Alex no demon chapter 49

In an abandoned city, kenji and sorata were having a sparring match against each other in which Kenji was throwing all sorts of lightning and fire attacks at sorata while sorata was blasting his purple destructive energy to defend himself. As kenji was blasting all sorts of attacks at sorata, sorata on the other hand kept dodging and throwing giant balls of destructive energy, the fight was destructive that their attacks were blasting buildings and city blocks. Sorata tells kenji that he isn't in the mood to over do it today and kenji tells sorata that he better not let his guard down and tell sorata that he isn't holding back at all. As kenji was just running at an insane speed while blasting lightning bolts at sorata, sorata starts to gather destructive energy all over his body to counter all of his attacks, he launches a large amount of destructive energy which burns down buildings around them, his attacks clashes with Kenji's lightning attacks which caused an even bigger explosion. As they both were fighting, kirihai and mirio standing on a tall building, watching them. Kirihai says that those two are really at it this morning. Mirio then says that kenji is actually strong but sorata is just plain weak, Kirihai then tries to make fun of mirio by telling him that sorata is weak but yet he nearly killed him in the last fight they had, mirio then gets annoyed and says that sorata didn't nearly kill him and Kirihai tells him to stop hating. Suddenly they both hear a massive explosion.Sorata and kenji were walking out of the smoke caused by the explosion, kenji tells sorata that he should have at least attacked once and sorata tells him that he wasn't in the mood for a sparing match at all. Kirihai then walks up to both of them and and asks kenji if he wants to have a sparing match with her, Kenji tells her that the fight he had with sorata drained him alot. Kirihai then sighs and asks sorata if she wants to fight and sorata tells her that he will obliterate her by just holding back. Kirihai gets a childish look on her face and says it's not fair,she then notices the burns and smoke coming from sorata's arm and asks him if his arm is ok. Sorata then tells her that his arm is ok, he explains that he used to much destructive power than usual and that his body can't handle his destructive energy at all which leaves his body to burn. Mirio then insults sorata by telling him that its because he is weak that's why his arm got burnt, sorata then calls him a bastard and tells him that if he hears a word from him again, he's going to burn. Kenji then tells everyone to calm down and tells mirio that it's wrong to always underestimate people. Sorata asks were shinki has been in the past few days and kenji tells him that shinki went to Carry out the mission he was asked to do. As they go to their hide out, sorata asks kenji what was so important that they had to come back to the hide out, kenji explains to him that since ukina is gone for a while, she decided to make himself and sorata as the leader as well as shinki. Kirihai asks why she did that and kenji explains that he has no clue, but for now the leaders of the dark sign organisation at ukina's absence are shinki, sorata and himself. Meanwhile in the city, kinto and alex were on a bridge, kinto tells alex that there is going to be a ceremony in a few days and alex asks what it's for. Kinto explains to alex that the ceremony is to congratulate each and every team for making it to C rank level and alex says that Raquel told him something like that yesterday night. Kinto's face changes to that of confusion and asks alex how it felt like. Alex is a little confused as he asks kinto what he's talking about, kinto then tells him he saw him and Raquel kissing yesterday night and wanted to know how it felt. Alex smiles wierdly and calls kinto a frustratiled virgin boy, kinto gets annoyed and tells him to shut up. Alex then tells kinto that he is sorry for what he saw yesterday and kinto stretches his hand for a fist bump, he tells alex cheers to both of them making it to C rank level, alex smiles as they both do a fist bomp. As alex was walking back home at night in the crowded city, he looks at the sky and says he had no idea everything moved so fast and how strong he has gotten since he officially became an assassin. He then smiles and says that he is going to become stronger and more powerful than anyone else so that he can become a lord. After that, he see's a poster of shinki on the wall and asks himself if that guy on the poster isn't one of the dark sign members. As Alex walks into his house, he tells Raquel that he is back and to his surprise, he sees Raquel wearing a revealing cat costume and then she asks alex how she looks. Alex on seeing her is surprised and tells her she look amazing. Raquel then presses her breast on alex and asks him if he wants to eat something or he wants her instead, as Alex was about to tell her that he wants her, Raquel remembers she is cooking something in the kitchen and tells Alex to hold on for a minute.Alex gets to his bed room and jumps to his bed in excitement, he says he is having the time of his life and then alex hears someone knocking at his door. Alex who seems to be very happy walks to the door and as he opens it, he gets a terrified look on his face. As Raquel comes out of the kitchen with a pot of chicken,she tells alex that lunch is ready but before she finishes her sentence, she looks at the door with a terrified looks on her face and it turns out the reason why they both are terrified is because of shinki is at their door step. Shinki with a hostile look on his face tells alex that they both need to talk and then alex who was covered in fear asks himself if this is the guy he saw on the poster earlier who is a member of the dark sign organisation.