Alex no demon chapter 48

Three weeks after the assassination exams and the fight between kojin and Rambo against ukina as well as the fight Tomoa and levi had against kenji, kojin made a declaration to everyone in the city. Kojin declares to everyone in the city telling them that there is a group called the dark sign organisation which has been the source of the mishappenings in the city. As kojin was making a public declaration to everyone about the dark sign, he brings out shinki's picture and tells everyone that the person they are seeing in the picture is a member of the dark sign and should be very wary of him, he further explains that he's the deadliest member in the organisation. Meanwhile alex was in his house lazying around while eating some ceareal. After finishing the cereal, he walks to the bathroom, takes a shower and then afterwards, he lies on his bed to read some manga. As alex was doing so, he hears his door bell ring, alex gets an irritated look on his face and asks himself who the heck could be at the door. As he walks towards the door he, assumes its kinto and tells him that he's not in the mood. As soon as he opens the door, Raquel yells surprise and jumps on alex in excitement. Alex is a little bit surprised and asks her what she's doing, she then tells alex that she was so happy that he beat mori in the assassination exam and also stood up for her, Raquel then excitedly tells alex that he also won second place in the assassination exams. Alex manages to make her calm down and then he asks her what does she mean by second place. She then explains to him that results of the assassination exams has been out since two weeks ago. Alex then gets a confused looks on his face and then asks Raquel that if he came in second then who was first, Raquel tries to think and then says that kazuki came first. Alex screams in his head and asks how kazuki got first place. Alex then asks Raquel what she's doing at his front door with some luggage, she pauses for a second and in a shy manner tells him that since he stood up for her in the exam and was nice enough to be friends with her, she decided to stay with him for a while. Immediately after she tells him that, Alex pauses for a second and then starts to get perverted thought in his head with him and Raquel half naked in the bathroom. This makes alex gets excited and tells her she is welcome to stay as long as she wants and then Raquel jumps on him in excitement and tells Alex that they are going to make good roommates. Later in the day, kazuki is in the valley with diablo. Diablo tells kazuki that its about time he debunked how strong he has been ever since their training. kazuki asks diablo what does he mean by debunking. Diablo explains to kazuki that debunking is when a person's power is scaled or explained, he tells kazuki that he has grown really strong since the assassination exams and all the missions that has happened. Diablo then proceeds to tell kazuki that he is on C rank level, kazuki is abit confused and asks diablo to repeat what he said. Diablo explains to kazuki that there are six ranks which are D rank, C rank, B rank, A rank, S rank and god level. Kazuki then says that he doesn't really understand and diablo tells him to calm down and allow him to explain. He tells kazuki that D ranks have enough power to wipe out an entire buiding at lowest and have enough power to destroy an entire city block at highest, C ranks have enough power to destroy countless city blocks at lowest and an entire city at max power,

B-ranks have enough power to destroy a city at lowest or an entire mountain, A rank is scaled from mountain to country level, S-ranks have enough power to destroy half of a planet, and there is god ranks, which have enough power to wipe out planets and even universes. Diablo then tells kazuki that at the moment he is at C rank level which means he can probably take down a huge amount of the cityo city if he wanted to. Diablo asks kazuki if it's too much for his brain to carry and kazuki tells him that he has no idea how confused he is. Diablo tell kazuki that jokes aside, he is really proud of him for coming this far in strength and kazuki smiles and tell diablo that it's all thanks to him that he is getting there. Diablo in order to make kazuki challenged then tells kazuki that alex is also at C rank level and not just that, the gap between alex being second place and him being first place in the exam is just little. Kazuki then smiles and says that no Matter what happens, there is no way he is letting Alex get stronger than him at all. Diablo then tells kazuki that he forgot to do one more thing before he left. Kazuki asks him what it was and diablo tells him to close his eyes for a few seconds. Diablo then taps his finger on kazuki's forehead and then he see's a future were kazuki as a teenager is holding two swords, one made out of purple lightning and the other sword made out of purple flames with a scarf made out of purple energy around his neck. After seeing that, diablo tells kazuki that he can open his eyes now, kazuki asks diablo why he asked him to close his eyes. Diablo then tells kazuki that he drew on his face and kazuki realizes that he has a clown drawing on his face. Kazuki gets annoyed and starts to rub them off while diablo is laughing at him. Diablo then monologues to himself saying that kazuki is going to be very strong when he grows older. Diablo then says he will like to see Alex's future and how strong he'll be. Later at night as alex was taking a shower, he sighs in relief and says that he really had alot of fun, as he comes out of the shower, he changes to his pyjama's and jumps on his bed and then he realizes that he is touching something soft. Raquel then asks Alex if he is eager to do it that badly and then Alex realizes he was touching her breast, alex then keeps on squeezing them and says that he didn't mean to but it feels so good. Raquel sits on him and tells him that if he feels that her boobs feels good, why not show him how a kiss feel like. She then proceeded to kiss alex and they both seem to be enjoying it, kinto then opens up alex window and tells alex he has good new but then see's alex and Raquel kissing. As soon as alex realizes kinto was watching, he asks him what's up and kinto gets a wierd look on his face and tells alex that he is sorry for barging in like that and that he will talk to him tommorow. Meanwhile that same night, shinki is in the city standing on the roof top looking at Alex's house from distance as the wind is blowing his red cape.

End of episodes