Alex no demon chapter 50

The next day, Kojin was in the office doing some paper work as he was just feeling sleepy, kojin then says that there are alot of conflict going on and untop of that, he has a file of paper work to do. Kinto then barges into kojin's office and tells him that there is a big problem. Few hours later, son, deo, Baraka and mori were on the bridge waiting, son asks why its taking kinto so long to arrive and mori says that kinto better has a good reason to call them to a place like this, deo then sighs and says its taking forever. Kinto finnaly approached to the bridge where everyone is waiting and son asks him what was taking so long and why he called them to the bridge. Kinto then says he has disturbing news, mori then says he doesn't have all day and tells kinto to spill it out. Kinto then clutched his fist and says alex Just got kidnapped yesterday night, everyone is in shock. Son then asks him what he means by kidnapped and deo asks kinto if it's a joke. Kinto then explains that he was kidnapped by one of the top ranking men of the dark sign organisation, mori who seemed abit irritated asks kinto were the kidnapper maybe taking alex too and kinto explains that since the kidnapper is part of the dark sign, he is probably take him to their hide out. Deo then asks why someone would kidnap alex and kinto replies saying he has no idea. Mori then asks what the plan is and kinto says that out of all places, the kidnapper Is probably heading to the wastelands which is located outside the premises of the city, he explains saying that the city has alot of forests around it, he also explains that after those forests, there's a valley that leads to a wastland. Kinto then says that they are going after the guy who kidnapped alex and when they do, kojin would send some soliders to back them up. Baraka then says that the plan sound nice and then asks kinto how they are going to even beat the person who took alex, kinto explains that the member of the dark sign who is responsible for alex kidnapping is on B-ranked level which is going to be close to imposible to beat him. As soon as all of them hear "B-ranked level" Baraka gets a shocked impression and asks how they are going to beat someone who is on B-rank. Two hours ago when kinto barged into kojin's office, kojin asks him what the problem is and kinto tells him that Alex has been kidnapped, he tells kojin that he was kidnapped by one of the dark sign members. Kojin sighs and says that he anticipated something like this would have happened at the end of the day. Kinto asks him what he means by that and kojin explains that alex possess an immense amount of power called the demonic energy and is wanted by many nations and cities all around the world, he explains that part of the people who want him are the dark sign organisation whose reasons for wanting alex are unknown. Kojin then tells kinto that Alex's entire life is in danger and if he dies by chance, the fate of the world will end along side the trust Rambo gave to him. kojin then remembers the promise he made to Rambo saying he will look after alex no matter what. Kojin asks kinto how long he and alex has been friends and kinto says they have been close friends since they were kids, kojin then tells him that they are officially in C-rank level. He tells kinto that his first official C-rank mission is to go and save Alex not just for the sole purpose of a misson, but as his friend. Kinto(Coming back from the flashback) then says that alex Is his friend and will gladly put his life on the verge of death to save him, he then stretches his fist out and asks who is with him on the mission and son stretches his fist out and says he's in, Baraka stretches his fist out and says he's also in, deo does the same thing. Mori who is looking sceptical about the idea of saving alex is just staying quiet and kinto asks him if he is in or not. Mori sighs and says that alex saved him from being a total bastard and worthless jerk who only cares only for himself, he then gets a grin on his face and says that he will be a fool not to go rescue a comrade. Mori stretches his fist out and says he's in. Son, deo, Baraka, mori and kinto all give each other a fist bump.

Meanwhile as shinki was running through the forest with alex was on his back tied with some chain made out of energy, alex is trying to struggle and tells shinki to let him go. Shinki then tells alex to shut the fuck up and then smashes him on the ground. After the smoke clears, shinki points his sword at alex with a scary looking on his face and tells alex that if he should try anything funny, he is going to need to kill him. Alex then grins and tells shinki that it doesn't matter because his friends will come and save him, shinki then tells Alex that his friends better be careful or else they might end up dead. Meanwhile at the out skirts of the city, sorata along with kenji and zora were standing untop of a hill looking at the city from a far distance. Sorata tells kenji that he should go according to plan and kenji tells him that he isn't a screw up, zora with an annoyed look on his face tell sorata that he doesn't like the sound of their plan, sorata responds by telling him its his problem. Kenji's phone then begins to ring and it turns out its Kirihai that's calling him, he picks up the call and asks Kirihai if she is in the cities base, Kirihai tells him that she is in disguise in the cities soldiers base. Sorata then tells kenji to put it on speaker, he tells Kirihai on the phone that the city is most likely going to send backups to rescue the demon kid,he then tells her that once the order is given, both her and mirio should get the attention of the soldiers and attack them, Kirihai tells sorata that she understands. As she cuts the call, she asks mirio if this is a good idea. Kenji then asks sorata about the kids that are going to save alex, sorata tells him that bara sent five of his goons to pick on them one by one. Sorata then grins and says let the chaos begin