the ground and slaps kazuki into some trees. Alex scream kazuki's name out of consideration and just when he turned to shouya, he see's shouya's arms mutating into bigger arms with spikes coming out of it along with 4 big spikes growing out of his back. Alex is shocked and then says to himself that if care isn't taken he might end up as a human pulp. As Alex charges towards him, shouya releases a loud scream accompanied with a powerful wind. It was so strong that it blew alex to a couple of tree's, shouya then starts to scream in pain while his hands were mutating. Alex gets back on his feet and tells shouya that it is clear that he is in pain and needs help, shouya who was struggling with his mutation tells alex to help him and alex nods his head and tells him not to worry. As he prepares to fight him, shouya starts to grow out tentacle out if his back which seemed sharp. As alex sees this, he monologues to himself saying that he needs to up his game abit. As his tentacles starts to attack alex, alex starts to shoot out flash fists at a rapid fire. As he was doing so, it counters with shouya's tentacles which caused an explosion. But before the smoke could clear, shouya's tentacles jumps out if the smoke aiming for alex. Alex then get a funny expression on his face and says he's doomed, he then starts to dodge them and jump from tree to tree to dodge them. Just as alex was running and moving as fast as he could towards shouya, one of the tentacles grab alex by the legs and starts to smack him around. He then flings alex and throws a wind attack at him but then kazuki starts to run to the top of a tree and then kicks the wind attack before it gets to alex. Kazuki tells Alex that if they need to beat shouya then they both need to work together. Alex agrees and tells kazuki that he has a plan. He explains to kazuki that when he charges towards him, he should keep his distance and start to launch spiritual shuriken's and explosions to cover him, he continues to explain his plan further by saying that if shouya is trying to counter his attacks, then he will use that chance to attack. Kazuki smiles and tells alex that it sounds like a plan to him and then alex smiles and tells kazuki not to lose his guard. Alex starts to charge up a massive amount of energy all over his body, the energy was so intense that it was creating a forceful wind that started to blow tree branches away. Kazuki seeing Alex do this is surprised and asks himself how alex gained so much strength, alex then uses energy fist plus 50(Strength of a thousand men) in which his energy fist changed from green to red. Kazuki is in more shock and was so shocked to the point that he ask himself if alex really need his help in this fight or what. Alex then tells kazuki not to forget the plan, kazuki then starts to shoot out spiritual shuriken's non stop, Shouya then uses his arms to form a shield around himself and then realizes that there is no way that he can avoid an attack with rapid fire like that. As kazuki was shooting spiritual shuriken continuously, alex starts to flash step faster than he has ever done before. Shouya while being able to dodge and counter kazuki's attacks with tentacles, he noticed alex was using the spiritual shuriken's to shield himself while charging towards him. Shouya then gets annoyed and starts to shoot out spikes at rapid fire which started to counter kazuki's attacks which caused an explosion. As Alex jumps out of the smoke ready to hit shouya, shouya shape shifted his arm too an axe in order to attack alex, but then alex flash steps behind him and tells shouya that it's time to be saved and then punches shouya high up in the air. He flash steps above to shouya and starts to flash step and hit him with all sorts of combo's with an amazing speed and strength and then he punches shouya so hard to the ground that the ground blew up. After the smoke clears shouya was about to get up but alex comes with a blade of death in his hands and with an amazing power, he uses it to hit shouya, which caused a greater explosions that destroyed a large amount of the forest. The blade of death was so strong that it changes from red to orange and then with a powerful impact, it blasts all the tree's around them away along with a forceful wind. After the smoke clears, shouya is back to normal but with a few injuries on him. Meanwhile kazuki was just in amazement seeing what alex just did. Alex turns to kazuki with a smile and out of excitement he tells kazuki that they did it. Alex then collapses on the ground and kazuki goes to pick him up along with shouya. Meanwhile after seeing everything, shinki was abit shocked, as kazuki turns back to see who was watching them. He turns back and sees no one and continues to go his own way along carrying alex and shouya.

Meanwhile tomoa and kenji were fighting at the top of the arena, kenji was throwing all sort of lightning and fire attacks, while Tomoa was just blasting out destructive bombs to counter them. Their fight was so intense that they were causing huge damage to the stadium as they continued to fire off attacks at each other