Alex no demon episode 47

After alex had successfully managed to beat shouya, Alex is lying on the floor looking beat up along with shouya who just takes back his normal form. Kazuki is abit surprised and then he just smiles and says to himself saying that alex doesn't really seem to surprise him anymore, kazuki then walks up to alex and carries him on his back along with shouya. As kazuki was walking away while carrying alex and shouya, shinki was on a tree looking at him. Meanwhile kenji and Tomoa were fighting each other on top of the roof top of the arena. Kenji was just throwing all sorts of lightning and fire attacks while Tomoa was blasting his destructive orbs at rapid fire. As they both were fighting each other, each and every attack they both were throwing at each other was just causing all manners of explosion blowing up the arena as they were moving around the place with great speed while fighting. Kenji then picks up his dagger and charges towards Tomoa moving with a crazy speed. Tomoa then gets prepared and charges toward him at the same speed and they both start to throw all sorts of punches and attacks. Kenji then summons some shadow dolls and commands them to attack Tomoa, as they were charging towards Tomoa, they begin to blast out yellow bolts of lightning at Tomoa but then Tomoa starts to dodge them and uses use his destructive orbs to counter their attacks. Kenji then tells Tomoa that no matter how he looks at it, their is no way he is going to win in a situation like this. As tomoa was fighting and countering Kenji's shadow puppets, Tomoa realises that the shadow puppets are so fast that it is hard for him to keep up. Kenji then prepares an attack called star blaze and gathered a massive amount of lighting blast it's at Tomoa, tomoa seeing this attack coming his way creates a magic circle in order time deflect the attack. As he uses his magic circle to deflect the attack somewhere else, kenji is abit surprised and then smiles. He tells Tomoa that not many people have ever been able to block his attack before. Tomoa who is looking confident asks kenji if he thinks a weak attack like that can take him out, kenji then smiles and tells Tomoa to look behind him. As Tomoa turns back, he finds out that Kenji's attack wiped out hundreds of city blocks and buildings. Kenji starts to laugh at him and tells Tomoa that if he wanted, he could have killed him from the very start. Kenji explains to tomoa that his star blaze attack is enough to wipe out half of a city but instead he just wanted to have some fun by seeing how he will deflect it. Tomoa gets annoyed and starts to open up a massive number of magic circles and begins to shoot destructive orbs at kenji at rapid fire. As Tomoa was throwing destructive orbs at him, kenji cloacks his sword with lightning, as he began to dodge and counter the attacks wity his sword. He tarts to throw flames in order counter Tomoa's attacks which was causing massive explosions. As the smoke was still everywhere, Tomoa jumps out of the smoke with a crazy amount of destructive orbs around him and blasts it at kenji. Kenji then smiled and then uses his sword cloaked with lightning to block Tomoa's attacks. Kenji then punches Tomoa to the ground so hard that Tomoa split the entire stadium. While tomoa is on the ground, kenji then slowly walks over to tomoa. As he gets to Tomoa who was lying on the floor in pain,he tells Tomoa that he is to full of himself and advises him not to try anything beyond his power, kenji then explains to him that his speciality is in fire and lightning attacks and was trained how to use it for a long time. Tomoa in pains asks kenji why he is doing this and kenji tells him that if he told him then things wont go according to plan. kenji then prepares a lightning attack and with a smile on his face he then tells Tomoa that it was fun playing with him and just as he was about to kill Tomoa, a missile just flies out of nowhere about to hit kenji but he quickly jumps out of the way. After the smoke clears, kenji see's Levi as he has missile launchers for arms. Kenji gets a smile on his face and asks him if he is the so called levi who is also know as the most skilled weapons users, Levi tells kenji that he is right and then proceeded to start shooting missiles at him. As levi was shooting missiles at kenji, kenji quickly opens a portal and brings out a sword which was covered with massive amounts of blue lightning and begins to dodge and slice Levi's missile attacks. As kenji was using his sword to block and cut through the missiles, levi charges towards him and turns his arm from a missles launcher to some machine guns. Levi begins to shoot kenji at rapid fire with powerful machine guns that were flying like beams, kenji smiles and begins to dodge them as fast as he could while slicing them with his sword, he then proceeds to complement levi by telling him that indeed the rumours of him being the strongest weapon users is quite true. Levi then charges a massive amount of energy all over his body and starts to move at hyper sonic speed around kenji. Kenji then tells Levi that if he is going to do something so insane,he should better watch out . As levi was throwing huge beams while running at an insane level of speed, kenji proceeds to uses his sword to creat lightning arrows in order to deflect Levi's attacks. Levi then realizes that kenji is keeping up with his hyper sonic movements and deflecting his attacks. Levi then uses his arms to form a blaster and tells kenji that since he is so strong, lets see if he can manage to tank this fatal blow. Kenji who looks abit excited tells levi to bring it on, levi then gathers a large amount of power and blasts a large attack. As it was about to hit kenji who just had a devious smile on his face, a purple beam with a massive amount of power flies out of nowhere and deflects Levi's attack. Tomoa and levi are abit surprised as sorata who was sitting on a railing without anyone knowing tells kenji that play time is over. Sorata gets down and asks him if he has gotten all the Intel he needed. Kenji laughs abit and tells sorata that if he was sitting and watching the fight the whole time,then he should have at least helped. Sorata then tells him that he doesn't have time to be joining in on fights. Tomoa then struggles to get up as he tries to open a magic circle, he aggressively calls out sorata's name but sorata turns to Tomoa and starts to laugh at him telling him he looks pathetic. Kenji then opens up a portal and as he and sorata were about to enter, levi tells them that they are not going anywhere and blast a very massive attack at them. As they both were sinking into the portal, sorata smiles deviously, as he absorbs the attack and launches a massive amount of his purple destructive energy at levi and Tomoa causing a crazy explosion that wiped out a couple of buildings including the stadium. As the portal closes up, sorata tells them that this is only the beginning and the portal closes up.